Friday, February 15, 2019

i2019 Winter February 15 Friday


35  degrees this morning, humidity 63 % feels like 27 degrees.

70 degrees or so yesterday.  Nice, but cold weather is here again this morning.!  I’m glad the warm weather is here, but I’m ready for it to end.

Hopefully walk, exercise later this morning, freezing rain is close, will se what it is like when it is time to go to walk.  

Th petulant lying coward lunatic is scared to death of a couple of hate mongering extreme “radio show” hosts.  What a joke of  a president.

I have decided to stop supporting any newspaper, business or organization that supports the juvenile lying racist coward lunatic.  Regardless of how little I spend, they are using my money to further hate, lies and making a joke of the United States by supporting the lying coward lunatic.  

Walked and swam yesterday morning. at the fitness center. 

Walk was 25:02 minutes with about a 16 minute swim.  Pace was 21 seconds slower than my goal.  

One of the reasons I bought my Apple Watch was because I could wear it swimming.  Of course, now I won’t wear it because I can’t stand the thought of dousing it in water!  Instead I wear my $5.00 Walmart watch that probably does just as good except it doesn’t keep track of my swimming etc. However, I’m not that good of a swimmer, so the watch does keep track of the time.

Anther example of intentions not being what you plan!  

I am still trying to decide what my exercise plan is going to be.  I just feel that walking and swimming account for a lot of  exercise using the machines etc.  I’m planning on keeping trying it out.

I may walk and do the exercise machines etc. tomorrow morning.  I also may just decide to walk and swim and bicycle.

Trying out something a little new, writing the “bones” of this post the night before.  I”ll  see. 

Friday already and a 3 day weekend!  The week went faster than I expected, which is about what i expected. 

Another dream, this was just a snippet that I remembered.  It was a very strong dream, but Id didn’t remember much of it. 


Stopped for motel room very late, the town seemed to be a City we lived in in the late 90’s.  (Which of course, didn’t have a motel!)

They showed us the hotel room.  I twas weird since it was attached to a meeting room, not like most motel rooms. 

I wandered around the room and noticed some empty coke bottles and trash on the floor and then noticed the bed hand’t been made although it obviously had been slept in.  

I went out to get someone to give us another room etc.  

However, I couldn’t get the attention of the  clerks, the clerks appeared to be outside offices (It was warm weather.)

The Clerks were all sleeping or ignoring us.   There were lots of people milling around.

Woke up.  As I mentioned, it was just a snippet, but I remembered it as a strange dream, again about being in a motel.

That’s it for now, Friday, February 15, 2019.


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