Wednesday, November 14, 2018

2018 Fall November 14 Wednesday

21 degrees this morning, no walk, 87 % humidity 

Temperature remained cold yesterday (in the 20’s much of the day), but warmed enough that most of the snow melted.  

Hopefully it will warm up soon.  

Didn’t walk this morning, primarily due to the cold and it’s effect on my coughing, which I assume is a type of asthma, that reacts to cold weather and exercise, so both factors are there.  

Combine that with some confusion over when i take my inhaler and I decided it was best to skip today.  (Plus any remaining ice that may be on the streets!)

Considering everything, we are discussing pulling the trigger on buying a decent quality treadmill, primarily so we don’t have any excuses not to walk!  We decided by the time we drive someplace to walk, or the walks we miss due to the weather, it will be well worth it.  

As always with any major purchase,  the problem is which treadmill to purchase.  It seems no matter how much you research, there is always an art to purchasing the right model etc.  

It seems that November had just started and now it is already almost the middle of November!  I expect Thanksgiving will fly by, especially since it is next week!  

Participated in the direct form of democracy last night by attending the City Council meeting of the city we live in.  

The primary reason concerned a zoning/planning issue which does not directly affects us, but could have a large impact on us due to traffic etc.  

No matter what the decision, I was pleased (and almost giddy!) to see residents present their perception of how they were affected by the proposal in basic, emotional and rational terms. 

Several people got up and presented detailed analysis of the proposal as they saw it from legal, engineering and planning aspects, which is part of it also.

However, the most effective was several residents who presented how the proposal affected them in their daily life and their investment in their house.  

I think it really really enforced my belief in the importance of local government.  It is the one level where a resident can literally walk to the meeting (well, probably not, but at the most a short drive) to the City Council (or whatever the local governing body is called) and personally express how a project is affecting them or will affect them.  

Compare that to even getting input to your state or national Senator or Representative, much less meeting with the elected officials who make the final decision!  

That’s it for now, Wednesday, November 14, 2018. 

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