Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring 2014 March 24 Monday

39 degrees this morning.  I am tired of wearing long-johns when I walk and ride in the morning!  I am ready for just putting on my shorts and t shirt and riding!
I always look forward to April and the start of baseball season.  Not quite sure why I started liking professional baseball, it is really the only professional sport I like and watch much.  (I don't dislike professional football, and do watch it occasionally, but am not really a fan of it.  It has become rather boring a lot of the time.)  Like college basketball and football, I can watch a professional baseball game where I don't really know anything about either team and develop a "favorite" and enjoy the game.  I also like auto racing, although it takes so much time, I normally watch only on tape.  
Since we started going to the Memphis Redbirds games I have become even more of a professional baseball fan.  What is really interesting is seeing the young players coming up and then hitting the "Wheel of Fortune" and getting called up to St. Louis.  We are basically Chicago Cub fans, but "knowing" the players (watching them play for the Redbirds), really had made St. Louis Cardinals a close second, if not an equal.  One thing I will really miss about Memphis if we move is the Memphis Redbirds.  Other cities may have minor league (AAA) baseball or even the MLB, but it won't be the same since the tie between Redbirds and Cardinals is what makes it so interesting.  The purchase of the Redbirds by the Cardinals really institutionalizes the relationship.  One of the regrets of moving if we move.  I realize the Memphis Redbirds are no different than any commercial business, but the stadium, and especially the Redbirds personnel and personnel at the stadium (and the concessions) really have made it a special experience.  It is just fun and one of our favorite pastimes during the summer months.  I think the saying that "life is a series of hellos and goodbyes" is especially applicable to AAA baseball.  You hate to see your favorite called up, but you feel good for the individual, regardless of how it affects the teams.
I always hated the saying ("life is a series of hellos and goodbyes) even as I recognized the truth to it.  Actually, every day is a series of hellos and goodbyes, even as you say "goodbye" to the time allotted for each day.  Even as I suddenly found myself with what I thought would be more time last December, I really didn't realize how I still feel extremely time limited now.  I think that is one reason I usually take the positive note, I don't have the time for negative thoughts.  Negative people will take care of themselves eventually.
I think the biggest problem with time management is setting priorities and saying "goodbye" to activities I enjoy.  I am really debating the amount of time I spend reading the daily newspapers I do.  I long ago learned to scan "Facebook" and ignore most e-mails etc., but I still have a problem setting priorities for time.  Most of my extreme time wasting activities (if you can call them that) happen early in the morning, my walk, bicycling, reading the newspapers etc.  All good activities, with at least the walking being a necessity.  
I do attempt to "manage" my reading by putting some articles aside/saving them to Evernote etc., followup isn't always the best!  I'm still not sure how to handle this.  
Since my coffee brewer (It grinds the coffee immediately as part of the coffee making process) is so loud, I don't use it when we have guests in the house, but for some reason it doesn't bother Aliene.  So I am enjoying my first "real" coffee  in a week. While Kali and Katherine said they could sleep through anything, I didn't want to take a chance, so I ground my coffee in advance and used a "single cup" coffee maker.
Sun is out today.  Still cool, but it is nice to see the sun.  We are going to have to do something soon about the poor Weeping Willow Tree that is bent over in the yard.  (It bent over from the ice events.)
That's it for now.  Currently morning, will add more if the events or the day merit it!

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