79 degrees this morning. However, there was a fierce looking storm coming in. By the time I finished my walk, the wind was up and it looked like it was about to storm.
Walk was 54.21 minutes. I realized this morning that I need to develop another route, for possible stormy weather. At the furtherest extreme, I am 25 minutes away from home. Around here, 25 minutes can be a long time if it starts raining. I can only run so fast! I was surprised to see how fast it came in (from the north) on what seemed a storm a long ways off.
I read a quote this morning about Google’s procedure on how to purchase companies, the “Toothbrush Test” something to the effect of “Buy it only if you are going to use it at least once or twice a day and it is going ot make your life better”.
I think I will start using the “Toothbrush Test” as a consideration when I buy something! May be a way of reducing “stuff”. I may take it one step further and make it a test on what I keep. While the “use it once or twice a day” may have to be relaxed somewhat (such as clothes etc.) and I would need to use some common sense (for example, luggage isn’t used every day, but it would not be smart to not have any), it still makes a good test.
Another interesting item the story mentioned (it was a story in the New York Times), was that many tech companies have their own Investment Bankers and don’t pay the huge fees investment bankers etc. received. Made my heart feel good to hear that. Ever since I heard about investment bankers ordering $8,000 bottles of wine, I figured they had to be overcompensated for what they do, and probably make huge contributions to make sure they can keep charging excessive huge fees. Same as with “Private Equity” companies.
Anyway, I will start reviewing stuff to donate/toss/sell with the “Toothbrush Test” in mind and see how I have to modify it as I implement it. I will also think about it before I buy anything.
Interesting program Saturday morning streaming live on the computer, the “Bagpipe finals” (this may be a very loose translation). Anyway, it was interesting because it was live, and the commentators gave their frank opinions of the performances. The performances seemed to me to be perfect. I don’ t know how they can blow so long, I guess long time practice.
A friend who is a very accomplished bag piper mentioned it was on to me (it was streamed live, which means it was on from about 3:30 a.m..
That shows the difference in just the last few years, when I read the New York Times on my computer or iPad and watch a live bagpipe contest on my computer! I do wish I could have recorded it , I think I can do it. Another item for y “do do list.
My experiment at reading something I ordinary wouldn’t read “15 minutes a day” is not proceeding well. It goes well when I think of it, but it just seems like there is too much to do! I have a stack of “Cliff Notes” (actually a lot of different summaries) about a foot high. If I don’t start reading them I am going to give up and donate them! Not really, not as long as the possibility exists I will eventually read them. Maybe the “Toothbrush Test” should be applied here! Or maybe not.
Maybe the Toothbrush Test should be changed to “once or twice per year” for some items, such as luggage, clothes,
I just realized my tooth implants are costing a lot more than I was led to believe and the final stage may even include additional charges. One Dentist I had gave me detailed charges before I had anything done, and I am going to insist on that after this. I think it is only fair.
The “Toothbrush Test”. It always makes me happy to find at least one thing I can use in may daily reading etc.!
That’s it for today, Monday, August 18, 2014.
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