I always seem to have a large number of "Round Tu Its", as in "I'll get around to it when I have some more time off".
Years ago, I was talking with a friend of mine excitedly telling him how I'd get a project done "when things slowed down". He looked at me and said, "Bob, things never slow down that much". This was about 20 years ago, and I realize the truth of his statement.
I received a "round tu it" (literally a round wooden coin type item with "Tu It" written on it) as an advertising gimmick years ago, and ever since the phrase "round tu it" seems to describe this.
I get excited about every 3 day holiday or other long stretch of time "off" because I know this time I will finish many of my "round tu its" that seem to accumulate and always be waiting for me. This ranges from work projects, to projects such as sorting through my parents pictures (a "tu it" that is 11 years old), "weeding out" books in my library (something I never expect to get done, I just can't throw away a book, although I do give away or "loan" books, which helps in the weeding), getting back to keeping track of the food I eat and numerous other projects.
The recent 3 day July 4 Holiday and the time spent off waiting for Aliene to recuperate from her surgery got my hopes up. And I DID get a few things done, but looking back I see my numerous "tu its" that I SHOULD have gotten done, but somehow the time just wasn't there!
It is always so strange, I don't seem to be wasting time, it just seems the work or projects expand to fill the time available and many of my long-delayed projects seem to continue on with a life of their own.
Of course, Labor Day is coming and I'm sure I will complete many of my "round tu it" projects during that 3 day period!
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