Saturday, August 17, 2019

2019 Summer August 17 Saturday


83 degrees this morning, 61% humidity

Overall good day yesterday, temperature got to around 100 degrees (forecast for 103 degrees). 

Glad the weekend is here, hopefully will have some time to get some things done.  Somehow time just seems to fly!

We had a medical procedure scheduled, we saw a “scheduler” and I was surprised at how much is involved in scheduling even a minor medical procedure!  While I would realize it if I thought about it, I saw that the scheduler has to consider the schedule and availability of the place, people etc., and there is a lot of factors involved!  

I am getting closer and closer to canceling the physical delivery of the newspapers.  The extremely late delivery means I don’t really have time to read it, and if we have an early appointment, it means the newspapers are sitting in the yard, advertising we aren’t here.  Most of all is the extreme lack of concern shown for subscribers.  

I haven’t bothered to read the physical local newspaper for weeks, at least on a routine basis, I real it on-line.  

My problem is I don’t want to cancel just the physical delivery because I really think that is their intent to force subscribers to read on-line by the deliberate extremely poor physical delivery and I’m not going to do it!  

September 10 is the planned announcement for the new iPhones (or all least that is the rumor!).  I am ready.  

I think I will be jumping 6 generations of one iPhone and 5 generations of another  I think that is the biggest jump I have made.   I had an iPhone 3 and then jumped to a 5, which I believe is a 4 generation jump and than the 5 to the 6 which was only a 2 generation jump.  

Much as I like new technology, for some reason I hesitate to upgrade when I have a perfectly good device.  Actually I think the iPhone 5 was one of the best iPhones, although it is obsolete now.  

We have repurposed our 5 and 5+ as “book readers” and they are still working fine for that purpose.  Also, in the extreme, if we had something happen to one of our iPhones we could always use them as a backup, if our current phones were lost or damaged and we were trying to wait for another upgrade period before we bought a phone.  

I’m not sure how late is “too late” to buy an iPhone.  After a certain point, you don’t want to buy one, but you want to watch for the upgrade!
I have been trying to keep up on a possible release date for the MacBook Air, but I am beginning to think more and more that the July “refresh” will be the only update this year.  

That’s it for now, Saturday, August 17, 2019.


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