I recently realized I have over 100 "give me" hats and probably over 200 t-shirts. My sudden thought was that I have enough hats and t-shirts to last me for the rest of my life without buying or receiving any more!
Aliene occasionally makes a low-key "suggestion" that it may be time to give/throw away some of the hats and t-shirts, especially, the ones that are so worn and ragged that I only wear them in the dark or at home!
However, every time I start, each hat and t-shirt (even the ones without any writing) brings back memories. For example, there is one old hat with no writing that I treasure because I bought it for Aliene on a trip to California. (She has long since given up any ownership rights, but I still treasure it.) Others remind me of visits, conferences, family reunions, family members and other special memories.
My oldest hat (that I can document) dates from 1982 and I still wear it for exercise. It has almost no signs of wear, in spite of at least two wearings and washings each week! My oldest t-shirt dates back to my first official "run" in 1988. Others haven't fared so well and are showing their wear!
I have thought of starting to wear a different t-shirt and hat every day that I wear a t-shirt or hat, but....I have my favorite t-shirts and hats! Some t-shirts or hats, I even keep so I can wear it that "special time" of year (for example, Independence Day, Summer, to certain events etc.).
Of course, I also have the hats and t-shirts that I am "saving" to wear "sometime", that are just too good to wear for "everyday"!
I am just amazed at how durable some of the t-shirts are-some I have worn for years and they show not wear, others the collar started drooping after just a few washings.
I have tried to pick one t-shirt and hat to give away "one per week", or even every time I get one, I dispose of one, but....somehow it just doesn't get done.
I have one excuse. I require an extra large size hat (around 8 1/4). When I was around 10 years old, I finally had talked my Dad into buying me a cowboy hat! (If you knew my Dad, that was a real accomplishment!). However, I was devastated to learn that there were no hats my size and so I never got my cowboy hat! I also required a special order helmet for high school football and for my hats in the Air Force. (I eventually had a cowboy hat special made for me that I like.)
Many "give me" hats don't fit me, so I just have a problem getting rid of a hat that actually fits me!
I don't have an excuse for t-shirts-just that I like to have options!
I have the same problem with books, but that is another story!
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