Friday, November 30, 2018

2018 Fall November 30 Friday

41 degrees this morning, no walk, 93% humidity 

No walk this morning, still feeling sick.  

Was able to see my Dr. yesterday who did his magic, checked x-rays and issued several prescriptions. Thank goodness for insurance!

I always thought it was kind of rubbing salt in the wound that people have to pay so much for being sick!  Even if you have insurance it can be a substantial amount of money for deductibles, co-pays etc.  

In a way I’m feeling better, but for some reason started coughing.  

The pattern for what I have now seems to range from feeling bad to feeling fairly good and then bad again!  

I have probably slept more in the past 3 days than I usually sleep in a week! Probably even more!

The main problem is this feeling of being tired, and kind of like, as I mentioned before, that I am underwater and just moving and thinking slower than normal.

Starting the medicine regime this morning, hopefully it will work.  

November of 2018 is over today, it doesn’t seem that long ago that 2018 started!  

I always try to write at least a “page” on my journal, since I feel each day is worth at least a page!  

However, today, as yesterday, I will yield to my symptoms and not worry about writing a full page!  

That’s it for now, Friday, November 30, 2018.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

2018 Fall November 29 Thursday

40 degrees this morning, feels like 36 degrees.  No walk, 89% humidity.

No walk this morning since I am still sick.  I expect I will have to do the unthinkable and call in sick!  Hopefully I can see a Doctor or medical person today.  

I think “fear of the unknown” is the primary focus when I get sick.  Hopefully it is something that can be handled fast.  

Once I know what it is I feel a lot better.  At least I will have some idea of how long I will be sick, etc.  

I thought I may be able to work in the office today.  However, I have a feeling I am in that stage where I can’t concentrate and want to sleep. 

 I think I can describe it as a feeling of being underwater or in a dense fog where even a simple task becomes difficult.  

I’ll see.  I may work until I can get into see a Doctor or medical clinic.  

The worst thing about being sick is the feeling that I am losing time, that time is too precious to waste on being sick!

As I recently mentioned, I always try to be thankful for the times I feel good and aren’t sick etc.!

Even when I am sick, I like to be consciously aware of how I feel and not try to  cover it up.  

I’ll see in a couple of hours if I am going to work in the office today until I can see a Doctor. If I try to work and can’t, at least I tried!

Since my office is in our house, it isn’t like I have to go outside or infect anyone else.  

Keeping it short this morning.  I have been sleeping a lot more than usual since I got sick, which I expect is good.  We’ll see. 

That’s it for now, Thursday, November 29, 2018. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

2i018 Fall November 28 Wednesday

31 degrees this morning (feels like 23), no walk, humidity 83%

No walk again this morning, mainly due to “cold” symptoms, coughing etc.  Hope I feel better soon!

I was just commenting the other day that I need to be conscious of how good a “normal” day is when I feel well and appreciate it.  While I don’t feel real bad, it obviously is hindering some of my normal activities.  

Thinking some more on the possible future of “designer children” and possibly integration of computers/robots, Artificial Intelligence etc.  into the human system. 

I think it is easy to observe how creepy these ideas are, but on the other hand, if the techniques are there, they will be used,  In a way it may be better to get ahead in the situation and control it.  

The “one child policy” China had for years is an example of a policy with unintended consequences.  There are too many men and not enough women, which could lead to civil unrest etc.

When we were in China, one Chinese woman mentioned if she was going out with someone, they had to have an apartment or house because there were plenty that did that she could choose from, since there are so many more men than women.  

As I have mentioned, I try to keep track of dreams i remember.  Dreams seem to run in cycles, at least dreams that I remember.

I have had dreams I think are so powerful I will remember them, but I rarely do unless I write them down as soon as I get up.  Even then I frequently feel like I am only remembering the latest part of the dream.  

I don’t know what the dreams mean.  I have a hard time believing that dreams can foretell  the foretell the future, but I think dreams can be a way of picking up on subconscious information, which is one reason I try to keep track of the dreams I can remember.

A recent very short dream.  No idea at all what it means, except it brings into mind my “hobby” of tearing up boxes!

Dream 11-14-18

Dreamed on a train ride.  Not sure where or why. 

Switching trains, I bought a bunch of cardboard over the the conductor said no problem with taking the cardboard.  Said he had some type of freight, but it was going to another city.

The train was really dusty and there was a lot of boxes, which hadn’t been crushed, I had cut up mine.  

That’s it for now, Wednesday, November 28, 2018.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

2018 Fall November 27 Tuesday

30 degrees this morning, no walk, 82% humidity 

Perfect morning for a walk except for my “congestion”.  So far it has not gone into a full-blown “cold” and I am trying to make sure it stays that way.  

I didn’t realize until late in the day (November 26) marks a day of a  significant sudden change in my life. 

During a transition, especially a sudden transition , there are many “decision points” where a decision marks a major change in your life.  

Hopefully we made the right decisions, something you never really know.  

Read this morning about a scientist who performed “gene editing” to produce the first known “designer children” (actually twins in this case). 

While the “edit” was actually to remove a gene (or whatever) that causes a “dread disease”, the project was universally condemned by other scientists.  

Apparently there are many considerations.  Of course there are the ethical considerations of interfering with the process of life.  

Perhaps a consideration I hadn’t thought of before is that the “edited” children will basically change the human race when they have children, with unknown results that could have a significant impact.  The key is the “unknown results” of interfering with nature.

I think the biggest problem is that the technology really can’t be controlled.  As demonstrated currently, any incompetent, lying lunatic can be “elected” to a position where the technology could be misused and there is no control over the results, especially when the persons who could control the situation are cowards who are only interested in enriching themselves and staying in office.   

One result of listening to the “Great Course” on biology, I am much more conscious of the significance of how life can change.  

As I noted, even the “migration” of life forms (humans, animals etc.) to a new environment can have a significant affect on ultimate changes in life.

Like any technology, it seems there eventually is no control over whether the technology is used for good or evil purposes.  

By chance, I also read the gist (although I didn’t read the story), of Edwin Musk proposing that humans “merge” with artificial intelligence.  Supposedly this will be possible in the near future.  I will need to read more on this. 

Reading the two stories in the same day is rather surreal, since together they represent basic changes in the future of all of life and many unintended and unexpected results.  

“In the field” yesterday.  A little worried about it due to the extreme cold weather (for this area and time of year), but it worked out well.  Today is a “office day”, so I will plan on staying warm!

That’s it for now, Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Monday, November 26, 2018

2018 Fall November 26 Monday

25 degrees this morning, feels like 15 degrees, no walk, 84% humidity

No walk this morning for rather obviously reasons!  Actually, the wind was one factor as some congestion that wasn’t all that bad, but I don’t want to make it worse!  

Yesterday was very windy and cold all day, with the wind in the 18-22 mph with gusts to 50 mph.   Not a pleasant day outside to say the least. 

Of course, even then we had it a lot better than other areas of the country where the snow and wind.  Good luck to persons in that area, and stay warm!  

Aliene got many of the interior Christmas decorations up, which always look so nice!  We do only a little outside, and it was just too windy to do anything.  

I recently took advantage of a “Black Friday” sale to pick up some Echo Dot, 3rd generation digital assistants at 50% off, but, perhaps  more important, was able to buy some “smart plugs” at $5. each.  

We haven’t used “smart plugs” yet, so it will be fun to see how they work.  Aliene has perfected using the “timers” for lights etc., so I’m not sure how we will use them, but it seemed an easy (and cheap) way to start.  

It is amazing, we can already control the temperature from anywhere in the world with an “app”, security to some degree from an “app”, and now can control anything that may fit into a “smart plug”.  

I am sure we will use our imagination and they will become essential just like the Echo “digital assistants” did!  

I really am looking forward to the ‘vehicle Echo” comes out (that works on the phone cellular connection and bluetooth).  I think that will really be valuable.  

We are finding more ways to use the Echo dots besides for reminders, timers, alarms, lists (which is wonderful) etc.  I recently was able to “stream” SiriusXM radio through the Echo’s,, although I don’t quite know when we will want to do so.

Recently I was able to link my “calendar” to the Echo, which is really valuable.  It will read out my appointments for the day or I an just tell it to make an appointment (before I forget it!)  

I use “alerts” a lot, so I still will need to go back and edit them for “Alerts”, which are valuable when i am in the field.  

Recently I read about how “robots” are being used as personal  butlers etc. (kind of yet), but also, perhaps more important, the development of highly technical and refined (and very expensive) robots in Japan that are being used to find nuclear fuel in the nuclear plants damaged by the earthquake and resulting tsunamis’.  

In a case where there is no option of failure, the engineer in charge stated that “even in failure, we at least learn” or words to that effect.  Based on what they learn, I can only imagine the commercial applications that will result from the unfortunate reasons the robots need to be developed.

That’s it for now, Monday, November 26, 2018.   

Sunday, November 25, 2018

2018 Fall November 25 Sunday

54 degrees this morning , no walk, humidity 44 degrees

No walk due to the 17 mph wind and some symptoms of coughing etc.  Didn’t want to take a chance on making something worse.  

Starting of the last day of a 4 day weekend.  Overall, it has been an excellent weekend, it just seems to go so fast!

The new “antii-robo call” program for our phone appears to be working reasonably well.  I especially resent the phone calls at all times of the day and am glad the program appears to be substantially reducing the calls.   

I expect that “Scam Tuesday” will be bad as both legitimate and scam calls will increase. 

Personally, I don’t like “cyber Monday” or “Giving Tuesday” names.  The “cyber Monday” was originally a cute name for people abusing the rights to their computers at work to buy on the internet before the internet became prevalent in homes.  

I always resented the publicity attempting to legitimize and encourage people to use their work computers to buy personal gifts etc.

Maybe a little bit of an overreaction, but it really did seem to encourage abuse of work computers for personal reasons.  

“Giving Tuesday”, I have no idea where that started but anything with “giving Tuesday’ in the subject line is a turn-off for me.  

I think it is like the requests for “give a dollar” (or “roundup” or whatever) for some pet charity of the business that I am shopping at.  

I “just say no”.  Again, I will decide what I give to and I resent being hassled by a business to give to their favorite charity.  (Especially the businesses that I see giving millions to political campaigns etc. or paying millions in “donations” to politicians for favors that cost taxpayers billions or trillions  and then they are begging me for money?).  

Of course, it is easy for me, I “just say no” and decide on my own where I donate.  

In many cases (from my personal experience that I know it is true),many of the “giving” campaigns are sponsored by profession fund raisers who get up to 80% of the donations.  Personally I think any request for giving ought to be required to specify how much is going to “fund raising” or “administrative” expenses, although they would probably just lie about it anyway!

Watching the “qualifying” for the last Formula 1 race of the year.  I am just amazed that 20 persons can drive a car over a 3 mile track of twins and turns and all come within 3.596 seconds (the first 10 within 1.944 seconds!)  Considering that any little hesitation etc. would be a least several seconds, I really don’t know how they do it.

What is even more amazing is that the same drivers normally are within the top 5 or so. 

I always say (not always quite believing it) that many top athletes and even to Managers and executives etc. may just be a “little bit better” than average, but that “little bit” (either natural ability or extra effort) is what makes a star or “the best” in any field.  

That’s it for now, Sunday, November 25, 2018.  

Saturday, November 24, 2018

2018 Fall November 11, 2081

2018 Fall November 11-24 Saturday

41 degrees this morning, 57% humidity, Walk 35:58 minutes 

Overall good walk this morning.  No wind, actually overdressed for the temperature as I started getting hot as I walked.  

Seemed to cough more than have been recently during my walk this morning, not sure if result of wind bring in allergy causing elements, over-eating the past couple of days, or just cold weather catching up with me.  

Pace was 33 seconds slower than my goal.  As I have mentioned before, I am just glad I can walk, I am not worried about my goal, but I still like to keep track of where I have been and what I did.

Listening to the ‘Great Course” on biology during my walk, I was pleased to finally understand why some animals adjust their body temperature  from the environment and other  animals (such as mammals and humans) internally adjust their body temperature. 
I don’t recall ever having it explained before as to how the body temperature is adjusted.  I knew that snake etc. are “cold blooded” and have their body temperature depends completely on the environment, but I hadn’t really thought about it much beyond that.  

I don’t recall the terms used to describe the category of animals according to the method of adjusting body temperature (but it made sense!).  I”ll look them up today.  

Thinking of Thanksgiving, I think probably what I should be or rather am thankful for is every day that I don’t have some illness or some pain etc. that is hard to live with.  I realize when I have a cold how good it is to feel well!  

Kind of like you don’t realize how much you miss water until you miss it!

I think that ties into my belief that I should take the time to be aware and  experience each moment, whatever that moment brings me and especially appreciate the “well days” and the days when everything is going reasonably well!

I think that is especially important the older I get, that I consciously appreciate each good and well day! 

Thinking some more about the method of “measurement”, or perhaps “judgement”.  It seems that the amount of time spent in trying to prove people are working is a severe gap in our management knowledge.  

It is wasteful for me to spend two hours per day (on average) having to “prove” I”m not wasting 10 minutes or turning in personal mileage etc.  The waste in the paperwork far exceeds what anyone would waste.  

I don’t know the answer, but I think more people need to start asking eh question.  

That’s it for now, Saturday, November 24, 2018. 

Friday, November 23, 2018

2018 Fall November 23 Friday

53 degrees this morning, no walk, 66% humidity 

Didn’t walk this morning even with the (what is now normal) 53 degrees temperature.  Primarily due to the 17 mph wind, since wind seems to create more problems for my cough than cold weather.  

After Thanksgiving dinner, I probably need to walk!  Actually I did control eating relatively well, perhaps overindulged in the dessert category!  Actually a very enjoyable Thanksgiving Dinner experience.    

“Black Friday” started early as Echo devices were on sale at 1/2 price, and “smart plugs” (which I haven’t tried yet) are on sale for $5.00 with each Echo Dot you bought (regular price $25).  

I have found something isn’t really “on sale” unless you need it (one reason I ignore the Black Friday ads for the most part), but the value of the Echo has been demonstrated.  I now realize the value of the “hub”, which I probably need to get also to get real value from our Echo’s.  

I will spend some time this weekend learning about calling and other features on the Echo’s and Google.  One aspect I really want to utilize is the calendar, which has to tie into my Apple calendar.  

I really am awaiting the “Echo for cars” which is supposed to be available in the near future, or at least the future!

Like most technology, we have basically just scratched the surface of the value of the Echo’s.  Right now, we use them for lists, reminders, alarms, timers etc.  

I actually like the Google mini better in a lot of ways, but the Echo seemed easier to set up  

Finished “Boom Town” by Sam Anderson.  It is  a great book, i was riveted to it. Perhaps you have to know Oklahoma City to really like it, but it is a great book anyway.  

I have to admit, his description of the Oklahoma City bombing bought back memories that surprised me, that I haven’t consciously thought of for years. He mentioned that many residents would talk with him about the most intimate aspects of their lives, but they couldn’t talk with him about their experience in the Oklahoma City bombing.  

I was surprised how effective it was for him to tie in the Oklahoma City Thunder  (a pro basketball team) in the book and tie it in to the Oklahoma Land Run etc. 

I hadn’t really thought of a sports team having so much impact on a city, community or culture, and I have more of an understanding now about how any sports team affects any city and has such a major impact on a city.

I noticed it in Memphis with the Memphis Grizzles and his comments on the Buffalo Bills was especially enlightening on how something that really isn’t that important is so overwhelmingly important.  

I think the impact of seeing your city name nationally and even internationally is so important.   (I never understood why Nashville let their football team be called the “Tennessee” team.  They lost billions of $ of free advertising!).  Perhaps not “free”, but at least a benefit they aren’t getting from the big bucks it is costing them.  

I think the author was surprised at how involved he became in Oklahoma City himself, and his description of his experiences and observations were interesting.

One of the more entertaining parts of the book is his description of a walk from the Land Run eastern boundary (near where we lived) to the Thunder arena .  I laughed out loud at his observations on the “landfill mountain” before he realized what it was!

Second day of the 4 day Thanksgiving Holiday.  

That’s it for now, Friday, November 23, 2018.  

Thursday, November 22, 2018

2016 FAll Novembrer 22 Thursday


43 degrees this morning (feels like 37 degrees) Walk 35:24 minutes, humidity 63%

Concerned about wind this morning, but was a good morning for a walk.  The almost full moon was even higher up in the sky this morning.  Gradually I am getting used to the temperature, although it is the type of winter where the cold gets into your bones.  

Pace was 14 seconds slower than my goal, which is acceptable this time of year.  

Still listening to the “Great Course” about biology.  It is a little beyond me, but I am learning enough to make it worthwhile.  

Based on the 18 hours or so I have left in the course, (even at the rate of 1.25%, meaning, I think, I am reducing the time by 25%), it will roughly early 2019 before I finish the course. 

The saying “So Many Books, So Little Time” applies to audio books and podcasts as well as regular books!  I am woefully behind in my audio books and I really haven’t even started on my pod casts.  

Sometimes I think I need to start listening to audiobooks and podcasts during my “field days”  (when I would get at least another two hours of listing while I am driving), but it is hard to get away from my usual combination of a variety of music and CNBC!  

Started the last season (at least the seasons I have access to) of “The Wire” last night.  I feel deprived already realizing I only have one more season to watch, even though it will probably be two months before I finish it!  

I watch it on my 3 “lunch breaks” on my field days, plus times when we go to Starbucks for coffee.

While I think the language is totally unrealistic (people really don’t use language like that all the time!), the show is wonderful and I am going to miss it.  

This season brings in a “newsroom” of the local newspaper for some reason, but after a moment of disorientation, (I actually thought it had accidentally switched to another show) I really started to like the process (probably wildly unrealistic) of putting out a daily newspaper!  

Actually, I was just thinking the other day about college, where I worked on the college newspaper.  I enjoyed it, but the college I was attending didn’t offer a journalism degree and I’m not sure if I would have majored in Journalism anyway.

Actually I started majoring in Political Science.  I took my first Economics course when I was a junior and loved it so much I switched my major!  Maybe journalism would have fit in well with that!

This morning is the first day of my four day weekend.  I plan on enjoying every minute of it, and even more important, be aware of how nice it is.

That’s it for now, Thursday, November 22, 2018.  

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

2018 Fall November 21 Wednesday

36 degrees this morning, walk 35:05 minutes, 75% humidity

Good walk this morning, dressed a little too light, as I attempt to find the “perfect” outfit for different temperatures!  However, my internal furnace took over, so I was fine.

The moon was “full with a bite”,  that stage of the moon where it looks like someone (someone big obviously)  took a bite out of it.

The moon was also higher in the west this morning.  I realize the moon is the same, it is my perception of it that changes, but it was a lot higher in the horizon today, at about the same time of day.

Also, the moon was “clear” this morning, no red tinges at all as it descended.  

Most important, I say my first “full Christmas” display!  It was beautiful to say the least.

Normally Holiday decorations aren’t on when I walk, so it was a treat.

Personally, when I think of how much work and/or money goes into elaborate Holiday displays, I would turn them on on Halloween and leave them on until the last Holiday of Winter! 

Pace this morning was 7 seconds slower than my goal.  Not bad when you consider I am just happy I walk at any pace in this winter!

Pondering some more on “work measurement” and the problem with “you get what you measure”.  

Actually the story about the Police not wanting to “discover” dead bodies is common in other less obvious ways.  (I really can’t believe even the most “statistic happy” Police Department trying to cover up dead bodes! 

Of courser, I see similar actions at work, were we spend so much time proving we aren’t cheating on time, mileage etc. that the cost of “verification” is much higher than the cost of any “cheating” that may occur!  

Of course, the problem is it is always “someone else” that is responsible, I never have really found who the “someone else” is, or I would tell them what I think!  Everyone is just “following procedure” and the cost is staggering when you magnify the cost in time and money for each person.

Of course the cost is magnified also by the “review procedure”.  It may cost me 2 hours per day to “prove” I”m not wasting 10 minutes, and then the next level of supervision has to review everything, on up the latter to the point that real cost is involved.  

Multiply this by all organizations and I am surprised that as much gets done as it does! 

That’s it for now, Wednesday, November 21, 2018.