78 degrees this morning 76% humidity Wind 10 mph
23rd Wedding Anniversary today. Certainly marrying Aliene is something I have never regretted. I can’t believe how lucky I was! The CMA Fest was almost always on our Anniversary the past 16 years or so, so we always said we “celebrated our Anniversary with 60,000 people in attendance”! It will certainly be different this year!
Another wonderful Summer day high of 96 degrees. Little wind, sunny most of day.
Although it is 78 degrees now, the cooling wind and the fact that it is still dark make it seem almost cool on the patio. The moon is hanging what appears to be in the South.
Walk: 25:21 minutes, pace was 74 seconds slower than my goal.
Cool down walk was 15:10 minutes
“Reopened” on several fronts today. Took one the cars in early for servicing, the first available appointment.
On the way to the appointment, there was almost no traffic, where normally even on Saturday morning there is a lot of traffic. I was surprised to find myself driving much faster than normal, I assume due to the lack of traffic.
Also, when I first got in the car, I had forgotten how to adjust the radio stations! I hadn’t driven the car by myself for a long time for any distance awe normally listen to an audiobook when we are in the car together.
The dealership was set up relatively well, had sanitizer around, and even a way to pay ‘hands free” at the end.
Although all of the personnel wore masks, I noted I was the only male customer wearing a mask and all of the female customers were wearing masks. I’m not sure what that says, but it appears to be a pattern.
As usual, the dealership had another “recommended” maintenance item. I just have to assume they are being relatively honest with me.
Did the usual “curbside” pickup of a library and “contactless” pickup of groceries. We aren’t ready to “re-open’ much more than that. Every time we think bout going to a large store or restaurant with a lot of people, we just kind of cringe and decide we aren’t quite ready yet.
I figure about the time I have to go “in the field” in July again, we might be ready.
Almost finished “These Women”. It is a really good book, as I mentioned , not my normal fiction reading. It had some great quotes:
“Don’t just say you’re sorry, do something”. Something I need to remember. I think it kind of says we have a responsibility to assume some action when appropriate.
“Why are people always asking the wrong questions”. This is a fact of life I have seen (and done) many times. It would take too much space to go into adequate detail on this one. However, I like to remind myself, “Is that the right question?”. That applies to questions I am asking as well as the questions someone is asking me.
“The moment after a crash seems to exist outside the convention of space and time, a dead zone unreachable by the past or present”. That describes it well for a crash or any sudden unexpected incident.
That’s it for now Sunday, June 7, 2020.
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