Monday, March 31, 2014

Spring 2014 March 29 Saturday

52 degrees this morning, rain, wind.  A totally nasty day, although it appears to have stopped raining, still cloudy.
In my "second place"  (Starbucks).  Seems like it has been a long week, organizing house etc. as well as other activities. Book Club is this week, "People of the Book" is the book to be discussed.  It was originally scheduled for the March meeting. I knew I was going to be out, so I didn't bother to read the book and then the March meeting was canceled due to illness, so I am going to be busy reading the book over the next few days.  Also need to finish "Lincoln's Boys" so I can get it back to the library!  I really enjoy the book club, it is small, but it is fun to discuss a book with other persons who enjoy reading. I still have a lot of books to "weed"  (having weeded 64 in the last two weeks, but they were all "low hanging fruit" books that were easy to weed.
The phrase "So Many Books, So Little Time" certainly rings true whenever I go to the Library or Bookstore.  I see a lot of books I'd love to read and then I rethink such as "when am I going to get the time to read this" and I regretfully pass many of them by to be read "later"  (or probably never).  The regret of books not read!
I always watch in amazement as I watch people go through the drive thru.  Personally,  I don't like going thru driveways and I definitely don't eat in the car.  Much as I like to drink coffee while driving, I have never found a coffee cup that works.  All of them have some defect that creates a problem.  McDonalds is the only cut I feel comfortable drinking out of while driving and of course you can't use their cup again.  Somewhere there is a cup that is perfect for my coffee drinking while driving, but i  haven't found it yet.
Later....  Sun came out today but still cold.
That's it for today.

Spring 2014 March 31 Monday

43 degrees this morning.  Paper was late (substitute carrier), which throws off my entire early morning schedule (from 3 a.m. to 8 a.m., when my schedule is highly structured). 
Thinking about the delay in the paper  this morning reminded me  of the everything actions, activities etc. which make my life either happier, easier, more comfortable or just more bearable.  A few years ago (actually about 26 years ago, which probably qualifies for more than "a few"), I decided I needed to quit living in the future (I'll be happy/successful/ ? (pick it)  when.....) or worrying about the past (while recognizing and learning from mistakes, not dwelling on them) and try to "live in the present", in the sense that I enjoy and learn from each day, not in the sense of party every day, which to me would not be happiness.
A few years ago (this is probably about 15 years ago, which may qualify as "a few"-I didn't realize it had been that long myself until I started equating my age with the circumstances where this came up), I realized how happy (or at least comfortable) the small act of putting on lotion after I shaved made me feel.  I know, it is trivial, but it is one of those small things I enjoy.  I'm not quite sure why this makes me feel so good for a brief moment (it still does, and I consciously enjoy it), but I've leaned not to question it and just enjoy.  
Another is reading the newspaper(s) each morning.  This is  along standing habit and something I look forward to and miss if I don't get a chance.  Of course, it isn't just any old time, but in the morning.  I have really gotten to enjoy the Commerical Appeal, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and the on-line edition of the USA Today.  I am lucky I live where they are delivered, I realize I may not always be so lucky.
Another, of course, is my "power nap", which not only give me a little break during day, but is really a necessity.  I normally take one several times a day, and while I am driving, I  frequently will also take a 3 to 7 minute break every hour or so.  This isn't just for enjoyment, this is also a necessity and actually something I really enjoy, the break from having to constantly watch all time.  While at a rest stop an napping, I even enjoy the sounds of the cars and trucks going by on the interstate.
What made me think of all of this was body wash. While organizing, we found a number of small bottles of "body wash"  (or other similar names).  That is something I really enjoy, maybe it is the feeling that I am doing something special for myself.  Also, it feels good.  
Of course, riding my bicycle, but a special case of an enjoyable moment is the bath I take after a long bike ride.  I soak in "body wash", read a book and just relax for awhile.
We are continuing to "sort, organize and weed".  Not any fun, but something we have to do.  Should be a wonderful day, forecast of 70 degrees.
That's it for now. 

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Spring 2014 March 30 Sunday

37 degrees this morning.  The cool weather continues.
Life seems to develop it's own patterns, and I still follow the patterns of doing certain activities on the weekend, especially Saturday.  Even though I could do them on a weekday, and probably with less hassle and crowds,  I wait for the weekend.  When "every day is a Saturday except for Sunday", it seems the patterns would be changed somewhat.  Even though I am keeping my general schedule (I get up at the same time, exercise etc. 
Signs of spring and summer are appearing and I except soon will be here.  Can't be too soon as far as I'm concerned.
My picture of Marilyn Monroe feel and broke the glass yesterday.  Fortunately we were able to save the picture itself.  Actually it is a signed poster of the Marilyn Monroe stamp.  I really didn't realize it had glass like that in there.  I pick up odd pieces of art here and there and I checked our other paintings etc. to make sure it didn't have similar glass.  
Reading "The People of the Book", trying to at least get some of it read before Book Club meets on Wednesday, to at least get the spirit of the book.  I didn't know what I would think of it based on reviews and some comments I had read, but it is interesting enough to keep me reading.  I am reading it on my iPad.  I happened to read a review and summary before I started reading the book, which helped m understand a relatively difficult book to understand what was happening.
Turned out to be a beautiful day, a little cool.
With the elimination of the Tennessee women basketball team, the only teams left are the ones I watch hoping they they will get beat, with an emphasis on Kentucky getting beat, hopefully as bad as possible,  if I watch it at all.      
We actually watch almost everything on tape so we can watch when we want to.  Also, I can skip over the "talking heads" and the "analysis", as well as the commercials.  
I was amazed that an old iPod Shuffle that I had given up for dead suddenly showed signs of life and now is holding a charge and acting like everything is fine!  This is one of the three "gumstick" iPod shuffles Apple made.  I think the 3rd generation.  I got them about seven years ago and they just keep on chugging along, with the original battery.  Actually, I have not replaced a battery in any Apple product i own (including a laptop purchased about 7 years ago that i gave to my granddaughter)  Super quality!  I ended up with three of these shuffles (two of them as gifts) and the battery is still good in each one.  I also have an iPhone 3 and 3g I use as an iPad Touch, I use them for music, books etc., and my original iPod is still working find.  My original iPad is still working fine, if a little old and cranky.  
Later....busy day, getting items boxed up, replaced the weed material and mulch in the area where we keep the trash carts.  I finished up with a bike ride, as it developed into a very pleasant day.  
Trying to develop the habit of keeping track of what I eat (and my exercise) on "MyFitness Pal" .  It does ell to keep track of what I eat, even if I estimate a lot.
That's it for today.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Spring 2014 March 28 Friday

62 degrees this morning.  It is always hard to decide how to dress (for exercise in this case) when the temperature is in the range of 60 to 75.  (Above 75, no problem!).  Even, for example 73 degrees, in the early morning  can be relatively cool, depending on how dressed.
It has been a strange journey to, literally overnight, go from receiving up to a 100 e-mails a day, numerous phone calls etc, asking for a decision etc. to literally none.  Obviously I still get a lot of e-mails (mostly junk) and a few phone calls and some personal decisions to be be made, but it is not nearly the same as making decisions all the time.  Hopefully I will get back to it soon, or at least some variation.
In a moment of weakness (actually, I thought a lot about it, the weakness was increased by a $30 sale) I purchased a "Silverlitr Ferrari" which is controlled by a smartphone/ipad app.  It is actually sold by the Apple Store, although I got it elsewhere, sucked in by the $30 discount and free shipping.
As I frequently do, it has set around the house for about 3 weeks while I adjust to it being here and trying to find time to spend on the learning curve to use it.  Last night i started, and I am pleased the learning curve doesn't appear to be that extreme (at least just to get it going).  I'll see what I can do today with it.  For some strange reason it is not unusual for me to purchase something (such as my fitbit force, an iPod etc.) and let it sit for several weeks while I look at it and get comfortable with it.  It may be a subconscious knowledge that the new items will take up time and I am trying to adjust to the time it will take and I am trying to adapt to the time it will take and deciding how to incorporate it into my schedule.  Even though I am busy in a different way now, I am still very busy.
Speaking of "busy", I am always shocked at how much time I can take "piddling" on the computer, especially the internet.  This morning, due to rain (meaning I don't ride my bike) and getting up early for some reason I had some extra time and I thought, "good, I can put the batteries in the Ferrari and learn how to use it, or do some reading, etc.  Instead after reading the USA Today on my iPad, I started piddling on the internet etc. and ended up wasting my extra time!  Aaaaaah!
However, I am glad I have plenty to do.  I haven't been bored for years (other than while waiting in line etc.) and would hate to be bored. I am especially in-tune with wasting time in the early morning.  I enjoy my time from approximately 3:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., although I normally spend about 2 hours of it exercising and reading the papers.  I spend about another 45 minutes taking a nap (usually in the 17 minute range, although it may be longer) and eating breakfast,     The rest of the time is normally spent on the computer, writing (including this), responding e-mails etc.  I rarely read books or magazines during this period.
If I am concerned about a memo or letter etc., I frequently review it and compose it in my head while i am riding or cycling and then simply write it down when I get home.
Heavy rain last night, supposed to continue to rain some today.  Heavy rain came while I was a at ATC fitness this morning, confirming my decision not to ride the bicycle to the club.
I kind of see the Ferrari remote car as a preliminary action to eventually getting a (toy) drone to play around with.  I always liked the idea of the remote controlled helicopter, but I never got one, I figured after I learned to use it it wouldn't have any purposes.  (Although I can't think of a purpose for the Ferrari, but .....I guess it fits in with my car collection.
That's it for now.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Spring 2014 March 27 Thursday

52 degrees this morning, but seemed much colder due to wind and mostiure in the air.  Cloudy, but since rain wasn't really fore cast until later today, I rode the bike.
Deleted 20,000 duplicate pictures yesterday at the Apple Store, but still have about another 30,000 to delete.  For some reason they are deleting so it probably means another trip back to the Apple Store.  Some kind of problem with their "faces" recognition program it causes the "faces" to duplicate.  At first I thought it was an error on my part, but now I don't believe so.  
I just realized the Apple Store is my "third place", like Starbucks is my "second place".  Of course I can't just go there and hang out, but with the open training, I can work on a project and have an expert on call in case I run into a problem. It works wonderfully, I don't know why more tech companies don't have some kind of program like that, instead of making you call and be on hold for hours while they try all kinds of time-consuming "tests" before admitting their product is defective and take it back or refund your money.
Back at my "second place" (Starbucks) waiting for Aliene to finish some items.  We are close to getting the house ready for sell, it has been a long process.  The Realtor may have us do some more, depending on what she thinks would help it sell.  
I had to stop my project of taking pictures of the Hot Wheels, since one of the rules of selling your house is no personal items like that (including stuffed bears, personal pictures etc.)  I didn't count them in the interest of getting them packed etc.  
I went by the library and saw several books I have wanted to  read, but I have too big of a stack of "to be reads" now!
That's it for now, may note more later depending on how the day goes. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Spring 2014 March 26 Wednesday

30 degrees this morning!  About 17 degrees below "normal" and only 5 degrees above the record low.  Walked my three laps this morning,  didn't cycle since getting a sore throat and didn't want to make it any worse, although I feel pretty good right now.
I hope I don't get to liking wearing sweat pants and walking shoes too well!  Actually, I am ready to get back to work, to say the least.  I have avoided changing my schedule (including working most of the time and avoiding wasting time).  I have also tried to keep my skills upgraded and do my "continuous improvement". 
Going to the Apple store today, both for a learning session (still on the basics of the MacBook Air and iMac) and to find out how my desktop got 60,000 photos on it!  (Malfunction of the "faces" program on iPhoto  I believe.)  I probably have 12,000 legitimate pictures, and the 60,000 makes it run very slow although it's really not bad. I actually like some of the "faces" it created, but not 1000 of each face.
(At Apple Store right now, learned to efficiently "air drop" and also to use more than one "notebook".  About time I learned this!  I decided I was going to learn all the basics I could.  This will save me a lot of time!)
Currently in my "second place"  (Starbucks), waiting for another session with Apple, working on fixing my iPhoto.  Simon and Garfunkel are on the music system (the Boxer), which brings back memories, not the song as much as the singers.
"When the student is ready, the teacher appears".  Somehow that seems to happen me a lot at the Apple Store (not putting too much Zen thought here, just an observation).  This morning, I, in passing, mentioned a problem I was having with multi-tasking and he showed me something that will save me oodles of time in "multi tasking".  Strange I have been using Apple computers for 7, almost 8 years and I didn't know a basic function of multi-tasking.  With my MacBook Air I can simply "swipe" and switch between a theoretically unlimited number of notebooks. Saves a lot of time switching back and forth and getting lost when I am "cutting and pasting" etc.   I spent the entire time working on "air drop" (which is like magic) and the multi-tasking, plus the iPhoto on my desktop.  I am going to go in this afternoon and try to get my iPhoto collection fixed up once and for all and backed up to Flickr and maybe Tumblr.  
The Apple Store is always a delight to go to.  The "Creatives" and "Geniuses" are usually dedicated and very interested in any problem.  When it is open, there is a certain pulse about the place (not the right word, but all I can think of right now).  
Maybe I ought to apply at the Apple Store!  At least they don't appear to discriminate on the basis  of age.   Actually, it would be fun helping the Apple owners learn how to use their computers.
That's it for now.  

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Spring 2014 March 25 Tuesday

37 degrees this morning.  We are in that S L O W period of warming up, where it seems to take forever for summer to get here, even in Memphis.  Some years it is mid-May before it has really warmed up.  I mentioned liking baseball yesterday, but we frequently avoid going to any games until early May, unless we are sure it is going to be warm, because it gets so cool at nights yet, too cool to just sit there and watch a game.  
One of the more fun parts of last weeks visit by Kali and Katherine (among many) was riding the bike with them.  Yesterday, at my afternoon ride, I missed having one of them riding with me.  I always ride my morning ride by myself.  (May have something to do with the time!)
The New York Times had an article about age discrimination this morning (even the old discriminate!)  Until 4 months ago, I wouldn't have agreed with it, now I definitely agree it is pervasive and there is little you can do about it, even when employers literally come out and say it is your age.  In a way it is strange since it is the discrimination that everyone (who lives that long anyway) will face.  It will definitely impact your life if you start looking for a job.  I guess it is a matter of that I wouldn't want to work at a place that views age in that way and go on with life.
Scheduled to work on the "MacBook Air" basics again (along with my iMac desktop) at the Apple Store.  The "one to One" program at Apple is certainly a huge benefit if you own any Apple products (although it is available at it's fullest benefit only for computers and laptops).   I always come away rejuvenated from the sessions and I always learn something.  (By the way, I am always pleased to see that, at least at the Apple Store, there is a wide diversity of "creatives" and "geniuses", with ages of all generations well represented, as well as all segments of society.  That is actually one area where someone could argue that age could be  a criteria, but I see no difference between the very young and the very old employees, they almost are all encouraging and informative, with only a few clinkers here and there.  There was one instance several years ago (when Facebook and Twitter came out) that one of the younger creatives couldn't hide his shock that I had a Facebook page.  This was well before it was commonplace, at least the general feeling was that it was for younger persons, but actually an older person helped me set it up, after I blundered around trying to set it up.
Spent a lot of time yesterday filling out the "Visa" applications for our China trip.  The highlight of the trip is the International City Manager Association (ICMA) International Summit, and a pre-tour Study Tour in Beijing.  We are going to spend a day or two on personal tours also.  I have the air flight,  the hotel reservations etc., but haven't finalized the personal tours.  We decided after a "private" tour in Washington D.C., it was well worth the money to take a short "private" tour of the highlights we want to see. I would never have seen Lincoln's Country Retreat on a regular tour and this gave me time to look at it in detail.
One of the more interesting tours we took in Washington D.C. was the "pedicab" tour, which was relatively inexpensive.  It also scared us at times, being the back end of a bicycle in Washington D.C. traffic.  However, it was fun and we saw things in a different light.  
The upcoming Tennessee City Managers Association conference is having a session on "Leadership lessons from Lincoln".  I am looking forward to the seasons since this has been a special interest of mine.
That's it for now.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring 2014 March 24 Monday

39 degrees this morning.  I am tired of wearing long-johns when I walk and ride in the morning!  I am ready for just putting on my shorts and t shirt and riding!
I always look forward to April and the start of baseball season.  Not quite sure why I started liking professional baseball, it is really the only professional sport I like and watch much.  (I don't dislike professional football, and do watch it occasionally, but am not really a fan of it.  It has become rather boring a lot of the time.)  Like college basketball and football, I can watch a professional baseball game where I don't really know anything about either team and develop a "favorite" and enjoy the game.  I also like auto racing, although it takes so much time, I normally watch only on tape.  
Since we started going to the Memphis Redbirds games I have become even more of a professional baseball fan.  What is really interesting is seeing the young players coming up and then hitting the "Wheel of Fortune" and getting called up to St. Louis.  We are basically Chicago Cub fans, but "knowing" the players (watching them play for the Redbirds), really had made St. Louis Cardinals a close second, if not an equal.  One thing I will really miss about Memphis if we move is the Memphis Redbirds.  Other cities may have minor league (AAA) baseball or even the MLB, but it won't be the same since the tie between Redbirds and Cardinals is what makes it so interesting.  The purchase of the Redbirds by the Cardinals really institutionalizes the relationship.  One of the regrets of moving if we move.  I realize the Memphis Redbirds are no different than any commercial business, but the stadium, and especially the Redbirds personnel and personnel at the stadium (and the concessions) really have made it a special experience.  It is just fun and one of our favorite pastimes during the summer months.  I think the saying that "life is a series of hellos and goodbyes" is especially applicable to AAA baseball.  You hate to see your favorite called up, but you feel good for the individual, regardless of how it affects the teams.
I always hated the saying ("life is a series of hellos and goodbyes) even as I recognized the truth to it.  Actually, every day is a series of hellos and goodbyes, even as you say "goodbye" to the time allotted for each day.  Even as I suddenly found myself with what I thought would be more time last December, I really didn't realize how I still feel extremely time limited now.  I think that is one reason I usually take the positive note, I don't have the time for negative thoughts.  Negative people will take care of themselves eventually.
I think the biggest problem with time management is setting priorities and saying "goodbye" to activities I enjoy.  I am really debating the amount of time I spend reading the daily newspapers I do.  I long ago learned to scan "Facebook" and ignore most e-mails etc., but I still have a problem setting priorities for time.  Most of my extreme time wasting activities (if you can call them that) happen early in the morning, my walk, bicycling, reading the newspapers etc.  All good activities, with at least the walking being a necessity.  
I do attempt to "manage" my reading by putting some articles aside/saving them to Evernote etc., followup isn't always the best!  I'm still not sure how to handle this.  
Since my coffee brewer (It grinds the coffee immediately as part of the coffee making process) is so loud, I don't use it when we have guests in the house, but for some reason it doesn't bother Aliene.  So I am enjoying my first "real" coffee  in a week. While Kali and Katherine said they could sleep through anything, I didn't want to take a chance, so I ground my coffee in advance and used a "single cup" coffee maker.
Sun is out today.  Still cool, but it is nice to see the sun.  We are going to have to do something soon about the poor Weeping Willow Tree that is bent over in the yard.  (It bent over from the ice events.)
That's it for now.  Currently morning, will add more if the events or the day merit it!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Spring 2014 March 23 Sunday

38 degrees this morning.
Ready to get back to my regular schedule (which is rather irregular at this point anyway).  Have noticed a lot of "springtime" flowers, grass turning green etc., which is certainly welcome.  
All of the teams I was interested in at the "March Madness" have crashed (except for Tennessee) and only the ones I thoroughly dislike (such as Kentucky and Louisville, primarily because of what I think of the coaches and the "pro" type teams who are actually at college for probably the basketball season for one year)) are still in it,  I am amazed at the number of "sports talk" channels on radio and sports "talking heads" on tv etc.  I can't imagine listening to them, but everyone to their own.  One thing I really find irritating  is when a team loses by 3 points or so, and the announcers start to act like the team that "won" is so much better than the team that "lost".  While I feel it is true that good teams win the close games, it still is largely a matter of luck on the close games.   So much for that.
Being with Kali (14 years old) and Katherine (11 years old), I remembered (to some degree) how I felt at that age.  I'm not sure if things really have changed that much, except the environment and a lot of the learning procedures have changed a lot.  
I have spent so much time with correcting problems with both private and public organizations recently, primarily due to incompetence or attempts to overuse technology, I am beginning to wonder what does work right.   This includes government organizations as well as private businesses.  This includes Social Security (Where I have been told totally different answers by representatives within the same office), cell phone companies (one problem is corrected and another problem is created), organizations that use "on line" applications only, and the computer program doesn't work, or that require you to telephone and then they never answer the phone etc.  I am making a list and starting to keep track.  There appears to be a lot of reliance on technology that doesn't work because the people involved don't know how to maintain it etc. and they expect too much of technology.  It has been very frustrating.
That's it for today.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Spring 2014 March 22 Saturday

54 degrees this morning.
Kali and Katherine completed their visit.  It was a lot of fun and we got a lot done.  I am really impressed that an 11 year old and 14 year old can do so well!  We enjoyed their visit, hopefully they can visit again this summer.  
Just realized I haven't completed our income tax return this year.  Got most of it done earlier, just need to complete the final review etc.  I actually enjoy doing the income tax return (the process, not the paying).  I use a computer based return form now, so it is really easy. 
That's it for today

Friday, March 21, 2014

Spring 2014 March 21 Friday

46 degrees this morning.
Thank goodness I can finally write "Spring 2014"!  This has to be the worst, longest Winter since we moved to Lakeland.  I was going to write last night after it officially became "Spring", but other priorities (such as Kali and Katherine, eating and March Madness) got in the way.
We did a "tuit" yesterday, after 12 years, we visited Oxford, Mississippi and "the Square".  It was actually everything we expected and more, a lot of fun.  Kali and Katherine enjoyed it, with Katherine stating she "wanted to live there!".  We walked around the Square and ate at the "City Grocery", probably the closet to the concept of Southern Manners and elegance in dining that we will experience, at least for lunch.  We also saw the famous "Square Books" along Square Jr. (children) and "Off Square Books".  
I almost always take off my hat when I eat, more as a matter of my own preference, since other men rarely do.  The City Grocery hostess asked me to remove mine, which is rather embarrassing , but she was correct.  (I usually remove it when I sit down and she reminded me before I sat dow).  They do have a sign asking everyone to quiet their cell phones and "Gentlemen remove your hats".  We throughly enjoyed eating there.  They didn't have a lot of the vegan in our group, but other than that the food was excellent and I said the heck with carbs and at the candied sweet potatoes.  They also had their own specially blended coffee, which was excellent.  
Our next Tuit is to go to the Shiloh Civil War Battlefield.  I have lived probably about 40 miles from it for 12 years and have never gone.  We did go by the Parker Crossing battlefield one time (at Tennessee exit 108 on I-40) which was interesting.  
My cousin, Ken, provided me with a perfect solution to my dilemna of "too much stuff", especially things related to memories.  He suggested I take a digital picture, which is the perfect solution.  Sometimes the solution to a problem is right there!  When he suggested this, I had an "ah ha" moment of "why didn't I think of that!".  (I can even take pictures of my clothing I have grown attached to also, inc addition to the event t-shirts etc.  But, not the Hot Wheels.  They are staying!
The trip to Oxford was by back roads (which is about the only way to get there unless you go way out of your way, at least from Lakeland). That trip, combined with the detours to avoid I-40 constructed in Arkansas reminded me of my "Elk Mountain Rendezvous".  The Wichita Mountains are wonderful part of southwest Oklahoma.  One day a friend and I decided to visit the Wichita Mountains and hike.  We visited Medicine Park (don't miss this former resort town), saw "Mount Scott"  (I believe about 6,000 feet height, it looks like a thumb rising out of the ground), then on to the trails
We hiked up Elk Mountain.  On the way up, a buffalo was blocking the trail.  For some reason I proceeded on the trail.  The buffalo raised its "(MASSIVE) head and looked at me.  I said "Good Morning Mr. Buffalo".  The next thing I remember was thinking "I'm wrestling a buffalo, why am I wrestling a buffalo? The buffalo had charged me, or at least ran towards me.  When something like this happens, it seems to happen in a slow time frame.  I remember my thoughts, and I remember looking behind me and seeing the shocked look on the faces of my friend and two other hikers who had just rounded the corner.  
I don't think it hit me until later how dangerous it could have been.  It made a good story for speeches!  I hiked the Elk Mountain one more time, but I stayed away from the buffalo.  
That's it for now.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Winter 2014 March 20 Thursday

46 degrees this morning.  A little colder than I expected 46 degrees to be!  However, Spring is almost here!
The "toss and pack" is continuing.  Kali and Katherine have actually been a lot of help, not bad for 11 and 14 years old.  I was surprised at how many "Hot Wheels"  cars I have (both the Hot Wheels and other brands).  Hopefully they will see the light of day in the near future. I was thinking when I got out of the Air Force and my first move to my first "real" job in Liberal, Kansas, everything I owned fit in a car trunk!  Now I have a hard time getting everything in a moving van!  Possessions truly become our masters if we aren't careful.  
Starting on the book by Joshua Zeitz, "Lincoln's Boys" about John Hay and John Nicolay who were his Secretaries.  I didn't realize that his papers were private until 1947, so basically they were the only two who had full access to his papers.  When I was in Washington D.C. over a year ago, I especially enjoyed going to Lincoln's "Country House", although it wasn't open when  we went there.  It apparently was the only place he could truly relax.
In an epic fight with T-Mobile.  Since I use very little cellular (mostly WiFi) on my iPad, I bought an iPad from T-Mobile since they offer 200 mg of free 4g if you buy a 4g iPad from them.  In this case, I cancelled my ATT service for my old obsolete original iPad which was about $20 per month and agreed to buy the iPad for about $25 a month with 200 mb free per month.  (I actually bought an iPad Mini also at a slightly less charge, same agreement, so only the iPad Air was actually somewhat "free".)  SURPRISE.  There is a $10 per month"demand" charge for each iPad. I had to talk with two people at T-Mobile before I could even get them to agree that the $10 was not mandatory and then I was shunted off to someone else and I finally hung up.  However, at least I got them to agree that the $10 per month charge was voluntary and not mandatory.  They are as bad as airlines.
I have to admit I get really tired and angry of the price gouging by Delta and Hertz, but the personnel actually performing the service are almost always great and very helpful and frequently can find me a way out of some of the bureaucracy of both of them. 
That's it for new.  May add more later today as life goes on.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Winter 2014 March 19 Wednesday

54 degrees this morning, windy, so still very cool.  Spring is almost here.  I did see some Crocuses the other day (or what I call Crocus), which to me means Spring is here, with maybe a freeze or two left!
When we go out to eat with Katherine and Kali, we are probably a test to the server.  Kali is a vegan, Aliene can't tolerate gluten and I try to avoid carbs (except in fruit and vegetables).  Katherine will eat anything if she is in the mood for it.  Most restaurants are actually unfazed by it.  
It is strange what is difficult to toss or give away.  Some of the smallest things, many that I got free or have little actual value that I could buy anywhere for very little, are the most difficult to throw away.  For example, the "gimme" notebooks that I have lugged around for 10 years.  Surely it is time to toss or give them to a good home that will use them!  Ditto on many books, especially technical books for devices I no longer have!
Some books I will never give away, including "Watership Down", my collection of books on Lincoln, my Tony Hillerman books (including paperbacks), my collection of literature books I read when I was a child, my copy of "SnowCrash", Silent Spring etc.  As they say, so many books, so little time.  I love each book in it's own way.  Even the books I know I will never read, I have a hard time discarding.  My one positive factor is that if someone wants to read it, I will give it to her without pause.  Books need to be read!  
I actually don't have any real problem with e-books or e-magazines or e-papers.  Many bigger books are difficult to read since they get heavy.  On a long trip, having books on my iPad vs. lugging a bunch of books is not a difficult decision.  Ditto my subscription to a service that provides e-magazines for $10 per month, and my e editions of the Wall Street Journal, New York Times and Commercial Appeal.  I still read (and greatly prefer) the physical newspaper, but at least the e-edition is there.  They still have a lot of little problems come up, but overall they do a good product.
T shirts are the hardest thing to get rid of, since many of them are souvenirs and remind me of an event or person etc., especially a run, bike ride or some special event.  The ones that are too big, I finally packed away.  I believe I have compromised with Aliene that, of the ones that fit me that I know I will wear "sometime", I am packing them away, to see the light of day elsewhere.
However, I don't want to become like some people I know, and spend more than an item is worth to store it for years!  (This usually happens with furniture, and with the exception of my library card case, I have little attachment to furniture).  I was rather surprised at my impressive collection of knives I have picked up over the years.  They are small and easy to store, but when I need one.....
Just like pens and pencils, I have a bundle of them, but when I need one I can't find one!
That's it for today.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Winter 2014 March 18 Tuesday

34 degrees this morning. At least it was a sunny day, although still cold.  It almost seems like it will never get warm, that this is the "new normal!! (Not really, but early in the morning, I really begin to wonder sometimes if I ever really got up to 80 degree weatherI).
It has been fun having Kali and Katherine here (our granddaughtersI).  They have been a big help and it is fun riding the bike with them.
Aliene had a "nerve  block" shot this morning.  Hopefully it will help her back/legs.
I don't really like packing and storing items, it is like saying goodby to them.  Actually I have tossed more items than I expected, and I'm sure I'll get even better at tossing items as the actual move gets closer.  
I have written this at various times during the day.  I actually enjoy writing it the most in the early morning, especially when I have time to write and complete it.  I like writing later in the day in the sense I can speculate more about what has actually happened during the day, but I think the sense of time (in the morning I can always think "I have time later in the day".  I do, but i like to complete it in the early morning and then go back and revise it.
Like today, I am now facing writing the when I am tired and want to go to bed, and my thought processes aren't flowing.
Thats it.  

Monday, March 17, 2014

Winter 2014 March 17 Monday

34 degrees this morning. Waiting for Spring!
Overall productive day.  Kali and Katherine were a lot of help in the tossing and straightening up areas.  I also took them out bicycling fora  while and was pleased they were not only good riders, but also seemed to experience the feeling of flow and freedom bicycle riding provides.
Cold all day, miserable weather for March 17.  I did notice some Bartlett Pears blossoming the other day (they usually blossom right before the final freeze, but I don't recall them blossoming so late in the year).  Haven't noticed any  crocus yet, or at least what I call crocus.
I think the Spring is especially important because of the brilliant green, the tree colors and especially all of the flowers and plants flowering.  It just provides a whole new framework for my day.
Haven't gotten back to reading my novel, maybe will finish it tomorrow.  It is nice to "get into" a novel and want to finish it.  I was listening the Doris Kearns Goodwin's book on Theodore Roosevelt and I was surprised to hear her mention William Allen White, Richard Harding Davis ,  Lincoln Steffens, and several other persons who I read in the high school literature books of my brothers and sister.  Since we didn't have tv, I read the literature books many times.  I am glad I had the opportunity to read extensively than and especially had access to the books.  

Winter 2014 March 16 Sunday

45 degrees. Rain, high wind.
This is going to be a "toss and pack" week as we get our house ready for sale.  Want to get out of Lakeland before the city policies destroy the residential living environment.  
Coming through Arkansas, I wondered if I had taken a wrong turn and was at the Port Authority for New Jersey!  Continued traffic tie-ups and delays created by road construction.  For some reason, Arkansas allows very long stretches of road construction to stall traffic.  The State does do a good job of providing notice of the construction and providing recommendations for taking an alternative route.
The on-line version of USA Today has been quick to read the past week or so, since a large of the stories were on the "South by Southwest" event, which I have absolutely zero interest in.  Nothing against the event, I think the overall intent (to provide bands and music and now tech, exposure is great).  However, this morning, in the New York Times, I read that corporations have taken over the event and corporate logos, required use of corporate social media to get into the publicized events etc. gave me the reason.  Again, nothing against corporate sponsorship.  It seems USA Today could have set up a section for South by Southwest instead of littering its "news" section with what was really advertising.  (The actual story concerned how the corporate sponsorship of big names who are frequently advertising in themselves may be hurting the original purpose of the event, to provide exposure to new musicians.)
A lot of wind and rain yesterday.  Hopefully it will be much better this week, as Spring approaches, at least on the calendar. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Winter 2014 March 15 Saturday

54 degrees tis morning. 
Saturday used to be a special day, even though I normally did some work.  It still is a special day, but it tends to merge with other week days, but we still treat it like a Saturday.  As an example, we usually go out to eat Saturday morning for breakfast (or at least go to Starbucks), do shopping etc., things we could actually do during the week.  However, I hope we never change to the point that Saturday is not a special day.
The Ides of March today.  The year is going fast, Spring will be here next week, at least according to the calendar!  I can use the warm weather.  
Kali and Katherine are coming out for a visit this week.  It will be fun and hopefully they will be involved in helping weeding out the items we have accumulated through the years we don't need, or at least help pack them up for storage!  I think it will be fun to have them for a visit, but it will involve them in the process and hopefully their understanign of that process. It also will give them a chance to "earn" some money as we are paying them for any work they do in the tossing and cleaning process.  
My very first job, that I can remember, was cleaning out a septic tank.  I wore gloves and pushed this long thin wire thru the pipe for a restaurant in Waldo, Kansas (I don't recall the name of the restaurant).  I got .50 every time I did it and I thought I was rich.  Later, I started mowing lawns etc. in Waldo and helped a person who mowed cemeteries.  That is where I learned about snakes and mowing.  
Rained today, supposed to rain tomorrow.  

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Winter 2014 March 14 Friday

47 degrees this morning, but developed into a beautiful day.
I read a comic strip "Zits" that really hit home.  I"ll try to include a copy.   It concerns passwords, I just laughed and laughed about it since it really hit home!
Nice visit with Aliene's brother and sister and their spouses tonight.  Sometimes, no matter what you do, the best times you remember are something like eating takeout pizza and visiting for several hours!   Same as last week when we visited with our friends from Virginia, it's not the tours or anything else you really remember and enjoy, it's the times you just sit down and visit.
Deep into the novel "White Fire"  I don't know it is about a novel that takes me to get involved anymore.  I have learned not to waste my time on something I"m not interested in, so I just steel myself to quit a novel that hasn't grabbed me by a certain time.  I'm not sure when that time is.  Some novels, which are nothing but repeats of earlier novels, I can drop fast.  Yet other novels, which are basically the same thing, grab me!
I can remember when I was in college and for a few years after that, staying up all night reading a novel or book that had grabbed me. (The novel "It" by Stephen King even had me checking the sink and bathtub drains at 2 a.m. in the morning!  It was a while before I truly trusted drains again!. Later I read where he said he should have added an "sh" to the book title, but I really enjoyed it.)
One of the hardest things about giving away books (I never throw the away, I always hope they will have another read by someone) is i always think I will want to read it again!  I have the entire "John Jakes" serial novels he wrote for the centennial, that I probably will never read again. all of the Harry Potter books, all of the Hobbit/Lord of the Ring series, the high school literature books I read in the third grade (and probably never understood for a couple of years in many cases), John Grisham books, Stephen King books, David Badacci,  all my Tony Hillerman books, my Lincoln collection (that I will never get rid of) and many others.
Some of my legendary reads were "Gone with the Wind"  (read straight through from about 4 p.m. to about 7 a.m. the next morning I may be a little off on the times), the Hobbit/Lord of the Rings, 36 straight hours, with some time for naps I am sure.  (Actually I was working, I had to be "on call" and was supposed to stay away, I believe for 18 hours, but I was pulling a double shift).  I never read a book in one sitting anymore, the last book I read in one sitting was "Bright Lights, Big City", I read it as an early snow carperted   the city.  I'm not sure why it fascinated me so much, but I really enjoyed reading it.  Now I am lucky to read a chapter at a time and finish it in several weeks. Maybe "sometime"  I will do it again and finish my books.  I really like Nicholas Evans books, (The Horse Whisperer, the Loop, the Smoke Jumper), but he write so few books, I think those are the only there he has written, although he has written a book about how languages are becoming extinct ($42 in paperback!)
I feel about authors the way people feel about their children or family, you hate to mention one of them in particular because you are scared you will leave one out and you really love them all in their special way since they are all individually important.
Actually I have read more the  past several weeks, "The Circle", Anne Hilllerman's book (I believe the Spiderwomans Daughter) and now White Fire.

Winter 2014 March 13 Thursday

36 degrees this morning.  Actually not bad, although I will be glad when it finally warms up.  Walked and then cycled to ATC etc.  It is so much better in the Summer, I save probably 10 minutes on dressing and preparing for the cold weather.
Really miss not being able to sit on the patio in the early morning and watch the day develop.  I always thought if I was going to not work, I hoped it would happen in the late Spring, when I could enjoy the outdoors.  Of course,  it happened in the worst winter for a long time and I was cheated out of seven holidays.  But, what is, is.  After every Winter, there is a Spring (or death, which may be a form of Spring!)
Continue to toss items etc, and prepare the house to sell.  Getting extra help next week (Granddaughters).  

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Winter 2014 March 12 Wednesday

61 degrees their morning.  Windy.  This morning I started off on my bicycle and originally I tough it   was a flat tire, but then I realized it was the unusually strong wind.  Coming back was a lot easier!  High wind is unusual out here, unlike the continuous wind in Oklahoma and Kansas.
Went to the Apple Store this morning, did an "open session" on learning more about my MacBook Air (one of the best computers-probably the best I have even worked on), but also going to the "genius bar" for some problems I was having with the MacBook Air (cutting out) and the problem with the bluetooth and the Logitech keyboard.  As usual, I leave all enthused and feeling good.  The positive attitude there is unbelievable!  I also learned a lot about my computer, and also learned I need several more sessions and there is A LOT of things I can do with it that I didn't have any idea I could do.  I am amazed every time I go there.
Currently in my "second place" a Starbucks.  Or maybe the Apple Store is really my second place and the Starbucks is my third place.  Not really, although I was in the Apple Store for over two hours this morning.  It is about 20 miles away, so I have to plan my trips there.  I don't know how Apple does it, but my two Shuffles (both about 7 years old) are still plugging away on the original batteries (if the batteries ever go out, as it did on one, it cost more to replace the battery than to buy a new one).  However, I don't really care for the design of the new ones (I have the latest model, it just isn't as good as the Shuffle, the one that is about the size of a gum package).
Cloudy and windy out, the temperature seems colder than it really is, not nearly as pleasant as I thought it might be.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Winter 2014 March 11 Tuesday

52 degrees this morning, Spring is in the air!!!!  This has seemed like a long and hard winter.
Once again, I have to comment on "videos".  I hardly ever watch "videos" on the computer (including YouTube) due to the amount of time they take.  On the USA Today iPad version (which is what I read the most "on line"), I virtually never watch the videos.  I can't imagine having the time to do so.  If they don't have a written copy, I just don't see it.  Of course, there is a place for videos I do watch, but I can't imagine looking at USS Today and CNN on the web site and watching the videos.  I guess I'm out of touch, but at least I don't waste the time.  
Good to get out and walk and bicycle again.  The City of Lakeland recently turned down a grant which would have creating a safe way for walkers and bicyclists to maneuver through a very dangerous area (that bisects a golf course yet!. One of those grandstanding decisions new persons do without thinking it through on how it affects the community.  Went bicycling in the neighborhood yesterday and saw probably 20 people walking etc.  I can only imagine what it would be like if the city officials at the time did not require sidewalks etc.  This doesn't help on the bicycling, but it does help the walkers.  
Reading "White Fire" ((Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child).  It caught my attention.  I don't read a lot of fiction anymore unless it really grabs me as something unusual and interesting, rather than a plot where the characters just change. 
Bicycled again this afternoon, trying to build up me stamina so I can participate in some longer rides  It was close to 70 degrees and felt great!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Winter 2014 March 11 Monday

39 degrees this mooring, but warmed up to a nice day.
Large part of the day was spent throwing stuff out/getting it ready to donate.  I am trying to use the concept of if I haven't used it and don't see a specific future need for it, it goes out.  (With the exception of my Hot Wheels, although I think they meet the criteria to keep). As usual, the books are the hardest, although I am making progress.  
Started the day off with a very early morning meeting (7:00 a.m., but had to leave at 6 a.m. to get there).    Good meeting, but the travel time will make it difficult to attend.  
Rode bike this afternoon (missed this morning due to the early morning).  Felt good and had the chance to see a large number of people and does to get into the terminal.  I am hoping I can build up to do the "Ride with the Summer" in 2015 and also I may get to chance to ride in "Free Wheel"  (Oklahoma bike ride of about 500 milesI), Ride across Kansas and the Ride Across Tennessee this year as a way to prepare for it.
I will be so glad to see flowers bloom and the trees turn green.  It has been a long winter.
Saw a story on 60 Minutes about how companies keep data about everyone and then try to get the info to sell to a marketing company, which leads to having over 1,000 spam e-mails!  Not only can they follow my data, they can provide information on where I go etc, which is kind of scary.   I may turn off my GPS on my phone, although I don't know why anyone would want to see what I am doing!  After reading "The Circle" I decided to take some steps to keep more information about myself private, so the 60 Minutes story came at the right time.  They mentioned two companies "harvest" and store the data, but don't sell it, which is almost scarier than the companies htt sell it.
Discovered today that the Tennessee Employment Security Commission is a joke.  Spent about two hours trying to get through with a simple question before I gave up.  I wonder how many others give up?  Just another example of the fat cat politicians bragging about "streamlining" or cutting is just political BS, they are actually drastically eliminating services pandering to the lowest common denominator to buy votes by screaming how they are "saving" money by hurting  to some of the people who need the services the most. 
I expect this will bite them hard eventually.

Sunday, March 09, 2014

Winter 2014 March 9 Sunday

37 degrees this morning.  Also Daylight Savings Time, which means the "bite" of Spring Forward.  I love the idea of Spring arriving, but I don't like the time to "Spring Forward".  While I don't mind traveling west and having "gain" an hour (or two), I really don't like to go east and "lose" an hour.  I always feel like I can feel it.
Still trying to get all of my stuff sorted out.  It is a continuous process that somehow I never quite get caught up.  
I need to complain some more about the Logitech keyboard for the iPad Air.  Do NOT buy this keyboard!  It has to be the worst keyboard I ever purchased and I decided I will never buy anything from Logitech again (similar to how i quit buying Samsung, the products, for me, just never work out to be reliable or something I like. Except in Logitects case, the keyboard doesn't fit right, doesn't work and they won't respond to my complaints about it, in fact they have it rigged so you can't even get ahold of them.  I will probable send a letter tot the CEO and advise him of how I feel.  If someone felt that way about a product I made, I would certainly want them to tell me.
i keep telling myself Spring is only 11 days away, although whether that is only on the calendar remains to be seen!
Finished the book "The Circle".  Somewhat interesting concept, and it actually could happen, but....

Saturday, March 08, 2014

Winter 2014 March 8 Saturday

37 degrees this morning.  Miserable day yesterday, hopefully will be better today.  Good to be home, although we did have a very enjoyable conference and visit with friends.  Daylight Savings Time usually means Spring is coming, but this is one of those Winters when you wonder if it will be one of those Summers that never really arrive.  On the other hand, this Winter could mean a very hot Summer.  I am ready to see my first crocus, which to me is a sign of Spring.
Indulged in some over-eating, will get back in the groove.  Eating right while traveling is so difficult, at least for me.  Perhaps a matter of allowing an excuse for not eating right!  I have also been drinking Gatorade (which seems to be almost pure sugar) hopping to forestall a cold, although it could just be allergies or a reaction to traveling to a different climate.  I hate getting a cold and realizing I have 7 days (or more) of misery.
Aliene and her friend have been friends for over 40 years.  Started in Oklahoma City and continued though the life changes, moves to different states and other major life changes.  They don't get to visit personally a lot, so it is important when they do get a chance.
I have always known about the "familiarly trap", where you don't go see so meeting because you live so close that you can always visit when you "get a round tuit".  The Memphis area has a number of sites we see only when we have friends or family visit, and fortunately, we have seen most of this places in Memphis we would want to see (that we know of anyway!), although we probably need to do more "day trips".  For example, I never tire of the Mississippi.  It rouses my interest and actual excitement whenever I look at it.  It is truly the "nightly Mississippi".  I could actually enjoy living by the Mississippi and just sitting outside and watching it go by.  While we have lived in Lakeland, we have seen the Mississippi at way below average and in flood stage, and it is always interesting.  I can only imagine going down the Mississippi in a raft.  I will probably do the second best thing and bicycle down along the Mississippi.  
Two things we haven't done, which we will do this Spring, is visit Shiloh and Oxford, Mississippi.  I can't believe I have lived within an hours drive (more of less) of both and never gone.  Something I will definitely take care of this Spring.   I don't believe in "bucket lists", but if I did, those two items would definitely be on it.  I'm sure there are other sites or places we would enjoy, maybe we will do some exploring.  One of the more unusual places in Memphis (to me anyway) is the "Metal Museum" which includes actual artisans who create metal art.
Just checked my spam folder on my gmail account, over 1,000 e-mails!  Once I found one that shouldn't have been on there, had to scan them one by one before I deleted them.  I check this morning and there were 68 more!  I really hate the way Gmail is set up, to separate what Google feels is "social media" and "promotional e-mails".  Google isn't any better than Amazon at determining what I want to see or read.  I wish they would just stop trying, it is really irritating. 
Good to be home for awhile.

Winter 2014 March 7 Friday

36 degrees this morning, "drizzle", supposed to rain or drizzle all day.  My favorite example of a bad weather day!
Last day of the Conference (it is a short conference, but always fresh thoughts and discussion).  Early start this morning. Even though I get up early, I always feel that the early morning hours are "my time" and I don't like event early starts or persons who schedule early meetings because "no one schedules meetings at this time".  Don't feel quite so resentful since I'm not working, but I still look at the early morning hours (basically from 3 a.m. to 8: a.m. as "my time".  Actually this 5 hours fill up fast since I walk, bicycle, go to the gym and stationary bicycle, read my newspapers, scan my e-mail, Facebook and there websites, take my mandatory 17 minute minimum nap (sometimes as long as 32 minutes), respond to e-mails, eat breakfast etc.  Actually I get  lot done in that time!
I need to get busy and learn  some of the more in-depth uses for some of the software programs I have.  It seems I should have more time, but i don't.  I know "you make time for what you have to do", but that still doesn't mean you can do what you want.  "Have to" do includes a lot of things.
This Spring would actually be a good time for my "ride with the Summer", but I don't feel I can take the time (getting a job is top priority), although with the time and money i am spending on the China trip.  More basically, I'm not really in shape to ride long distances right now.  I am planing on going on a small group ride some evenings as a way of getting used to riding with other bicyclists and also train for my "Ride with the Summer", which I am not planning for the Spring/Summer of 2015.  I decided to put a date on it (right now just a year, soon I will put a month and date on it and start getting motel reservations etc.

Winter 2014 March 6 Thursday

34 degrees this morning (33 degrees Memphis).  
Super good session today at the Conference, I am glad I decided to attend.  Hopefully I will get to apply what I learned in the near future!
While in the Air Force, I was stationed at Hampton Roads Virginia. I drove up to Williamsburg and I remember the historical "downtown" area of Williamsburg.  It wasn't really that far.  
I think of who I was when I first visited Williamsburg, I was probably 25 years old and anxiously waiting to get out of the Air Force so my life could start.  Now I am 66 years old and once again, waiting for my life (work life anyway) to start.  When I was about in the 8th grade, I picked up the mail and check on a neighbor, who always told me she was just waiting for her life to end.  I hope I never get in that situation or feel that way.  I'm not belittling her feelings in any way, I just hope I never feel that way.  I always want to feel there is one more mountain to climb, one more river to cross, one more desert to feel and another friend to see and visit with again.  
I feel a cold coming on, could be just a reaction to the change of location and the unseasonal cold weather.  The cold up here seems colder than in Memphis, probably the wind.  I hate getting a cold and realizing I will feel like I am underwater for the next 7 days.  When I feel it coming on, sometimes I can forestall it by drinking a lot of water and Gatorade.  Sometimes not.  I used to drink a lot of Gatorade, until I realized it was like drinking sugar.  Now I drink it rarely, but I keep it around fro use a needed.  Usually I buy a case of small (12 ounce) bottles, and end up throwing some away since they are out of date and starting to taste bad.  I figure it is better to throw them away then drinking them when I don't need them which is "throwing them away" and possible damaging my health at the same time. 

Winter 2014 March 5 Wednesday

32 degrees this morning.  
Heading for Richmond (Actually Williamsburg) for ICMA Regional Summit).  Flew Delta, and, as almost always, Delta Airlines personnel are extremely helpful and competent and courteous.  (In spite of my thoughts on their obscene pricing, their personnel are normally excellent).  
Three is always the slight sense of dislocation after flying, although the weather and environment are about the same.  (The cold is colder here.) 
Williamsburg is a unique community, obviously with some assets most communities don't have

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Winter 2014 March 4 Tuesday

16 degrees this morning!  Good to be able to get out of the house.  I did my usual walk this morning, didn't bike (flat tire), but went to ATC.  
Probably feeling a touch of "cabin fever" after not hardly getting out at all yesterday.  It really wasn't near as bad as I expected it to be.  Of course, except for a brief outage, we had electricity the entire time, so that makes a big difference.
Checked on my tooth surgery today.  Everything looked good, and I will complete the final phase in 4 1/2 months, which means the entire process was approximately one year!  
Sad to say, I never received the letter I was supposed to receive from Medicare.  The letter was extremely important and I finally gave up and went over to the office where I stood in line for an hour in 27 degree weather (with about 50 other people) and got the paperwork. I was advised to bring it back since "they are three weeks behind on their mail".  Sad commentary on a program which is so vital to people. The letters and forms never getting to me is a real puzzle.  I wonder how often this happens?

Delta Airlines never ceases to amaze me.  About a week ago, I noted that they had placed Aliene and I in the middle seat (of three seats) and placed us about ten rows apart, which didn't make a lot of sense.   I e-mailed the "customer service"  (I'm amazed it is called that) and before I received a response, I tweeted @deltaAssist.  Within minutes, @DeltaAssist had the matter resolved.  Not perfect, but the best I could really expect (Aliene and I together, but in a window seat and a middle seat).
In the meantime, after this I get a nasty letter from "customer service"  advising me that is just the way it is and Delta didn't really care what their customers thought, they had the power.  (If I hadn't gotten the @DeltaAssist help, I would have published the letter everywhere I could).
What REALLY amazed me was I checked the seats again (mainly to insure against no dirty tricks by Delta) and found the aisle seat, which had been shown as occupied was now available as a "premium seat"  for an extra price!  For $9 yet.  Delta did't care who whey alienated, for an additional $9.  
To make it even more amazing, I started to get the seat and then realized if I couldn't move Aliene, it would be a problem.  So I decided to move Aliene.  She won't charged for the move!   All that and they could have changed our seats from the very beginning!  I think Delta's "revenue enhancements" have gotten in the way of  what their objective is supposed to be. 
In addiiton, Aliene was offered $50 off a rental car rental fora week.  I was offered $30 off!  Talk about targeted marketing!Hopefully looking out a the last (and first) snow of the winter.

 No trash pickup either yesterday or today (scheduled yesterday).  I can understand missing yesterday, but I don't understand them missing today.   

Monday, March 03, 2014

Winter 2014 March 3 Monday

18 degrees this morning, light ice covering everything.  I was surprised that my Commercial Appeal was delivered.  Obviously I didn't walk or go cycling this morning (in addition to having the flat tire on my bike.)
Ice covered almost everything, including our poor weeping willow (i'll get a picture) which i doubt will survive through to the Spring.  Roads are reported to be slick.  Several trees down, maybe now some people will realize why the City had a program of eliminating hazardous trees that may damage property or kill or injure people if they weren't removed.  Another outcome of the "no service" city.  Almost daily, I read of cities who are emphasizing bike and per paths as ways of attracting economic development and residential development instead  of becoming a "city of no services" in some kind of demonic, ignorant  attempt to send Lakeland back to the past.  Of course, they plan to "encourage economic development" by eliminating regulations and letting businesses do what they want and ignoring the resident who have committed our major investment (our houses) here, not just a branch of some franchise who wants to put in bright lights and big signs and avoid expenses for such things as traffic studies etc.  Such is the reason we are hurrying up to get our house ready to sell.  While 'Bright Lights, Big City" is a popular book, it doesn't make a good city to live for many people, especially when the attitude seems to be to cut, cut, cut without any reason or plans.  Short sighted thinking for political grandstanding is all it is. 
The sun is out, making the ice sparkle (and hopefully sending the ice away). 
March of 2014.  I have to admit time goes fast, whether you want it to or not.  In a way, weather like this is kind of like an event (such as a major hospitalization, a death in the family, a wedding, a birth etc.) where time seems to stop during the event and resumes after the event is over and for the most part everyone understands why time has stopped, or perhaps more correctly, been suspended for the event.  
Proceeding with China journey.  I have had fun looking at flight schedules, hotels and trying to figure out how it all relates.  It has been interesting to learn about China.  I will have the opportunity to meet with my counterparts which will be interesting and informative, as well as see another culture.  (A bicycle culture by the way.)
A friend noted over the weekend that over 50% of internet access is now from mobile devices.  I also read where it laptops, tablets and smartphones may merge into one slightly larger smartphone.  I expect the real future is completely different and probably unimagined now.  With "smart glasses", smart rings and who knows what else, who knows what the future holds.  I don't mean that in a negative way, just a thought. That thought occurred to me as I use my iPad more and more.  It is an amazing device, and obviously so is this iPhone.  They will need to work on spell check, and "predictive text".  Not quite as bad as Amazon thinking they can tell me what books I will like, but close.
Hopefully the ice will disappear soon.  

Sunday, March 02, 2014

Winter 2014 March 2 Sunday

61 degrees this morning  However, the forecast for tonight is for freezing rain.
Bike had a flat tire at the gym this morning, so I had to walk it back from the gym.  Not a huge deal except I don't know where I can get a tire repaired on  a Sunday.  It was flat, flat, flat.  I'm surprised I didn't note it was going down.  However, it is unlikely I can ride Monday anyway since it probably will be icy.                  
I was surprised that Delta Airlines assigned Aliene and I middle seats about 10 rows apart on an upcoming flight.  Of course there are numerous "upgraded" seats available for exorbitant  "upgrade" prices that are together.  However, the good thing is I went to Twitter "@DeltaAssist and they were able to quickly change the seats so we could sit together. Not an aisle seat but I'm not complaining.
It is a little easier to stand the upcoming winter weather knowing that Spring will soon be here.
Getting the house ready, items shown away etc. to sell.  Even if we stay in this area, we don't want to live in a "no service" city.  It is difficult to decide what to keep.  I try to use the rationale that if I haven't used it for several years i should toss it, but I can always think of an exception.
I have a lot easier time disposing of items (like books) if I know someone is going to use them or at least the opportunity to use them.