Tuesday, August 07, 2018

2018 Summer August 7 2018

81 degrees this morning, 34:13 minute walk 58% humidity

Slight breeze this morning for a relatively coolish walk.  Moon was high in the east, kind of a quarter moon, it was obscured  by clouds.  

Sitting on the patio, enjoying the last half of summer.  The white Crepe Myrtle still light up in the darkness.  

Yesterday was my early month “field day” when I started resolving a lot of new accounts.  I always look at it with anticipation at new situations and new people as well!  

My walking pace this morning was 2 seconds faster than my goal.  As I have mentioned before, either I have the right goal or I am walking to the goal!  

I had hoped to have my goal reduced by one minute by the end of Summer, and have it so I could realistically meet the goal, but obviously it will not be.  Probably I will move it up 30 seconds and see if that changes my pace any.  As I have noted before I don’t necessarily “walk to the goal”.

Setting a goal necessarily requires a change of behavior to meet the goal (unless the goal is meaningless), so it will be difficult to say that changing my goal won’t affect my walking speed.  

Fortunately we have an excellent HVAC person and he was able to get us AC again in a minimum amount of time and at a minimum cost.  We are glad to have the cool air again.  

One of the problems with owning a house is finding competent and responsive repair people.  If they are competent and responsive, they probably have too too much work!

The comment from the Newsletter I noted that businesses couldn’t operate under government rules (constitution and how laws are enacted etc.) make the impact of the Robert Moses biography even more insightful.

He started out liking the idea of power as a way to get things done and then as time went on, power became an end in itself ending tremendous abuse and consequences for New York City.  

He especially abused the so called “Public Authorities”, the organizations that are usually set up for quasi-business operations, such as sewers, water, turnpikes, economic development organizations etc.

The dance in Public Authorities is in their misuse, since they frequently are basically accountable to no-one but themselves.  

Like anything, power and Public Authorities can be used for good or bad, and when they are used for good, they can be very good and when they are used for bad, they can be very bad.  

I think businesses are the same way, there are a lot of excellent, ethical and well operated businesses, but there are also a lot that are not, and the controls need to be fore the businesses (and pubic authorities) that the power of the organization is being misused or abused.

That’s it for now, Tuesday, August 7, 2018.

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