52 degrees this morning, rain, wind. A totally nasty day, although it appears to have stopped raining, still cloudy.
In my "second place" (Starbucks). Seems like it has been a long week, organizing house etc. as well as other activities. Book Club is this week, "People of the Book" is the book to be discussed. It was originally scheduled for the March meeting. I knew I was going to be out, so I didn't bother to read the book and then the March meeting was canceled due to illness, so I am going to be busy reading the book over the next few days. Also need to finish "Lincoln's Boys" so I can get it back to the library! I really enjoy the book club, it is small, but it is fun to discuss a book with other persons who enjoy reading. I still have a lot of books to "weed" (having weeded 64 in the last two weeks, but they were all "low hanging fruit" books that were easy to weed.
The phrase "So Many Books, So Little Time" certainly rings true whenever I go to the Library or Bookstore. I see a lot of books I'd love to read and then I rethink such as "when am I going to get the time to read this" and I regretfully pass many of them by to be read "later" (or probably never). The regret of books not read!
I always watch in amazement as I watch people go through the drive thru. Personally, I don't like going thru driveways and I definitely don't eat in the car. Much as I like to drink coffee while driving, I have never found a coffee cup that works. All of them have some defect that creates a problem. McDonalds is the only cut I feel comfortable drinking out of while driving and of course you can't use their cup again. Somewhere there is a cup that is perfect for my coffee drinking while driving, but i haven't found it yet.
Later.... Sun came out today but still cold.
That's it for today.
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