32 degrees this morning, 77% humidity
Yesterday overall was a nice day, little wind, although it remained cool most of the day.
Weight exercises (sit ups, dumbbells, bench press)
Stationary Bike 30 minutes
I put the “Weights” on there just to encourage me to do my weights every morning. (I have a set of weights at the house, which makes it nice.)
Did the stationary bike in the evening, which is highly unusual for me? Enjoyed it actually.
Best of all, my iPad and AirPods were found with no damage etc by a hard working “graveyard” shift cleaning crew. I plan on thanking them with something besides thanks!
I took the opportunity to try to order new AirPods (before I got the call they had been found), and found that the AirPod Pros aren’t available until March 27! (about a month and 1/2) and I have a feeling it might be longer than that with the problem in China.
I briefly thought about ordering the regular AirPods (which are available), but decided I would do without and wait for the AirPod Pros. However, the regular AirPods I have are fin3 as long as I own them. When I replace them I want the AirPods Pro.
Anyway, it feels good to have them. While it sounds weird, I just had a feeling I would get them back.
Maybe one reason is on the “Find my” app, they kept showing them as not on. They have a feature that notified me on my watch when I turned on the iPad!
Anyway, I also enjoy knowing that the iPad and AirPods sat there all day and no one stole them!. (Although I don’t know exactly where they found it) They said the “cardio area," which is where I was.
The lying coward lunatic criminal is really gong nuts, pardoning a bunch of “celebrity” criminals or commuting their sentences. He feels he is a criminal king.
I recently read where he has ripped off over $200 million of taxpayer money on his “resorts” and playing golf on them and charging exorbitant room and food rates for his bedbug infested rooms.
I am sure he is getting a lot of “donations’ for his pardons, probably even has a price list!
He is just a total scumbag and the lying coward lunatic and his cowering cowards are an embarrassment and liability to the nation.
That’s it fo now, Wednesday, February 19, 2020
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