32 degrees (Edmond), 38 degrees (Memphis)
Only 30 days until Spring begins! I should be seeing the first crocus in just a few weeks and then the leaves start to turn green and the flowers pop out!
Visited with an old friend and co-worker yesterday. It was an enjoyable visit. A little bit of a trip down memory lane, so to speak. I think it is important to honor and remember the past while not getting caught up in any regrets or "might of"'s. Actually it was very positive and focused on what had and is being accomplished. A Mayor told me once that a City was like a ship cursing down the river, people got on and got off, Commanders changes, but the ship keeps on going down the river. (Although in cases where you have leadership that acts like a spoiled brat and is primarily interested in feathering the next for future political gain, the ship may stall out for a while or probably go in reverse).
Somehow, in the past 30 years I became a baseball fan. I think it started in the mid-eighties. I now look forward baseball starting as one of the many benefits of Spring. Baseball has become my favorite sport, especially in personally attending. We enjoy the Memphis Redbirds and if we leave Memphis, not attending their games will be a big regret. Somehow, it was especially enjoyable watching the players as they tried to achieve the next level (Major League Baseball team of St. Louis) and see many of them succeed. Last year it was amazing how many were called up and became successful players for St. Louis. We enjoy the zaniness of the games and and entertainment, the crowd and just sitting outside and enjoying the weather. (I also enjoyed the barbecue and piling jalapenas (sp) on top, following by ice cream. I don't know if it will be the same at another ball park or not. Our favorite team is still the Chicago Cubs, but we root for the St. Louis Cardinals because we have watched so many of the players personally at the Redbirds games. I also like the "Rocky Redbird" mascot a lot better than the "Fredbird" St Louis mascot. The "Fredbird' has never made any sense to me. However, there are probably more important things for me to be concerned about.
I read all of my newspapers on line while I am out of town. For some reason, the Wall Street Journal "on line" is very difficult to read. The New York Times is finally getting it's act together on the on-line edition and the Commerical Appeal is definitely the best format for on-line reading. I still much prefer the physical paper. One exception is USA today, where I feel the on-line version is actually better, at least for my needs.
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