Sunday, December 13, 2009

December 2009

It seems just a short time ago that I put on a jacket for the first time and now Winter weather is here. (Actually today it is relatively nice (48 degrees with a high of 59 degrees), once cold weather hits, I feel it is Winter. Of course, today is December 13! Rain, but no snow or ice thus far!

Christmas of 2009 and 2010 loom unexpectedly fast. I just realized that next weekend is the last weekend before Christmas! We have pretty well got all the Christmas activities done (except for Christmas/Holiday cards, which I traditionally for some reason always send out right before Christmas).

I was amused to learn that my ten year old Granddaughter (who just had her 10th birthday in late November) is saving for a laptop computer. She made a point of telling me how much money she had saved towards it! I am actually impressed by her diligence! I am sure she will have her computer by January 1, 2010.

I like to take pictures of my back yard at different times of the year. I always wonder what it would be like to take a picture every day at the same time, but I haven't done it. Maybe I could do once a week on the same time and day.

Angela is following her dream of being involved in the theater (she just advised she has a small part in a play at Carpenter Theater) which is a good way to get involved. She also has taken small jobs in the backstage. She is going to school and majoring in Theater. I am really pleased to see her take action to reach her goals!

Although it frequently slows down this time of year, it seems to have gotten busier, as everyone seems to be preparing for 2010.

Currently reading Stephen King, "The Dome", which could be considered a study in emergency management for City Managers and "Lincoln on Leadership" and "Chronicles of the Civil War". My "breakfast notes" book (I read the "Cliff's Notes versions of books/authors) is F. Scott Fitzgerald's "Tender is the Night". Another book I always planned to read, but probably never will, so I will at least have some idea of what it is like. My reading time has been drastically limited as Living and Work intrude! It doesn't help I love to read two daily newspapers and a number of magazines, plus the lure of the Internet!

Aliene and I saw the movie "The Blind Side" this week (I read the book about a year ago) and enjoyed it. The last movie we saw was "The Kite Runner" (we also ready that book), so it has been awhile. I have a problem with falling asleep in movies, but I didn't get sleepy in either one of them. We thoroughly enjoyed both movies.

We realized in the past eight years we have been to 4 movies (the other two were a Harry Potter movie and "Black Hawk Down", which we probably saw eight years ago.

We decided we would try to go to several movies a month, fueled by a gift of a gift card and passes for the movies. Whether we do or not.... we'll see. I'll keep you advised.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

35 years

I suddenly realized it has been 35 years since I first started my career in City government as of October 21, 2009, when I started with the City of Liberal, Kansas on October 21, 1974 as Administrative Assistant to the City Manager. There is no way I could have even imagined the next 35 years (of which approximately 26 years are as a City Manager/Administrator).

The City Manager showed me to my office and told me he wanted me to concentrate on redevelopment of a part of the City that had been deteriorating.

I realized I was in the right profession several months after I started when I was standing in line at a movie theatre and looked at the line and realized I played an important role in whether the persons in line had a good quality of life or not. I felt a chill of excitement go through me as I realized the role a city plays in the quality of life of the residents and visitors and that, even with my limited role, I was a part of the process.

I am lucky that the thrill has never gone and I still feel the excitement involved in City government.

On November 1, 2009, I also marked 8 years as a resident and City Manager of Lakeland. Aliene and I marked the date with a discussion about how we enjoy living in Lakeland and how this was good move for both of us. I moved to Lakeland because I was looking for a challenge and a City that was unique. I found both in Lakeland!

In spite of growing up on a farm, I enjoyed cities from when I was young. I can remember playing "City Manager" when I was a child. I had a major City set up with all of the normal elements of a City including Police, Fire, Ambulance, a City Hall, major streets, an airport etc. I probably didn't have a sewer system and the water system may have been rather vague! As was common at the time, I didn't have a lot of toys, but I found that sticks, stones etc. could be imagined into cars, trucks, airplanes etc.

Perhaps that is the reason I bought my first "Hot Wheels" car for my daughter when she was about six months old and have amassed a collection of "Hot Wheels" type vehicles that I don't even begin to count!

One thing I have found for the past 35 years is that the more I know, the more I need to learn and that there will NEVER be a time with "things slow down so I can finally catch up". At some point in my career, I realized I could never do everything I wanted to do, so I had to set priorities!

It is a wonderful career for me and I have never regretted accepting that first position that eventually led to our move to Lakeland.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Digital divides and other thoughts

November 11, 1986, in addition to being Veterans Day, also marks my first "real" (IBM compatible they called it back then) computer. It didn't have a disk drive (I bought a 10 MB hard drive in a few months and thought I was truly high-tech!)

I had purchased a VIC 20 and Commodore 64 in the early 80's, and enjoyed them, although I was not then, nor now, a computer geek in any sense of the word.

Oddly enough, on November 11, 2005, I bought my first "Apple" computer, an iMac G5 (which of course I still have).

If it wasn't for the Apple store and their extensive training/assistance program, I'm sure I wouldn't have purchased an Apple computer, or at least kept up with it to the point I purchased a "Macbook" last year. (I purchased this on the "sales tax holiday", not November 11.)

I found the Macs' to be wonderful for music, photos, and presentations. It took a while, but I also learned to operate the other programs (and find them) to where I can truly appreciate the capability of the Mac, but I still use PC's and appreciate the absolutely unbelievable advancement in computers from my first computer.

I have read about Steve Jobs, Bill Gates etc., and think about something I was told in high school that "no individual will get rich anymore"! My poor high school teacher has been proven wrong many times over! In fact, now the individual is perhaps the biggest innovator.

While I talk about the "digital divide", I am normally talking about people who don't have Internet access (or use the Internet) and those who do and how to provide information to the persons who don't have Internet access.

However, I think perhaps a bigger "digital" divide is the "geeks" who can make a computer fly to persons like me who can kind of make them work to persons who can use some basic aspects of the computer, but really use probably 1% of the capacity of the computer and make it really a glorified typewriter.

I wonder why there aren't more "Apple stores", in the generic sense that companies offer "1 on 1" training instead of classes where the talent is so varied that usually 25% of the class is bored and 25% are lost (percentages are approximate).

I was lucky in high school, I loved to type for some reason (I even have a 100 word per minute pin around her someplace!) in the era when the electric typewriter was just becoming popular, so I didn't have any problem adjusting to typing in the computer age, which helped some.

I assume that widespread computer use in school is helping some, since children literally grow up with computers, but I think there is still a widespread gap in the technologically advanced versus the technologically challenged, like me.

Sometimes I speculate, is there a market for 1 on 1 workshops? My biggest problem is I am working on a project and then I hit a snag (usually a simple snag) and I am completely blocked until I resolve the snag!

I recently noticed the Apple Store started a program even for that-a group of customers work on their projects in the Apple Store and then a "Genius" is available if a customer runs into a snag. I could get the small problem resolved and keep working on my project without becoming frustrated and quitting!

Not to push Apple over any other computers, but I feel this is a wonderful program and I hope other companies or schools start to offer it.

Does anyone see an opportunity here to prove my high school teacher wrong again?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

October 2009

Wonderful to have a few nice days after all the rainy days.

Aliene's surgery (2nd on her back) seemed to go well and we are "cautiously optimistic" that it may have fixed the problem. Her daughter came out before the surgery and stayed until Saturday morning (believe me, her help was a real blessing-it was wonderful to have her her.)

Our sister-in-Law (Aliene's brothers wife) passed away Saturday and Aliene was torn between "taking it easy" and not going, and going to the services. We both like her and obviously she also wanted to be with her brother and mother. She decided to go (I have a meeting that I felt I just couldn't miss. Fortunately it doesn't happen often.)

Flying out of Memphis is nice, but it is simply too expensive to do on short notice (say, $1200 plus they still charge you for your luggage!) so I drove her to Little Rock to catch a $300 flight on Southwest.

We got their late and noticed a LOT of traffic. We got to the hotel and found out there had been a Miley Cyrus concert! By chance, I passed what I'm sure was her tour bus after I dropped Aliene off at the Little Rock Airport. the Little Rock Airport is probably the best airport I have ever visited, as far as being easy to get to, well organized, speedy and most of all, the staff is always friendly and helpful.

When Miley Cyrus was mainly "Hannah Montana", I met Billy Ray Cyrus at the CMA Fest. (We took our picture with him.) I had a lot of fun telling my granddaughters that I had met Hannah Montana's father and seeing the look of awe on their face!

Driving back, I watched the sun come up and wished I could get out and take a picture-I already had a title "Back Home to Tennessee", but I never found a good spot to take the picture.

Aliene called on the way and she was in OKC fine. I had had visions of the air pressure of the jet causing problems for her surgery, but she was fine.

Returned home, did some work and then made some hard boiled eggs. Sounds easy, but if you don't do it right, they aren't any good. (I have blown up eggs before trying to hard boil them when I let the water boil dry-with the result of a spattered up kitchen and microwave-so I had stopped making hard boiled eggs. However Aliene had recently made some and it reminded me how much I like them.

I made the hard boiled eggs the way Aliene told me to make them (put 8-9 eggs in cold water, bring water to a boil, cover the pot, remove the eggs and let set for 18 minutes, then put the pot under cold water and peel the eggs. I even discovered one improvement, to stop the cold water sooner so the last eggs didn't become difficult to peel.

It has really been a busy time for us and I hope Aliene recovers to where she can walk well and hopefully dance again. I know she is ready to go back to her walking and exercises.

I haven't walked or biked in the early morning for several days and I keep feeling like I missed something! I did walk some today after I got back from the airport.

October of 2009 already! It is hard to believe 2010 is almost here!. Here, the leaves are beginning to turn a beautiful color. I enjoy fall, except I know that winter will follow. Some day, maybe I will have the time and money to take a vacation to a warm spot in mid-February!

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Bird Guilt

Yesterday, I looked out the window and saw several birds hanging around the bird feeding area, including birds sitting on the post that holds the bird feeder.

I immediately felt guilt at not putting the bird feeder out on time. I also felt a little guilt at the thought I had made the birds dependent on me for their food (although I really doubt they are dependent on me for food).

One problem is when I am out of town for several days. Due to a raccoon, possum or other varmint, I have to bring the bird feeder in each night. When I go out of town I have to take the bird feeder in, which leaves the birds without their normal food supply when I am gone.

I have to admit, I haven't seen any starved birds when I get back. However, I always "lose" my birds (and even the squirrels) who had been feeding at the bird feeder.

Just recently, we had developed a following of Golden Finches (known as "the pretty yellow birds") some beautiful blue and red birds, doves etc, and even a woodpecker. They were literally going through a bird feeder full of food every other day.

We were out of town for several days, and, alas, they still haven't come back, even after several weeks. Slowly but surely we are developing a following again, but I always feel guilty about shutting off their food supply when I'm out of town.

I was somewhat relieved last night to talk with some neighbors (not in my specific area, but in the same subdivision) to find they had noticed a sudden increase in birds at their feeder. They are going to be out of town in several weeks, so maybe they will come back to my feeder (at least until I am out of town again!)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ring Tones

Something I really enjoy about my "Apple" computer is the ability to compose music, make ring tones and work with photographs. (I know you can do this on a PC, but I never learned how to effectively do it for some reason. Also, the Apple training is superb and I must learn will with the ability to have a short 1 to 1 instruction session.

One of my favorite programs is "Garage Band" where I can compose music, make ring tones and just overall have fun. I even bought a keyboard (it works only for electronic music) and I wish I had paid more attention when my parents tried to teach me to play piano!

I especially have fun with slide shows and ring tones. One of my hobbies is making ring tones our of national anthems. While the American Anthem will always be the best to me, I also find the France and Canada national anthem especially stirring (especially when I see the France national anthem scene in "Casablanca").

I have to admit, I was kind of surprised when I saw the English lyrics to the France national anthem. Perhaps it doesn't interpret good, which may be why it is the France national anthem!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

September 27, 1997

Twelve years ago today I learned of my Mom's death. I think a parents death is something you always expect won't happen until it does.

September 27, 1997 was a Sunday, like September 27, 2009 and both days were cool and sunny, although I am now in Lakeland, Tennessee.

My Mom has spent Saturday calling her children (all seven of us) and many friends and relatives, so she apparently sensed what was to happen. She had called me and left a message, but when I called back she didn't answer the phone, so I assumed she was asleep and didn't hear the phone. When I called back the next morning and received no answer (well before she normally went to Church), I wasn't surprised to receive the phone call advising me of her death.

Time seems to be suspended in such times, as we went to Kansas and gathered with my brothers and sisters to take care of what needed to be done.

I always thought my Mom would have enjoyed the services. The day was sunny, and the preacher had taken the time to visit with us about her life and our memories, both happy, sad and funny about her life. After the services, there was a lunch and gathering at the Soldier, Kansas hall. My Mom joined my Dad, and her Mother and Father at the Soldier Cemetery.

Soldier, Kansas is one of those unique small towns where, in spite of a population that can't be more than 200 people (the 2000 Census was 122 and I don't really expect it has grown any in the actual City limits) in the actual town, the entire area contributes as a community to maintain a sense of community. Soldier, Kansas has a very well maintained Cemetery, a well maintained City Park and a community center where community groups provide lunch on Memorial Day every year and also for, as in the case of my Mom, relatives and friends attending funeral services and other events.

I remember how happy my Mom was that all seven of us children were able to be together shortly before her death. I am also glad that Aliene had the opportunity to get to know my Mom and my Mom got the opportunity to know her. She was able to attend our wedding and she was very pleased we were getting married.

Reflecting on the last 12 years, I am amazed at how fast 12 years passes. Major life events remind of one of my favorite sayings "The World without End is Ending". Sometimes (even though you know different) you think something will never change, and then it does.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

The End of Summer 2009

Labor Day officially marks the "end of summer". Fortunately, in Lakeland the summer lasts a bit more than some places!

I like Labor Day, except it means the winter must follow before summer arrives again! A year ago (or at least on Labor Day 2008) I fell on my bike, although not much was hurt except my pride and a few scrapes on my knees and arms.

I got a new bird feeder and am amazed that, for some reason, the yellow birds have now taken over they feeder. They eat an amazing amount of bird food. There are a few other birds, but the woodpecker, the squirrels and the doves no longer hand around the bird feeder. (I still bring it in at night so the possum or raccoon or whatever cannot get to it.)

Aliene is still hurting, it has been a long time since February 11 when this all started. She is more than ready for something to happen. She is taking another test this week (more extensive than an MRI) and I fully expect she will have to have another operation. However, if it will end the continual pain, she is more than ready for it. It really hurts to watch her in so much pain all the time.

I have had a "cold" for the past week, just bad enough that I can't walk or bike. It is improving and is almost gone today. I never realize how much I miss my walk and bike rides until I can't do them. They give me a chance to reflect and think.

I like 3-day weekends. I always plan to get so much done, and I normally (make that never) get everything completed I think I will get done, but at least I usually get something done!

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Thoughts while riding my bicycle

I am glad to get back to bicycling every morning. Due to bad weather, vacation etc, I missed bicycling for awhile. (I generally have been able to keep up with my walking).

The first time on a bicycle after a layoff are always fun, as I discover the joy of bicycling again. It is more than just free wheeling down a hill, it is also starting off, the strain of powering up a hill, the feeling of the wind, the sounds you hear you don't hear in a car or while walking (usually because I listen to my iPod shuffle while walking!) and the general overall experience.

Also, a chance to think. I think up a lot of ideas (some great, some not) while walking and bicycling and I look at it as a time for creative thoughts and reflection on any decisions I am trying to make.

I remember when I was a kid, I got a bike in the seventh grade. I am lucky I am still alive, looking back at my adventures on my bike. My last adventure was going down a hill at high speed. I hit a bump and the front wheel came off and I went overhead! The bicycle sustained mortal damage and the next bike I got was in 1999 when I started riding a bike since I was having problems walking/running with Plantar Fasciitis. I was able to resolve the major Plantar problems, thanks to a Dr. Murray in OKC, but I developed a love of biking. I never was able to start running again (probably good!), but I do still walk every day except in heavy rains.

I started off with a Diamondback in 1999, wore it out and now ride a Trek, which I enjoy. I have found that, even though I will probably rarely ride off road, the "mountain bike" is my bike of choice. I am thinking of buying a mountain bike as a "second bike". (I donated my Diamondback to a church that ran a "fix your own bike and get it free" program for low-income children.)

I feel (at least in my "second biking career since 1999) last Labor Day, and I have to admit that made me more careful about riding in the rain etc. As all bicyclists know, there are two types of bicyclists, those who have fallen and those who will fall! I was only at a crawl, but managed to scrape myself up pretty good, although it probably wasn't that bad.

It may sound strange, but I wear a pair of "thermal underwear" instead of shorts even in the summer. Even 83 degrees is cool at the time I ride, at least thus far. I also bought a pair of knee and elbow pads to wear if I wear shorts and a short sleeved shirt.

One problem I have with bicycles is that I have always been "mechanically challenged". I have never learned to change a tire and I have a problem even changing the batteries in the bike lights! I'm sure it would be simple once I learned how to maintain and fix a bike.

I used to ride 3 or 4 times a week in the evening. Now I ride every morning (except when it is raining or I have some work I need to do) and all of my riding is done before sunrise. I enjoy it and the traffic is almost nil. I ride solely in my addition right now, unless I right later in the day.

The City received a grant to install biking/pedestrian trails along one of the biggest barriers to riding a bike in Lakeland (and the most dangerous street to ride on), so I am looking forward to that.

I mentioned at the Courter Reunion that my dream after I retire I want to start in the south tip of Texas and "ride the summer" to the north part of North Datoka. I realized how much of an inner world I live in on my bicycle when Aliene expressed surprised and I realized I hadn't told her! (I was talking with my cousin Ken, an avid bicycle rider, at the time). I don't know if I will ever do it, but it is fun to think about it!

I hope I don't retire until at least 2016. One of my goals is to be presented with my "40 years service" award by the International City Manager's Association at the Annual Conference as an active City Manager. My 40 years is actually October 21, 2014 (that includes the time since I started working with a City, I actually became a City Manager August 18, 1981). Due to the timing of the ICMA Conference, I am always almost a full year behind on the service award.

Of course another aspect is that I enjoy my profession and really hope I enjoy it (and the Commission wants me!) until I am 70, which is now only 8 years away! Strange how young 70 seems now!

I hope to-maybe next year-take part in one of the week long bicycle rides such as the "Ride Across Tennessee", "Free Wheel Oklahoma" etc. It seems that they always conflict with something else, plus I really would need to ride more to prepare for it.

Anyway, I am glad to be riding my bike again! It has a special magic to it and it is one of the magic moments that makes Life so wonderful!

Thursday, August 06, 2009

I'm how old?!!!

Even though I knew it was coming, it was a little shock to wake up and realize I am 62 years old! Old enough for Social Security! (Although I don't plan on taking advantage of that for hopefully many years!).

Two years ago, I noted that (at the time I was 60), in ten years I would be 70. I am already 20 % there! I am amazed that 2 years went by so fast.

The annual Courter Reunion (which I believe started the same year I was born, so I probably missed the first one!) is always around my birthday, so I have a lot of memories come at the same time!

I noted as the "younger generations" grow older, the Annual Courter Reunion (Courter was my Mothers name), becomes more important as we grow older! I used to make it when I could, now I will do anything possible to make sure I don't miss it . I am glad that my daughter and granddaughters look forward to attending each year so they will have some idea of their relatives and their history.

The Courter Reunion, when it is held in Topeka, Kansas especially brings back memories, since I grew up on a farm near Holton, Kansas, which is 30 miles from Topeka. Also my parents are resting at the Soldier Cemetery, near Holton, Kansas. Topeka, Kansas is the general location since it is a central location, although the Courter Reunion was held in Lakeland several years ago.

This area has a lot of memories, since I lived there from as early as I can remember until I was in the seventh grade. It is a case of things changing a lot, but somehow staying the same.

Of course, everything looks so much smaller than I remember it.

It will be three years before I hit another "important" age (65). To some degree, the Courter Reunion (and my birthday) somehow are like a New Year, I always wonder what is ahead that I will be visiting about at the next Courter Reunion.

I am looking forward with excitement to the future. That is one trait I hope I never lose, the excitement of the future! I think my greatest fear of aging was the fear that I would lose the sense of wonder about the world.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sad story

Every Spring I look forward to the "bellowing" of the bullfrogs as I walk/bike in the morning. Somehow when the bellowing of the bullfrogs start, it is like Summer has truly started.

They bellowed for several months this year and about a month ago, I noticed they stopped. My neighbor just told me that he thought some birds had eaten the bullfrogs, he said he had seen some dead frogs on the bank and the birds eating them.

I will miss the bellowing of the bullfrogs on Summer mornings, somehow it won't be the same (although I guess nothing ever is). Maybe when my Granddaughters come out to visit....

One positive note is that the other pond in the addition has plenty of bullfrogs and when I ride my bike I still hear the welcome bellowing of the bullfrogs in the other pond.

If I were in the range of 8 years old again, I would run down to the other pond, grab some bullfrogs and put them in the pond by my house!

Monday, July 13, 2009

"Round Tu It's"

I always seem to have a large number of "Round Tu Its", as in "I'll get around to it when I have some more time off".

Years ago, I was talking with a friend of mine excitedly telling him how I'd get a project done "when things slowed down". He looked at me and said, "Bob, things never slow down that much". This was about 20 years ago, and I realize the truth of his statement.

I received a "round tu it" (literally a round wooden coin type item with "Tu It" written on it) as an advertising gimmick years ago, and ever since the phrase "round tu it" seems to describe this.

I get excited about every 3 day holiday or other long stretch of time "off" because I know this time I will finish many of my "round tu its" that seem to accumulate and always be waiting for me. This ranges from work projects, to projects such as sorting through my parents pictures (a "tu it" that is 11 years old), "weeding out" books in my library (something I never expect to get done, I just can't throw away a book, although I do give away or "loan" books, which helps in the weeding), getting back to keeping track of the food I eat and numerous other projects.

The recent 3 day July 4 Holiday and the time spent off waiting for Aliene to recuperate from her surgery got my hopes up. And I DID get a few things done, but looking back I see my numerous "tu its" that I SHOULD have gotten done, but somehow the time just wasn't there!

It is always so strange, I don't seem to be wasting time, it just seems the work or projects expand to fill the time available and many of my long-delayed projects seem to continue on with a life of their own.

Of course, Labor Day is coming and I'm sure I will complete many of my "round tu it" projects during that 3 day period!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Aliene and back surgery

Aliene continues to feel better from the back surgery. She seems to be doing well except for a weakness in her right leg, which hopefully will gradually get better.

She noticed the pain going almost as soon as she woke from the operation (on Thursday) and it continues to improve.

I obviously feel relieved (and Aliene probably even more so!). Of course, now she has to watch it and make sure she doesn't feel so good she tries to do too much too fast!

Summer of 2009 (continued)

I am surprised that I have become an avid bird watcher. They are amazing to watch. The squirrels who stop by (and who I try my best to keep out of the bird feeder) are also amusing to observe.

Due to a raccoon, possum (or opossum, I'm never sure about that) I have to bring the bird feeder in at night and anytime we are out of town. One of the few times my thoughts turn capital punishment, but I guess the raccoon/possum/opossum is just doing what they do and it would continue to be a problem.

It seems after a while of bringing the feeder in, the critter seems to forget about it, but I decided not to take the chance anymore.

I could check the Internet and see what the difference is between a "possum" and "opossum" (if any), but it is more fun to wonder about it!

My first experience with a possum/opossum was several years ago when my daughter was staying with me with two dogs. She woke me at 4:00 a.m. with news that the dogs had treed (or rather "fenced") an animal.

I took my trusty Arkansas Walking Stick (that I still use on my morning walks) and poked the critter and it snarled at me! Enough of that, I backed off and it finally sulked away.

I bought the "Arkansas Walking Stick" in Arkansas for $5.00, probably one of the best buys I have ever made. It supplemented a walking stick (actually a shillelagh) I purchased an an estate auction in 1973. Supposedly shillelagh belonged to an 93 year old man and it had belonged to his Grandfather, but I have learned that such things can be exaggerated.

While looking up how to spell "shillelagh", I noticed a large assortment of walking sticks on the Internet. It might be interesting to get another walking stick or two!

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Aliene is having her back surgery today. This all started February 11 with severe pain in her leg. Of course at the time, we had no idea it was back problems, actually sciatic nerve pain.

The Doctor determined the problem was a "ruptured disc" in her back. Several "nerve block" shots didn't help and physical therapy helped her deal with the pain, but only on a temporary basis.

After several "events" dealing with leg pain and weakness, Aliene was only too glad to schedule surgery as early as she could get it. The day is finally here.

Surgery seems to be somewhat like a death in the family in that time suddenly seems to lose meaning and time becomes timeless, so to speak. What is normally important becomes unimportant for a brief time.

I noticed this is especially true for funerals of family members and I have found if I don't accept the suspension of time and other concerns, I regret it later.

My Mom, who passed away almost 12 years ago (that it was 12 years ago is almost impossible to believe) is what I think of when I think about this. For over a week, I worked with my brothers and sisters on all aspects of our Mother's death.

On the day of her death, my Mom called all of us children, friends she hadn't talked to for years and other family members. I know she would have enjoyed the funeral services, from the fact the Preacher was a Native American who took the time and had the empathy and ability to provide a sense of her life as well as her religious beliefs (hef Father was a preacher) to the fact that it was a sunny day and the group of people, while mourning her passing, also talked about her life and remembered how she touched peoples lives.

I can remember as a child how my Mom (the daughter of a Minister) would ask people she had just met to Sunday dinner and was always interested in their stories.

Anyway, Aliene is ready for her operation. We trust the Doctor and I am looking forward t the surgery being successful.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ticketmaster-Assigned to Hall of Shame!

Ticketmaster is certainly deserving to be in the "Hall of Shame". While I don't buy many "event" tickets anyway every time I try to use Ticketmaster, I get disgusted and usually find another way to purchase tickets. (If I can't, I usually just don't buy the tickets.)

First, is the rip-off cost. Ok, just don't use them, even though they are a monopoly. Fair enough.

Second is that they simply don't offer good seats. I recently got tickets to two events and in each case, time after time, I declined the seats offered and was offered the same seats! Fortunately I was able to call directly to the ticket office and purchase better seats without all of the high fees. (I also advised them of my problems with Ticketmaster.)

Third, I recently found out why I can't get good tickets through Ticketmaster. They sell the good ones on "premium" sites such as Stubhub at "premium" prices.

It is hard to get really angry on a wonderful Saturday morning in my back patio. I do feel sorry for all of the people who get ripped off by Ticketmaster and I will continue to avoid using Ticketmaster whenever possible. Fortunately, it's not hard for me to just avoid Ticketmaster, but it still makes me angry as such a blatant ripoff.

Well, I'm done with that. On to enjoying my Saturday morning!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thursday morning

I'm sitting outside on this beautiful wonderful morning listening to the wind blow through the trees and the birds chirp. It really doesn't get much better than this!

Expecting 90+ degree weather today. Summer is here!

Back from CMA Fest. Due to an emergency, I had to cut it short by two days and come back early Saturday morning, but enjoyed the two days I had! Am preparing a report on it as soon as things slow down enough for me to do so! It is always so much fun and a really unique experience.

I got quite a few pictures, which I will post.

I wish I could set up my office in my back patio on mornings like this and just work here until the sun finally chases me inside. (Actually, when I think about it, I have my computer, my cell phone etc....)

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Summer of 2009 (part 1)

Summer is here! I enjoy the Summer and especially the early mornings here when I sit outside and simply enjoy! I like to watch the birds at the bird feeder, the flowers Aliene has planted and the “forest” behind our house.

Angela and I had a good visit to Pittsburgh (I think it has an “h”) to attend Rebecca’s graduation and also had a good visit with Eleanor, Kim, and Uncle John and Aunt Ruth. I need to see their bird feeder sometime and also review their drainage problem! I just was thinking this morning Rebecca’s graduation was probably the last high school graduation of that generation.

Aliene is scheduled for back surgery July 9 to have a ruptured disk repaired. She is eager and ready for the surgery as she is getting very tired of the pains in her leg! It all started Valentines Day and had not gotten much better, although the “nerve block” shots helped a little.

I really enjoy watching the birds at the bird feeder. We have a lot of fun keeping track of the variety of birds and watching them as they interact at the feeder. The occasional deer also comes by in the early morning although “the forest” is green now so it is difficult to see them.

Looking forward to the Courter Reunion in Topeka this Summer! We hope Aliene has recovered enough from her operation to attend and I know Angela, Kali and Katherine are looking forward to it. We are especially looking forward to it after reading Mary Anne’s e-mail concerning the plans!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Angela

Angela, my daughter, turned 30 years old on May 19, 2009.

I think she was prepared to be 30 years old, I'm not sure if I am quite prepared to realize I have a 30 year old daughter! I didn't think a lot about it until her actual 30th birthday.

I can remember her birth well, and it is difficult to realize it was 30 years ago!

Anyway, Happy 30th Birthday Angela!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


72 deg temperature early morning. The bullfrogs bellow. Trees are green, flowers bloom. Spring is here, life is good in Lakeland!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The death of the printed newspaper?

Recently I heard a prediction that possibly within five years, and surely ten years, there will be no physical newspapers, even in major cities. I expect the five year forecast may well become true based no current trends.

As a lifelong reader of newspapers, I know I will feel a sense of loss when physical newspapers are no longer available.

My love affair with the daily newspaper started when I was in the child and we got the newspapers from a neighbor.

With no TV, I read anything I could and reading the daily newspaper became a lifelong habit in the seventh grade when my Dad told me he was going to cancel the newspaper if I just read the comics every day. I started “faking” reading it, and shortly started reading it for real and I started my lifelong interest in “what is going on”.

I worked on the high school newspaper, as a “stringer” for the local newspaper in high school and my college newspaper and probably would have taken more journalism courses or even majored in journalism if the college I attended had offered such courses. I attribute my love of writing to learning to write stories for the newspaper and the “5 W’s and H” and the KISS principle.

Even today, I read two daily newspapers and three if I have time, which I rarely do. There is something so good about picking up the paper in the morning and sitting down with a cup of coffee and reading the daily newspaper. (I read the second one in the evening, although sometimes it is a really fast read!) I know I spend too much time on it, but it is a good time of day and I have learned that I should enjoy the good times and not feel guilty about enjoying something!

I enjoy reading the “digital” newspapers also, especially when I just want to pick up the latest news, but I will miss the physical newspaper when it is no longer available.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

How Police Officers came to be called "Cops"

I have heard many reasons why Police Officers are called "Cops".  I think I finally found the answer in a book by Daniel Howe, "What Hath God Wrought:  The Transformation of America, 1815 59 1848.

Prior to 1844, there actually were not municipal police forces.  Municipal police forces were created by New York City in 1844 to deal with the rise of riots at the time.  Actually London started the first professional Police Force (called "Bobbies" after founder, Sir Robert Peel).  In 1844 New York City started the first municipal police force in the United States.  

As professional police forces were created in cities, there was some resistance to uniforms (since they smacked of militarism) and frequently the only identification was their copper badge.

The nickname became "coppers" or shorted to "cops" and the nickname stuck.

Out of the numerous explanations I have heard this sound the most logical!

Also, the title of the book is interesting.  Howe points out that there was no question mark (or exclamation point) in the original telegraph message.  It was "What has God Wrought".  It was a statement.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hats and T-shirts

I recently realized I have over 100 "give me" hats and probably over 200 t-shirts. My sudden thought was that I have enough hats and t-shirts to last me for the rest of my life without buying or receiving any more!

Aliene occasionally makes a low-key "suggestion" that it may be time to give/throw away some of the hats and t-shirts, especially, the ones that are so worn and ragged that I only wear them in the dark or at home!

However, every time I start, each hat and t-shirt (even the ones without any writing) brings back memories. For example, there is one old hat with no writing that I treasure because I bought it for Aliene on a trip to California. (She has long since given up any ownership rights, but I still treasure it.) Others remind me of visits, conferences, family reunions, family members and other special memories.

My oldest hat (that I can document) dates from 1982 and I still wear it for exercise. It has almost no signs of wear, in spite of at least two wearings and washings each week! My oldest t-shirt dates back to my first official "run" in 1988. Others haven't fared so well and are showing their wear!

I have thought of starting to wear a different t-shirt and hat every day that I wear a t-shirt or hat, but....I have my favorite t-shirts and hats! Some t-shirts or hats, I even keep so I can wear it that "special time" of year (for example, Independence Day, Summer, to certain events etc.).

Of course, I also have the hats and t-shirts that I am "saving" to wear "sometime", that are just too good to wear for "everyday"!

I am just amazed at how durable some of the t-shirts are-some I have worn for years and they show not wear, others the collar started drooping after just a few washings.

I have tried to pick one t-shirt and hat to give away "one per week", or even every time I get one, I dispose of one, but....somehow it just doesn't get done.

I have one excuse. I require an extra large size hat (around 8 1/4). When I was around 10 years old, I finally had talked my Dad into buying me a cowboy hat! (If you knew my Dad, that was a real accomplishment!). However, I was devastated to learn that there were no hats my size and so I never got my cowboy hat! I also required a special order helmet for high school football and for my hats in the Air Force. (I eventually had a cowboy hat special made for me that I like.)

Many "give me" hats don't fit me, so I just have a problem getting rid of a hat that actually fits me!

I don't have an excuse for t-shirts-just that I like to have options!

I have the same problem with books, but that is another story!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Composing music

My father, who was a music teacher, would be surprised to find that I have developed in interest in composing music.

I have been working with "Garageband" on composing a song about Lakeland and Spring. I plan on having it completed in the timeframe of March 21 to June 21 (Spring of 2008).

Of course, this is all on the computer, but it is amazingly realistic. I can combine the results of my keyboard with recordings of real instruments etc. to create what I feel is interesting music. I avoid including recorded music for copyright reasons.

I actually got interested in doing this when I posted a slide show on YouTube and it was taken off for "copyright violations". (I had used recorded music for my slide show, not thinking that it could be a violation of the copyright.) I decided I wouldn't take that chance again, and all of the music on Garageband (except for using recorded music) is copyright free.

I try to remember what I learned in grade and high school as I try to remember what note was what. When I played the violin/fiddle (I stopped about 7 years ago due to time and also problems with my fingers), I could read music but I had a hard time "playing by ear". Now I have a problem reading music (for the keyboard), but can "play by ear" very well.

I have a lot of fun with it. I hope to develop some songs and then tie it to my slide shows that I will post to my web site and YouTube.

I have tentatively titled the song "Lakeland in the Spring-2008". In addition to the music, I plan to have some birds singing and thunderstorms in the background as appropriate!

Invisibility Cloak

I read with amazement that the "Invisibility Cloak" of fiction is actually possible and has even had a "demonstration model" made.

Perhaps I shouldn't have been surprised, any more than I am that it will be 40 years since the moon landing, the advance of computer technology, nanotechnology etc.

I don't know what good or mischief will come out of this, but I'm sure it will be some of each. Perhaps teleporting will be next and the worlds energy problem will be solved, along with multiple problems created by teleporting.

I just couldn't help but comment on the story. To my surprise, the scientific proposal that an invisibility cloak was possible was in 1999 and the first "demonstration" model was in 2006. Three years later I first read about it! Where have I been for the past three years that I missed something like this?

I both like and dislike the Wall Street Journal. However, as in other advancements, an article in the Wall Street Journal was the first article I read about the Indivisibility Cloak.

I have been debating whether to renew the Wall Street Journal. I've decided I will.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Electronic books?

I have never been a fan of "electronic books", or rather a fan of the concept of electronic books. I love books and enjoy the experience of reading a book.

One of the "apps" on my iPhone offered 50 books (all older books, probably the copyright had expired). For my first attempt at electronic books, I choose "The Red Badge of Courage". I had read it years and years ago and remember that it involved the reader.

So far, I have enjoyed reading The Red Badge of Courage on my iPhone. It is easy to maintain the pace I want and to start and stop. If I need to go back because I missed something, it isn't a problem.

Of course, The Red Badge of Courage may not be a good test for electronic reading, since it involves the reader so fast. Also, I read it in short spurts while I waiting etc. and not as a conscious action to sit down and read for awhile.

I'm trying to keep an open mind about it. I can see some uses for electronic books, but I'm not sure if I am ready to make it my only means of reading.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Bird weather forecasters

Our Realtor gave us a bird feeder when we closed on our current house. Probably out of guilt more than desire we set it up after about a year.

It has been one of the best things we have done! We have really enjoyed watching the variety of birds that parade by the back of our house (and a few squirrels etc.).

We started to notice that when bad weather is coming (even rain), the birds seem to know it about a day in advance and start eating up a storm. They are literally hanging from the bird feeder!

It is a never interersting treat to watch the birds and it is especially interesting right before bad weather.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Guns in Parks and bars?

I was shocked recently to note that the Tennessee State Legislature, with a billion dollar budget short-fall, the fact that Tennessee ranks almost last in High School Graduates etc., all they can think of is forcing cities to allow guns in parks and allowing guns in bars. (Oh, yes, only for persons who aren't drinking-ha!)

Why they think they can run cities when they can't run the state is frightening. I know, it is money talking, but it seems they should have more courage than that.

Nothing against concealed weapons, but cities should have the right to ban them on their own public property and concealed weapons in bars is a real joke!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


While I have been vaguely aware of the "Sciatic nerve" pinching and creating pain, I didn't realize the full impact of it until Aliene developed it this week. She isn't one to complain about pain and it was obvious that Sciatica is very painful.

We ended up going to the emergency room Saturday night and Aliene having tests (to make sure it wasn't a blood clot etc.) and then getting a shot and other medicine for the pain.

The good thing is, it isn't a permanent condition like I assumed at first.

Spring flowers

I was pleased to see my first sighting of a Spring flower Friday! Although I'm sure the flower I saw was fooled and will be frozen for being the first, but at least it is a clear sign that Spring is coming!
I call them all Crocus, although I realize it may be a different flower. The concept is the same.

I am looking forward especially to not having to bundle up when I take my morning walk/bicycle ride and even more to the chance to sit outside and read or just enjoy the outdoors.

While I enjoy Spring, the cold seems to hang on so long, it seems to take forever before warm weather arrives.

Monday, February 02, 2009

I become a Tea drinking (Strong Sweet Tea Please!)

Like Sandburg's fog and age, I have quietly become a tea drinker. I'm not sure how it started, but it is where I am.

I used to drink 10 cups of coffee in the morning and probably another 10 cups throughout the day, until I went to bed. Even now, I can drink a cup of coffee and fall asleep the next minute.

I still drink about six cups of coffee in the morning, but than that is it. The rest of the day is usually tea or water. (I can't drink carbonated drinks due to GERD-they make me cough. A few years ago, I started having a nagging cough. I didn't know what it was until I was advised I had GERD (kind of like reflux). I quit drinking Pepsi etc. and one day decided to "reward" myself with a Pepsi and it started a fit of coughing-THAT made a believer of me.)

I didn't used to drink ice tea much (Oklahoma City restaurants serve very weak ice tea and it isn't worth it). Memphis has an excellent strong ice tea ane one day, by accident, i was given "Sweet Tea". That was it! I am a confirmed "Sweet Tea" addict!

I drink Sweet Tea all year, even in the coldest weather. Unfortuanately, I can't seem to get good Sweet Tea outside of Memphis. Even Nashville has "Oklahoma weak tea" and I might as well drink water.

Oddly enough, McDonalds, even in OKC and Nashville has good Sweet Tea.

I also have gotten into drinking hot tea through the day intead of coffee. Somehow, i don't miss the coffee throughout the day, although I still really enjoy it in the morning.

I am bemused by all of this. After drinking coffee for 45 years, I suddenly have become a tea drinker?

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ready for Spring!

I am ready for a couple of warm days! The type of weather I hate the most is the continued cold like we have been having! I realize that there will be cold weather during the winter, but the kind we have been having is the kind I really hate.

On the other hand, it could have been a lot worse (ice storms etc.), but the one good thing about February is that it means we are closer to Spring and Summer!

Thursday morning, I looked out my back window and saw a number of deer (I counted 4 adults and two baby deer). I hadn't seen any deer for awhile, so I was glad to see them back. I like to watch the birds in the bird feeder. There are an amazing variety of birds.

I had been reading a biography of Abe Lincoln for a number of months (I read it daily at breakfast) and I am in withdrawal. However, I started reading a book about the period from 1815-1848 (Daniel Walker Howe, "What Hath God Wrought, the Transformation of America, 1815-1848), which is interesting and sets up the context for Lincoln's life and times. He pointed out that the telegraph "What Hath God Wrought" did not have a question mark. It was an explanation, not a question, which I found interesting. He also pointed out the essential need for transportation. He noted that, at that time, (1815), it cost as much to move an article 30 miles on land as it did 3,000 miles by the ocean! It makes me feel the Interstate system has been more important than I thought before.

Picking up Aliene today from her visit to her mother. Her "Aunt Aliene" died, and she was her mothers only living sibling, so she spent a week with her.

Another day towards Spring.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


An application I really like on Facebook and Linkedin is the "library" where I can indicate books I want to read, books I am reading and books I read. It is fun, although time limits me to just my current reading.

Christmas, 1989, a friend gave me abook entitled "A Book of the Days for the Literary Year". Just for fun, I starting listing on the appropriate day, any books I finished that day and the year I finished it.

This Christmas will be the 20th year and I have faithfully kept track of every book I completed. (I didn't include books I only partailly completed). I may have missed recording several, but I don't recall ever missing one and I know it isn't many.

I started thinking about getting another book to record my books (20 years is a lot of books and some of the sections are getting full!). I probably well yet, but I decided to put my list on the computer for ease of retrival etc.

I recently found out about "Google" and so I am putting the list I kept on "Google Documents". I decided to go ahead and make them public. is the link and you can check this at any time and review the books I have read! (Isn't technology amazing!)

I set it up so the spreadsheet will automatically update as I finish books. So far, I am only up to June and show approximately 340 books. I update a short amunt at a time, since it is easier to update it a little at the time.

Aunt Aliene

Aliene's "Aunt Aliene" passed away and Aliene went up for the services and to help support her mother. Aunt Aliene was the last sibling of Aliene's mother, so it may be a difficult adjustment.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Winter continues

About this time of the winter, I always am thankful for any kind of reasonable weather each day, since I figure that is one more day of no ice or snow!

I have been enjoying my "Apple" computer and especially the "garage band", iTunes, and iPhoto programs. It is just amazing what you can do with with those programs. I am really amazed at the iPhone and the "app" that lets you have the phone to a snippet of music and the phone will then tell you the song title, the singer, even offer you a video of it on "YouTube" and how you can buy it! I'm not sure if I could understand it even if someone explained how it works to me!

Otherwise I have a lot of fun composing music (nothing worth keeping yet), making ring tones for my phone and working with photos! I wish I had more time, but perhaps it is just as good I don't!

One program Apple does have that is outstanding is that you can make an hour appointment with the Apple Store each week for "one on one" training, and the trainers really are good. We haven't had a bad one yet, and the instant help is wonderful. My frustration with computers has always been I get frustrated since there isn't any clear help on some problems. With the Apple help, I simply ask the trainer and he or she shows me how to resolve the problem.

I am currently watching the Oklahoma University/Florida game. I have to admit I am an avid OU fan, although I am also a University of Tennessee and University of Memphis fan. One thing I don't like about watching sports is the horrible sports announcers and all of the "analysis" that take a game played by a bunch of 18-21 year old kids so seriously. The announcers for this game (no one has scored yet) are especially bad. I turned the sound down so I wouldn’t have to listen to their bather.

I continue to enjoy my "15 minute per day" program where I read 15 minutes per day on a book I may not otherwise read. I just finished "Lincoln" and I think the slow approach really helped me develop a better understanding of the book. It was fascinating to watch Lincoln's life unfold.

Thursday, January 01, 2009


The New Year, 2009, is here! Usually I use the New Year to reflect on the past year and also focus on the next year and what I want to accomplish.

One fact I really like about this time of year is that I know summer is coming as the days get longer, minute by minute, even though it is only a little bit every day!

Our visit to OKC went well, although we were still glad to get back. Michelann is doing fine, thinks for everyone who asked. Eveyone is is also doing fine.

As I look to 2009, I will look at my personal goals. One very important goal is to continue (and perhaps expand) my walking and bike riding. (Actually, after not walking and biking while in OKC, the first few times will be getting readjusted to walking and biycling every morning!

Along with this, a reviw of my Christmas 2009 pictures emphasizes my continuing to look at losing weight, primarly by eating less!

Another important goal is to keep reading nonfiction that I enjoy and especially keep up the "15 minutes per day" of reading and keep learning during the year!