Tuesday, April 21, 2020

2020 Spring April 21 Tuesday


51 degrees this morning, 86% humidity

Turned out to be a beautiful day yesterday, started out a little cool, but warmed up to 78 degrees with no wind.  A late afternoon thunderstorm came in, with very little rain.

Lifted weights this morning, sit-ups, barbells and bench press.  I skipped a couple of days, I thought I might have pulled something, but I think it was something else.

Walk , 23:03  minutes, pace was 41 seconds slower than my goal.
Cool down walk was 13:23 minutes 

Listening to the Great Course today, on Confucius, Bubba, Jesus and Mohammad.  Today he continued with Confucius.   

He noted in the preamble he was going to review the life of each and then the teachings although as he noted frequently their life is their teachings. Kind of like “the media is the message”.  

He has a good point and probably  we all don’t realize how much we “teach” by our actions, rather than our words.  

What surprised me is that he noted that when Confucius was alive, China wasn’t called China, and his name was never Confucius while he was alive, but probably it was about 3 or 4 centuries later when  he was  known as “Confucius”.

Of course there is also the speculation that he never lived, that he was a melding of 4 or 5 people , etc.  

However, the Instructor feels he was alive and was a person.  

He also noted that it is not known if Jesus and Mohammad were literate in the sense they could read and write, but it wasn’t that important because only about 5% of the population was literate and people learned through stories and behavior.

He thought probably Confucius was literate and Buddha was literate.  

When we were in China, one of the sites I wanted to see was a shrine to Confucius, but I never made it there.  

He did note that, like others, many followers of Confucius in later years were killed, including being stoned to death or buried alive.  

Otherwise, life continues.  It is already April 21,2020.  2020 is even a stranger year than I ever would have expected.    

By now, there would have been a series of events, we would have been immersed in baseball (attending minor league, watching major league on tv) and planning our summer and fall trips.

Life goes on anyway,  and we’ll just have to just be flexible and enjoy each day as we can.

That’s it for now, Tuesday, April 21, 2020.


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