Monday, September 03, 2012

The Invisible Man

(With apologies for H.G. Wells and Ralph Ellison).
As I continue to prepare for my "Ride with the Summer" (from Mexico to Canada) in either 2014 or 2015, I have started riding in the daytime in addition to my normal riding early in the morning.  I plan on training to do a 15 mile ride in October and next summer be prepared to do one of the week long rides of 50 miles or so per day (Free Wheel in Oklahoma or Ride across Kansas or Ride Across Tennessee) to help me prepare.
Since I am not used to riding with substantial traffic, I reviewed the guidelines and quickly realized I need to "act like vehicles don't see me".  The very first day I found value in that concept.  Another not even close to creating any problems, a vehicle made a left turn in front of me and probably didn't even see me.  This was in spite of my bright "high visibility yellow" shirt, and flashing lights etc.
I started "commuting" to the gym each morning, but that is in the dark with little traffic.  Riding in the daylight with substantial traffic is a new experience for me, since this is the first time in several years I have ventured to right the bike in the daylight.  I realized 2014 or 2015 would be here fast, plus I just enjoy it.
I am asked about getting bored while riding the bike.  Actually, I almost never get bored.  Many letters and memos have been "written" while I was on the bike!  I just need to return and write what I composed in my head!
In the early morning, I normally wear my iPod and listen to music.  (I listen to audiobooks while I walk in the morning.)
I am currently riding about 60 minutes per day, plus 36 minutes on the stationary bike and 32 minutes of walking.  This was over the Labor Day weekend and included 42 minutes of bike riding during the day in addition to my normal morning ride.  I don't feel like I have time time to ride as much as I need to to prepare for my "Ride with the Summer", but I'll do what I can!  

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