Thursday, August 23, 2012

Bike Commuting

I have been "commuting" on my bike for several weeks now.  It has been an interesting experience even though it is a short "commute" since it is from my house to the gym early in the morning, not to the office!
I take my walk, and then ride my bike to the gym to (I know, this sounds strange) to ride the stationary bike while I read my newspapers for the day.  Fortunately I have a great paper carrier who gets my papers to me early.  
I finally resolved the Wall Street Journal problem and it is delivered with the local paper, so I have plenty to read while I am riding the stationary bike!
I have quickly gotten addicted (in a positive sense) to my bike commute each morning and look forward to it.  Traffic is not a major problem (this is about 3:45 to 4 a.m.) and I am "well lit" by flashing lights and reflective clothing.  I think I look forward to my walk (about 30 minutes) prior to the bike ride and bike ride as a way to reflect.  
As I mentioned to someone recently, a lot of memos, letters and e-mails are written while I walk and ride the bike, I just have to write them down when I get back!
I love listening to music while I ride.  I know I'm really not supposed to, but I do use earplugs that I can hear traffic with. 
I listen to non-fiction books while I walk and music while I ride my bike.  

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