2019 Winter January 17 Thursday
45 degrees this morning, walk at fitness center laer, 100% humidity., rain
Foggy all day yesterday, with that touch of cold. Supposed to get up to near 70 degrees Friday and then a wind chill of near 0 Saturday, with snow!
Hope they are wrong on this, but I have a feeling they aren’t going to be wrong.
The good thing, is that slowly but surely, one day at a time, we are slogging through Winter! Next month we will have completed one month of Winter and only have two months left.
The bad thing about Winter is that the hard part is usually over by late February, early March, but than the cold just hangs on until mid May, the really excruciating period!
Walked at fitness center yesterday morning. I did two segments, with exercises between the segments
Walking times were:
-Stage 1: 17:45 minutes,
-Stage 1: 17:05 minutes
My pace is still lagging about a minute (per mile) from the outside walk, but I am improving.
I am still feeling my way on this. I want to do some of the exercises at home (the ones I can do at home) and maximize my time at the gym. Soon I want to start swimming also, so I will need to consider how to do that.
I may have to retire to get my exercise in!
Discussing the concept of “success” yesterday, I thought about that as I went through my work day. I see people whose life is focused on their business, and I see ones who feel they are “successful” because they are able to exist and others who probably don’t consider themselves “successful” even though society may view them as “successful”.
It all depends on how you define it, and if you care. I think it is something people should consider.
The newspapers have not been on time since January 1. Some days they don’t come completely, I think the earliest has been 2 1/2 hours after they used to be delivered and about 1 1/2 hours after the “guaranteed delivery”.
I kind of wonder if this isn’t some weird attempt to force subscribers to cancel and take the “internet only” subscription. You never know anymore.
Actually I started looking at it at the perspective of not receiving the paper and I realized I would still miss it, even as poor of a paper as the metropolitan paper has become. I’ll probably take a “vacation suspension” of several weeks and see if I miss it or not.
The electric razor experiment has gone a little better than I expected. It actually works fairly well. It wan’t until last night I figured how out how to put the electric razor into the cleaning device.
While I manually cleaned it, it came with this rather weird “cleaning device” that has some kind of oil/cleaning cartridge. As I mentioned, it even has warnings about keeping it again from flames etc. And of course, you have to change the oil cartridge on a regular basis at what I am sure is a high profit for the company! They have expanded on the “give away the razor, sell the blades concept!
Actually that is ok, if they provide a good service.
That’s it for now, Thursday, January 17, 2019.
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