55 degrees this morning. Actually the forecast is for colder weather, although it should reach 60 degrees today. In my "second place" (Starbucks) on a Saturday morning. Busy weekend and week of preparing for several events.
While computers are wonderful, sometimes it is just easier to read printed material, so I got a new toner cartridge and printed out some material I need to review.
Disappointed to learn the the lack of volume in my (less than six month old) MacBook Air has a defect that Apple Computer is ignoring. I almost never use volume on my MacBook, so I didn't even realize it was a problem until this week. On reviewing various Apple Computer sites, I learned it apparently is a defect in the computer. However, I am heading to the "genius bar" and will see what I can find out. Of course, as usual, the Genius Bar appointments aren't available until next Tuesday (this is Saturday), so I'll see if I can get in for a no-show. In addition, I found out that the ocassional problem in signing out of Gmail (which is an irritation) is ALSO an Apple Computer problem that they are trying to blame on Google. I may need to rethink my loyalty to (premium priced) Apple products after my experience last week!
Speaking of "trolls", I was surprised to find that Google/Youtube had blocked my music on a Youtube video (which is when I learned about the volume problem on my computer) because some "copyright troll" was claiming the copyright on the music. However, it is totally original music (with some Garage Band music that is all in the public domain). I went to protest this and of course received a threatening note from Google that they would cancel my account if I protested and they found in favor of the copyright troll! Welcome to 1984, except big business is the villain. I will probably protest anyway, because it just isn't right that some troll company goes around claiming copyrights they don't have. Probably try to extort some money of "grant" me use of my own music! And of course, Google is there helping them along, I"m sure for a good sum of money.
Reminds me of some music outfit that kept trying (in my opinion) to extort "licensing fees" from the City. I received numerous calls that were basically veiled threats that they would attack us legally if the City didn't pay "protection" fees (sounds like the Mafia!). Of course, they had some fancy name for it (licensing fees" or something like that). Even an attorney said it was "easier to pay", but I never paid and won't, since there is no way the City was using any music copyrights. The tyranny of the computers and big tech companies and, like always, someone trying to find an easy way to get money.
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