74 degrees this morning 90% humidity
Yesterday was a weird day, thunder, lightning and heavy rain during night and especially early morning. It was pouring when I got up, by the time I finished my nap, it had cleared off and was nice enough to sit on the patio!
It continued to be a wonderful day with a high of 91 degrees.
Sitting on the patio this morning, the obnoxious bird is chirping away, although the sound gives “chirping” a bad name.
Walk yesterday day was 24:45 minutes, pace was 62 seconds slower than my goal.
Actually, while I was walking a gaggle of geese (it seems like it should be a “gaggle of goose” but it’s not) were walking on the sidewalk and slowed me down a little. They more fast when they see you coming, but not real fast, kind of a stately “I’m not really hurrying” pace.
On the way back I saw the albino goose and stopped to try to get a picture. It is actually kind of a light gray, but I couldn’t get a good picture, they keep moving fast.
We ate breakfast on the patio of “Torchy Tacos” this morning. Basically ate by ourselves so it was safe and a lot better than dragging the food home to eat, although it is just as good at home.
After a great first story in Stephen Kings “If it Bleeds," the second one was a complete failure It started as a good story, but ended in a very stupid way that made no sense. Maybe it was me, but that’s the way I felt. As I mentioned, sometimes his endings are horrible. I went ahead and started the 3rd story, it appears to be great, but I hope the ending is better.
At least it is better being disappointed by the ending of a short story than reading an entire novel that ends in a way that doesn’t make any sense.
One of my immediate projects is to try to make better use of my computer applications and programs.
An immediate project is to find a way to put pictures on a “flash drive” so they can be moved from an Apple to a PC type computer (and vice versa). Not as easy as I thought.
Aliene has completed (or is completing) a major picture project of her family pictures since the early 1900s to present (at least all the printed pictures). We are trying to figure the best way to distribute the pictures to her family members and thought the flash drive would be best due the variety of computer knowledge (or lack of).
I found a way to format the drive that is supposed to work on both of them, I will see. I bought one just to see if it works and then I will buy the rest if I works.
The era of cheap shipping (I know, I pay for it indirectly, but still….) has led me to buy one of something and then buy more if it works.
Aliene and her mother spent a lot of time determining who was in the photos , etc., and putting them in photo books, now they will all be digitized. Between the time spent putting them in the photo books, scanning them and now putting them in photo books on the Internet, a lot of work has gone into it!
I also need to develop more of a working relationship with Evernote. I have had it for years but just don’t feel I have ever really using it to even minimal capacity.
One of the programs I actually use the most is Apple “Notes," it is good for a lot of actions, and while I really don’t utilize it to the fullest extent, I do use it for a lot of things.
Somehow the Apple “reminder” app has never done much good. It just doesn’t seem to work well. Either it reminds you too much or doesn’t remind me enough. I’m sure I just need to bear down and figure out to use it correctly!
That’s it for now, Sunday, July 5, 2020.
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