Thursday, February 28, 2019

2019 Winter February 28 Thursday


20 degrees this morning, feels like 11 degrees, humidity 94%.  Still sick, no exercise.

Think I am feeling slightly better, unfortunately  “slightly” is the operative word.

I probably have slept more in the last 3 days than I normally sleep in two weeks. 

I really don’t like to sleep much, i feel i am wasting time, but right now, all i want to do is sleep and i don’t feel I am wasting time!  Hopefully I am helping get rid of the bug or whatever.  

The really wild dreams seem to have stopped, or at least reduced quite a bit.  I never remembered any of them in detail, just a jumble of dreams.

Yesterday I stared into work for a couple of appointments, and quickly turned around and came back when the car started sliding.  I saw a U.S. Postal truck in the ditch and quickly decided it was best for me to not try to drive!

I do not feel it is a good idea to take a chance on wrecking the car or injuring myself of someone else.  Fortunately I have my office in my house, I always have office work I can do.

Last day of February 2019.  2019 is two months gone, again just speeding along.  

While the passage into March does not mean Spring is here (they are predicting winter storms this weekend), it does mean Spring is closer.

Well, back to bed to get some extra sleep to get rid of whatever I have.

That’s it for now, Thursday, February 28, 2018.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

2019 Winter February 27 Wednesday


28 degrees this morning, feels like 19 degrees, humidity 95%

Yesterday it started relatively mild, then it turned into a  bitter cold with wind.  Probably didn’t help my health any.

I cough some kind of bug, I just come home and sleep and have the weirdest dreams.  I also am not eating much, which at least helps my diet!

I had forgotten how being sick feels when you just go off into some never-never land and lose track of time.  

Hopefully it won’t last long.

it is a strange feeling, i really don;’t feel “sick”, I just feel like I’m in a different world.  Or maybe I do feel sick.

I”m going to make this a short post today, I need to go ahead and get some more sleep.
I may add more later on today.

That’s it for now, Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

2019 Winter February 26 Tuesday


42 degrees this morning, feels like 37, humidity 73%  Cough, no exercise this morning. 

Life is normal until it isn’t normal.  You get into a groove of daily living and then suddenly something occurs that disrupts it either on e temporary or permanent basis.

Disruptions can be anything, positive or negative, including illness, change of jobs, family patterns etc.  

Just a thought that I need to remember.

I am surprised at the items pushed as “news” by the news media.  I really could care less about the Oscars, who won what they wore etc.  Also the hyped “news” of actors, sports people etc.  

Also, include in that the vicious lying tweets by the lying coward lunatic  Why is that news?

Anyway, thank goodness for being able to speed through them and on printed media, ignore them. 

I assume someone likes it or they wouldn’t spend some time and money hyping it, which is ok if that is what people want.  I hate to see a “news” show carry such fluff, let the other channels and talk shows push it.  

The newspaper delivery is really odd.  I didn’t get any newspapers Sunday, than the delivery on Monday and Tuesday was reasonably early.  

Finished “The Day After Oblivion”.  It was really an excellent book and kept my attention throughout the entire book.  Kind of hard to make a book about the time after a nuclear  war disaster positive, but he managed to make it somewhat positive.  

Of course, no one really knows what would happen in such a case, and I would hate to speculate about it ever happening. 

I think people are basically resourceful, but also the lack of rules and law and the need to find food and shelter etc. would be a chaotic time.  

When you think of no fresh water, no electricity, no gas, probably no cars etc., I really don’t know what people would do.  

That’s it for now, Tuesday, February 26, 2019.

Monday, February 25, 2019

2019 Winter February 2 5 Moday


34 degrees this morning, feels like 26 degrees, humidity 58%.

Exercise yesterday was bicycling, couldn’t swim due to open sore (I had bumped into a piece of equipment that skinned my skin.  I don’t know i not swimming with an open wound if protection for me, for other swimmers or both!  

Not going to exercise this morning.  I developed a cough, although it isn’t real bad.  I just don’t want it to get any worse!  I hope it is merely an allergy from the high winds. 

I have found the wind is a major  culprit in my allergies, when when starts blowing, I start blowing!

Still cold yesterday in spite of moving up to 56 degrees or so.  Some days you just can’t win!

Finished my  taxes.   Comparing the two years,  the “tax cut” was actually a real tax increase for us.  I haven’t seen any price cuts resulting form the huge tax cut (and resulting huge national debt increase) for businesses.  

I understand the employees haven’t seen the salary and wage increases that the supporters were promising.  

Instead I saw a lot of “buybacks” generally benefiting mostly the executives who were able to artificially increase their stock price by buybacks and then sell their options and stocks at a profit.  Their political “contributions” paid huge dividends for them1

Walked out of the fitness center and noticed a small dent in the car.  It fortunately did not affect any of the doors or anything, but it is big enough I’m sure they knew they hit someone and took off.  

It was one of those dents that could have happened in the last couple of weeks and i just noticed it or it could have happened yesterday morning, although the car wasn’t near any other cars.  

It is always debatable whether to fix a small dent in the car.  I hate to have the car start to look ratty, but on the other hand, some years ago we had a very small stretch in a fender (not a dent). 

The estimate to fix it was $700, so we just blew it off.  When we traded the car, they didn’t take off one penny for the scratch, so we weren’t out anything.

I wonder how people feel who hit someone and then take off.  I feel that their “karma” will be affected, and they will probably be worse off from the incident than I am, or if they had stopped to make a note of it.  

In any event, that isn’t my decision what happens to them, I just need to deal with the dent in the car.  

My inclination right now is to do nothing, but I don’t want the car to become a bunch of dents and scratches etc.!

That’s it for now, Monday, February 25, 2019.


Sunday, February 24, 2019

2019 Winter February 24 Sunday


29 degrees this morning (feels like 22), humidity 73%.

Walk yesterday is an estimated 36.03 minutes.  I hit the wrong button on my watch and had to restart, so that is an estimate. 

I hit my  arm and scraped it, so I couldn’t swim with an “open wound”.  Hopefully I can swim today, probably will  be a day or two more.  

This has been a cold Winter, somehow I don’t remember the continuous cold, it seems like there were more “warm breaks” in past Winters.  Of course, maybe every Winter seems like that.

At least February is almost over, only 5 more days (including today).  

While it doesn’t really mean anything, I don’t really expect March 1 to suddenly be warm, but at last it will be a sign that warm weather is coming!  

Kind of like crossing a State (or even Country) line, the change isn’t immediately notable, but the change is coming.  

High wind yesterday, it made even 62 degrees seem cool!  Of course, now it has cooled down to 29 degrees, although the wind had diminished also.  

When someone is in the hospital, it is just like another world is created.  Your normal world is suspended (even if I am not the one in the hospital) as you wait.  i don’t mean the world stops, it is just one part, the “normal” part, is suspended and another, alternate reality, takes it’s place.  

i hadn’t eaten at McDonalds for a long time.  I ate breakfast there yesterday and enjoyed the “sausage burrito” and the McDonalds coffee.

While I don’t necessarily eat there a lot, Mc Donalds has one of the best cups of coffee on the market.   It is a different coffee than Starbucks, but is equally as good.  

I especially appreciate that McDonalds will almost always “make a fresh pot of coffee” if you ask for “fresh” coffee if it is later in the day.  

One thing that really irritates me is to go to a restaurant later in the day and they either have “old” coffee, or use a “thermos” that makes the coffee taste just warmish and old.  It just doesn’t work.

I have basically quit ordering coffee after breakfast, unless it is McDonalds or  Starbucks, 

I just can’t stand the coolish/old coffee most restaurants  dish out and call it “coffee”.   When a restaurant charges $3.00 for a cup of coffee, it seems they could make sure it was fresh and hot! 

I don’t drink near as much coffee as I used too, primarily because it is hard to get a good cup of coffee.  Of course, the Keurig helps, although I have found most Keurig’s don’t really make a truly “hot” cup of coffee.  

I have one at home now, I miss the old coffee pot and sitting around and drinking ten cups of coffee before I went to work.  Now I normally drink one big cup on weekdays, and then gulp as much as possible if we do out to breakfast on weekends!

Times change.

That’s it for now, Sunday, February 24, 2019.


Saturday, February 23, 2019

2019 Winter February 23 Saturday


45 degrees this morning, 100% humidity 

Light rain since yesterday afternoon, hard at times.  Thank goodness it is not snow or ice!  

“1984” may well be here.  Camera’s everywhere, ability to track people (especially if they have chip implanted in them etc.)

Obviously it’s not all bad, the cameras etc. solve a lot of crimes, and can probably even act as a crime preventive, assuming criminals realize the cameras are there. 

Also, cameras and GPS etc. can even prove someone didn’t prove a crime. 

However, something I read got me thinking that if someone was really serious about tracking me, (which I doubt), through credit card transactions, “pike pass” etc, and especially by cell phone or even computer records (with a GPS on the phone or computer) it would be simple.

I think the problem is that it “could” be misused, especially considering some of the policies and human rights violations by some the government and business “leaders’.  

One still weak link in technology continues to be “batteries”.  I say that because I forgot to plug my laptop in last night and the battery may not last until i get this done!  

Batteries in computers, phones, cars, etc. are really a weak link in our daily lives, much as our dependence on electricity, transportation etc. is always lurking as a potential problem.  

I really don’t know how all electric cars will ever really develop without a system of battery chargers that are available and relatively inexpensive.  The hybrid cars, or at least a car with a small backup engine makes sense, but to me an all-electric car (unless you just planned to use it locally) isn’t feasible yet.  

The majority of the time, a vehicle is used within the range of an electric car, so it does make sense for local use.

I read where the lying coward lunatic is spending  lots of money and time  and making a lot of his presidential actions (what few he makes) with the goal of getting the Nobel Peace Prize.  

Typical fo the lying coward lunatic  that he craves recognition so much he will do anything to get it including being a traitor.    

To me, the Nobel Peace Prize is something you get as a by-product of something else you do, not a  goal in itself.  I can’t believe a lying, coward, racist, perverted lunatic would ever get it.

What the problem is, who knows what kind of “deal” the lying coward lunatic will make if he thinks it will get him some sort of recognition. 

The vicious, lying tweets he makes are unbelievable, showing a really twisted criminal mind.  

I no longer read the lunatic’s tweets.  I don’t have time and I don’t know how someone can be a Presidnet and have the time to send out vicious tweets, watch all kinds of  junk tv and lay around all day eating junk food.   

Of course, the simple answer is, they can’t  

Of course, with his twisted lying lunatic mind and the congressional cowards, it is good when they don’t take any action. 

That’s it for now, Saturday, February 23, 2019.


Friday, February 22, 2019

2019 Winter February 22 Friday


41 degrees this morning, 89% humidity 

Sunny yesterday, which helped in spite of the cold weather.  At least Spring is less than 30 days away, at least on the calendar.

Read about the Coast Guard officer  who threatened a lot of the lying coward lunatic’s “enemies” and how the lying coward lunatics vicious lying threats on his “tweets” and how the lunatic is encouraging violence and attacks on his “enemies”.  

This lying coward lunatic is destroying the country and the congressional cowards sit their just continuing their bootlicking sniveling cowardly behavior. I find it hard to believe they can live with themselves. 

The lying coward lunatic has obviously lost complete sense of reality in his desperate attempts to pander to the lowest level of behavior to get the approval he craves before anything else. 

The fact the lying coward lunatic has said nothing about the plot to kill his “enemies” says a lot. 

Working on a speech about “digital assistants” (Amazon Echo and Google Assistant).  They are really amazing device for the money. 

The current devices are just the beginning and have a lot of potential.  I can see a lot of uses for them as they develop.  

I expect at some point the “Smart Phone” is an phenomenal, at some point it will be replaced or supplemented by even a better and more useful device.  Probably something no one has even thought of yet.  

Reading about the decline of printed newspapers and how “Hedge funds/Private Equity funds” are destroying the printed newspapers by only looking at how much money they can rip off by selling off their assets etc. and lowering the quality of the newspapers. 

Of course, the artificially low interest rates and slanted tax laws encourage this behavior.

I have seen the results of this locally as the only goal is to make money, not produce a good product. 

I think that is a problem with the “short term” thinking of businesses who maximize short term profits at the expense of the long term.  

Actually, i was thinking, everything I have written here today is something that realistically I can’t do anything about (except state my views), so I need to concentrate my time and efforts on things I an do something about!  

That’s it for now, Friday, February 22, 2019.


Thursday, February 21, 2019

2019 Winter February 21 Thursday


34 degrees this morning, feels like 27, humidity 86%

Weather continues cold with the temperature “below normal”.  Hopefully will get into the 50’s today..

At least it is another day towards Spring, with the first day of Spring about 27 days away.

Recently spent some time at the hospital, (visiting, not for myself).  The hospital somehow develops it’s own feeling of “normal”, even though it is an abnormal situation for the patients and visitors.  It becomes kind of an alternate normal.  

“Normal” is subject to it’s own definition!  “Normal” life etc. may not be that normal, but it is certainly always subject to disruptive and sudden change, not always good or bad.  

Some of this also may come from reading the book “The Day after Oblivion” when the world permanently changes and the “normal” is no longer available.  

I have gradually gotten involved in the book to the point now I read it at various times throughout the day.  

It involves “life” after a nuclear war, which seems all to likely with the current lying coward lunatic and his band of cowards where incompetence, bootlicking and punishment for disagreeing with the lying coward lunatic are the norm!  

Last night, I saw a brief news piece where someone was noting that the lying coward lunatic and his bootlicking cowards were “depending on his base to be stupid”.  The person talking felt like the lying coward lunatic was making the wrong assumption.  

I’m not really sure what to think about that.  I really don’t understand how anyone can support a known and proven liar, to start with.  The lying coward lunatic lies about everything and is incapable of knowing the truth. Somehow, he finds bootlickers who encourage his lying as his advisers and staff.

The bottom line is, how do you trust a liar who will even lie about proven facts?  Not to mention who shows poor judgement in hiring people, who appears to hire people based only how much they bootlick him and don’t disagree.  

He is an embarrassment to all of the great (and not so great) Presidents who have served as President.  Of course, at least the argument of the worst, most ineffective and incompetent  President ever is settled, probably and hopefully forever!  

Today will be my fist full day of work this week, an unusual week to say the least.  As I mentioned, unusual situations develop their own alternate reality when the abnormal becomes the normal.  

Recently I had what is becoming the “normal” experience of getting a phone call about participating in the Nielsen radio ratings, similar to the Nielsen tv ratings, where you get a weekly booklet etc.  

Of course as soon as they heard my age, I kind of heard a “dong” ring.  While of course the representative calling didn’t say anything and said the booklet would be coming, i got a card saying that they had decided not to include me.  

Obviously they didn’t say it was because of my age, but it was obvious.  Obviously they don’t care about getting a true picture of their listeners, all they care about is trying to show advertisers whatever their target age group is that they are listening so they can charge artificial high rates. Whatever, the world of smoke and mirrors continues.

That’s it for now, Thursday, January 21, 2019.


Wednesday, February 20, 2019

2019 Winter February 20 Wednesday


31 degrees this morning, humidity 97%

No exercise this morning, swim about 20 minutes yesterday.  

At least in this area, the expected snow and ice did not happen, thank goodness. There was a light rain that never really turned to ice and then a light snow.  

In spite of the forecasts, the roads never got bad, which is ok with me!  

I would much rather the weather forecasters forecast the worst and be thankful if hey are wrong, than try to fudge and be surprised with snow and ice!  

Wide range of events yesterday emphasized life if full of surprises!  I won’t go into it here, but fortunately it appears everything appears to be ok.  

Giving a speech about the impact of “digital assistants”, such as the Amazon Echo and the Google Assistant.  I really think they will have a huge impact on society and our personal and business lives as they develop.  

What is amazing to me is the relatively inexpensive cost of the devices in relation to their capacity.  

Considering that  they are still relatively crude devices (even considering what they can do),  there is a lot of potential).

I keep waiting for Apple Computer to seriously enter the digital assistant market to compete with the Amazon Echo and the Google Mini, hopefully they can redefine and advance the concept of the digital assistant. 

Of course, Apple Computer hasn’t shown a lot of innovation lately and the Amazon Echo and Google Assistant have a huge advantage in already installed devices and would be hard to convince people to replace.  

One problem with the Amazon Echo and the Google Assistant is their continual attempt to sell.  While I assume that underwrites the cost of the item it is still annoying and detracts from the device.  

I recently had an experience with Amazon that was rater eye-opening.  We use “Joy” detergent for some items (washing our eye glasses etc.) and we suddenly have been unable to find it in grocery stores.

So of course, we ordered i from Amazon.  There was a wide  variety in prices, but since it is basically a commodity, we ordered the cheapest.

The cheapest was $19.98 or so from Amazon with no shipping cost.  Several days later (much later than the “guaranteed” two days), we get a box from WALMART with an invoice/receipt for $10 plus $6.00 shipping!  No sign of Amazon at all.  

I checked my order, and, sure enough, Amazon had charged me $19.98 (plus tax) and obviously pocketed the extra $4.00, a very princely profit!  

In the future, I will always double check with Walmart!  While a relatively small sum, it all adds up!

That’s it for now,  Wednesday, February 20, 2019.
