Friday, August 31, 2018

2018 Summer August 31 2018

81 degrees this morning,  Walk 33:14 minutes, 62% humidity, 4,218 steps

Very pleasant walk this morning, light breeze (light for this area) kept the air cool in the darkness of the morning.  

the moon is again hanging almost directly overhead, slightly bigger than an half moon.  

Surprised to find my pace was 41 seconds faster than my goal, the fastest pace I have ever walked, at least since I got my Apple watch.  What is surprising, I didn’t even think about the pace I was walking.  

41 seconds faster is almost a minute per mile faster than my slowest pace, which is amazing when you think about it.  How could I vary by as much as a minute per mile?  Obviously I did. 

Hopefully the pace will continue so I can logically lower my goal.  

However, in my opinion, the time and pace aren’t all that important, they are just indicators that I am putting at least some effort into my walk.

It was pointed out to me that many people use “steps” rather than time or pace or distance, which is also a good way measure activity.  I meet many people who walk a lot in tier jobs or as a hobby and use “steps” to measure their activity.  

I decided to note my “steps” of my walk as kind of another indictor and also note my total steps for the day.  (Total steps yesterday, which was a “field day” so included walking on my job was 11,983 steps or about 5.34 miles;  On an “office day”, it will be considerably lower, but I also try to work out on the bicycle.  

I have actually been measuring my total steps for the day, I just haven’t paid a lot of attention to it.

One problem is that my watch is connected to my personal phone and I don’t always carry my personal phone to work visits, so I’m not getting all of my “steps” counted when I make field visits.  

I got a e-mail about  that many people use “Fitbit” products for measuring steps etc.,especially if other people use a Fitbit product since they can communicate with them.  (An Apple watch can also).

Actually, Fitbit is an excellent product, and I used one prior to the Apple Watch. 

In fact, I was impressed enough to buy some Fitbit stock in our  retirement accounts, based on the fact that I believed Fitbit made a good product and an inexpensive but quality product may be used more by hospitals, gyms etc. and in clothing and accessories etc.  than the more expensive Apple product.  Fortunately I didn’t buy any until it was close to it’s low, although it hasn’t reached what I think will be it’s true potential.  Of course, now Apple is also aiming at that market.  Time will tell.

Three day weekend this weekend, which I am really looking forward too!  My only regret is that it also marks the informal end of Summer with a long time until Memorial Day of 2019.

That’s it for now, Friday, August  31, 2018.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

2018 Summer August 10 Thursday

2018 Summer August 30 Thursday

78 degrees this morning, walk 34:49 minutes, 77% humidity 

Walk this morning was good, it seemed a little more difficult, could be the humidity, could be anything.  Light breeze,  not quite a full moon is hanging almost directly overhead.  

Sitting on the patio, it  sees cooler, especially when the breeze increases.

Pace this morning was 22 seconds slower than my goal.  I didn’t think I was going that slow, but….

Now that the AAA season is over (at least as far as home games go), I was reflecting on the post-season play, which consists of the normal playoffs etc.

What is strange about it is that the Major League teams go to a “40 man roster”.  Which means all of the best players on the AAA team are called up right before the playoffs.  

It sets up some strange scenes in the play-offs, when sometimes it seems the entire team has changed, right at the most critical time.

Of course, no one can be upset, the entire reason for a the AAA is to prepare players for moving up to the Major League Baseball team. However it does make for some strange playoffs, and depends on the quality of the players called up from the AA or even A teams.  

It can make a huge difference to the players as they are paid at least the minimum Major League salary pro-rated daily.  That can easily equal their monthly pay at the AAA level (depending  on a lot of variables) every two days, plus a lot of other benefits.  

I believe it is like the AAA, AA teams etc. are a stepping stone for players moving up or a place fro transition for players moving down.  

In a way, the system makes it so no AAA team is truly stable on even transitory terms, the best players are always leaving.  

Listening to the biography on Robert Moses this morning and how he basically ruined the lives of thousands of residents because of his need to lord his “power” over people, especially people who couldn’t fight back.  

As I noted yesterday, he was unable to even hear any comments or suggestions other than what he wanted.  I blame him a lot, but I blame even more the cowardly elected officials, other bureaucrats, contractors etc. and the news media for allowing one unelected power hungry Moses to destroy the lives of thousands of residents.  

Like they say, the “Power to create is also the Power to destry”!.

I like the way Robert Caro, the author of the Moser Biography., does an excellent job of portraying the unneeded and deliberate suffering of citizens because of the the inability of advisers, the news media and others to report it.  

Thinking about the end of Summer, I know it is coming, but I will enjoy it while it is here

That’s it for now, Wednesday, August 30, 2018 

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

2018 Summer August 29 Wednesday

2018 Summer August 29 Wednesday

83 degrees this morning 60% humidity, Walk 34:01 minutes

Overall nice morning for a walk.  In spite of the temperature is slightly coolish as there is a cooling breeze.  

Sitting out on the patio, enjoying the coolish weather.  Hard to believe it seems cool when it is 82 degrees (actually 83 now), but it is.  Of course, once it gets sunny….

The moon, a little lopsided, hangs almost directly overhead, a few degrees to the west.  Next year it will be 50 years since a persons first walked on the moon, I feel still an amazing feat, somehow not followed up on.  

Pace was 1 second below my goal, which was somewhat satisfying.  However the lightning to the north may have been an incentive to walk faster!

I see no sign of any lightning now.  

Listening to the biography of Robert Moses, the author emphasizes the danger of not keeping up with the times, insulating himself from the public and new ideas etc.  So many “leaders” become stagnant by failing to listing to people and especially to listen to ideas that don’t support their ideas, so they have no new ideas or any concept of the changing environment.  

I have come to think that the biggest danger of any Manager or Leader is thinking they are right, and not listening to other opinions or discouraging conflict and disagreement.  It leads to bad public policy and projects.  

I think that may be what led to “term limits”, is the failure of the elected officials to continue to listen to the people and only listen to their staff, donors and lobbyists who are telling them what they want to hear, and to their benefit  

The failure of any elected official, manager or supervisor to listen to conflicting opinions  or discourage disagreement or conflict (conflicting ideas) is the first sign of an incompetent policy maker, whether elected official, manager, supervisor or staff (such as engineers, architects, attorney’s, planners etc.).

On another subject, I read something the other day that said something to the effect the experience indicated that customers/users love “self service” until it fails and then they have zero tolerance and become highly irate.

I can testify to that. 

The story concerned an unexpected demand for bank tellers etc. They had expected the demand to decrease due to ATM’s etc, but found they were even more important to be accessible when the “self service” broke down.

In a form of “Neo-Luddism” people love technology but hate it when it doesn’t do what they want, which leads to the demand for people.

Based on my experience, it really makes sense to me!  Nothing feels better than to have a “person” to talk to when technology fails, as it will at times.  

That’s it for now, Wednesday, August 29, 2018.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

2018 Summer August 28 Tuesday

82 degrees this morning, no walk, 60 % humidity.  

No walk this morning due to schedule.  I’ve debated about skipping the walk for (usually) work schedule reasons, but decided as long as it didn’t get out of hand I will continue it.  Probably the break does me good. 

I do miss walking in this weather, perfect weather for walking in the dark, 82 degrees with a cooling breeze.  

The full moon is out this morning, hanging over my head as it descends. It currently is probably 20 degrees  west of being straight over my head, if that makes any sense.  

Anyway, one of those perfect Summer days in the waning days of Summer.  

The local AAA baseball season ended last night, at least for us, it was the last “home stand” of the year.  I hate to think it will be at least 7 months before we attend another one and probably 9 months before we can attend one that there isn’t a definite chill in the air or at least the potential for one.  

Of course the Major League Baseball season will continue through to the World Series.  

The Crepe Myrtle are standing tall with blooms.  I love them for their long blooming period as well as that they are beautiful.  While the white variety isn’t my favorite, I like the way they shine in the dark.  

I saw a quote the day about how children know a certain number of trademarks by a young age (I think it was 90 trademarks by age six, but I’m not sure) but “couldn’t tell the names of trees” etc.)

While I understand the purpose, I grew up on a farm, with no tv, no computers etc. and I don’t know how to recognize any trees.  I know a Crepe Myrtle, but there were no Crepe Myrtle’s on the farm I grew up on.  

I probably can recognize a walnut tree when it has walnuts and a mulberry, pear or apple tree when it has fruit, but that is about it. 

So much for learning about nature just because you grow up around it!  

Probably the person who passed it on couldn’t recognize a tree either!  There are a lot of self-righteous people in the world, including me!

Sitting on the patio, with the sound of the wind in the trees, the moon overhead, and the warm weather,  I really can’t envision the cold weather to come. 

I have been having extensive, detailed dreams lately although I don’t remember them long enough to document them.  I’m not sure what that means, probably that I am having extensive detailed dreams! 

I read the other day about someone who said “older persons ought to be tested more extensively periodically”.  Of course it is always “someone else”  (especially older people) who are targeted.  My response was to “test everyone than”.  

Reading about some of the advancements in cars that could assist drivers of all ages,  I am pleased with the safety items that technology has provided at a relatively low-cost, such items as backing cameras, radar (I think ) what warns you of a car in your blind spot, cruise control that basically drives your car, self parking etc.

Much as I am against  “forcing” technology on people etc.I have  to wonder why backup cameras, radar showing cars in the blind spot, warnings when people or vehicles are in back of you, etc. aren’t “standard”.  They all are relatively  inexpensive, and definitely can save lives.  

Something to ponder on.

That’s it for now, Tuesday, August 28, 2018.

Monday, August 27, 2018

2018 Summer August 27 Monday

82 degrees this morning, no walk, 58 % humidity 

No walk due to medical appointment. 

Wonderful morning this morning, with perhaps a slightly too strong wind.  In spite of the  temperature it is relatively cool out on the patio.  The wind may have made the walk more difficult if I had walked.

The full (or almost full) moon is hanging in the sky as it sets.  It is the 27th so apparently the full moon is generally this time of month.

Saturday we saw what I call a “harvest moon”, (it was very big and an orange color) but I checked on the internet and the only true “harvest moon” is in September, actually September 24th this year.  It is called the “harvest moon” since it puts out more light and was especially helpful to farmers trying to get the harvest in.  

Had a long dream yesterday morning I noted.  Actually had another detailed and colorful dream this morning, but didn’t get to my computer before I forgot it.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Long detailed dream about Aline and I were in some city somewhere there was a lot of hills.

We went to an area that was at this highest part of the area..  

Apparently there are a series of shops etc.  I was talking to a man about how the Civil War is frequently  so much of historical significant in some areas.

For some reason he mentioned it and then I told him about my experience in Memphis where I was at a meeting on historical features (I don’t remember the exact reason it was being discussed , I think it was historical preservation.  

Anyone of the member of he committee mentioned that in Memphis “only the Civicl War was considered history, no other historical aspects was really considered important.  (In a way he was right)

Anyway, I repeated this story to the man I was speaking to (it seemed to be someone from my Toastmasters club).

At that point someone with the restaurant came up and told Aliene she couldn’t set on the chair at the bar, she had to sit a table.  (I don’t recall the reason).  

As we left, we were in a car, or maybe a Lyft or Urber car.  I looked out and said it was surprising in the valley below the cars were driving through water even though it hadn’t been raining.  

One car, decorated like a toy race car I have from Office Depot drove out of a flood are that had covered the entire car.

I mentioned to Aliene is was strange it was flooding and then I woke up.  

Seemed to be a very lengthy, detailed dream.

That’s it for now, Monday, August 27, 2018.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

2018 Summer August 26 Sunday

82 degrees 61 degrees humidity, 33:58 minutes walk

In spite of the temperature, excellent conditions for a walk this morning, a light breeze kept it cool etc.  

Walked a little later this morning (about 30 minutes, still in the dark).  

I was thinking while I was walking, I like walking in the dark.  Of course, in this area there is very little traffic while I am walking. Most days I see no cars, probably the most I have ever seen on one morning is 3 cars.  

Also, I see very few dogs, cats or other critters, which suits me fine.  

On the other hand, while I used to bike in the dark all the time (well lit up with flashing lights etc., of course),I think I now prefer to bike in the light.  

They do have bike paths around here, but, unfortunately (for me), I have never had the experience of biking around other bikers pedestrians etc. on trails, so I keep to the streets.  Ditto with walking.  

Aliene and I were talking the other day and without thinking I mentioned how one thing wanted to do after I retire is to ride my bike more!  That is a consideration!   

Listening to the biography of Robert Moses, I am just amazed at his  abuse of power, his abuse of citizens etc..  It seems like he was allowed to abuse his power by a group of cowardly “yes people”, contractors who got jobs if they were in his good graces, news media fooled by failure to do due diligence  etc.  Sound familiar?

I think there is a true boundary to “power to get things done” and “power for power’s sake”.  The book goes into real detail on how he slipped from the desire for public good to his decision that whatever he wanted was the public good.

One aspect of the current city we live in I don’t like is the true lack of transparency in government (city and school board).  Although the city is close to 100,000 people, there is a secrecy that seems to prevail.  Nothing illegal, all of the  publications are carefully followed etc., it is just that only certain people are appointed to Boards and Commissions, a school election for literally millions of dollars for high school football stadiums was very  quietly set without any publicity etc.  I’ll check on it, but I have found information is difficult to find!!  

There may be good and valid reasons for it, but it seems there should be more publicity as to why all of this is justified. 

It reminds me with my experience of the YMCA, which is partially city and school funded, but he YMCA closed the swimming pool to the public during popular times so they could rent out to private groups for YMCA profit! 

I doubt that that was the purpose of the “public private partnership”.  

When I complained, the response was that some official at the YMCA was in charge and “what he wanted, he got”.  Strains of Robert Moses!

That’s it for now, Sunday, August 26, 2018.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

2018 Summer August 25 Saturday

80 degrees this morning, no walk (attending conference), 55 % humidity 

The air last night had that coolish feel of Fall, in spite of the temperature and the heat of the day.

I always associate that with a time when I was in early high school, and some friends and I went over and climbed on the roof of the school.  I’m not sure why we climbed on the roof of the school, but we did.  I don’t remember anything else about it except for the coolish breeze blowing that night.

Perhaps we climbed it because it was there!  Maybe it represented some type of authority and claiming it meant something  about authority.  I honestly feel like we did it because it was there!  Or more likely we were just bored and it represented something new.  

The wifi here has that “we know better than you bug”, the message you get when you log on to wifi and you get the message “unsecure network” and it doesn’t let you on.  It infuriates me that Apple computer or someone feels they have to “protect” me from an “unsecure” network. As if I don’t know not to check my bank account etc. over a public wifi. 

A “warning” would be fine, but then blocking me from the wifi network should be (and is) illegal.  Probably a violation of my freedom of speech when I think about it.

It is strange that I have never found who or what is responsible for that message and the resulting illegal blocking of me from public wifi, even when I have VPN.  It is actually worse than China was, at least they let you log in to wifi.  (Since I had VPN I could log onto the blocked sites etc.).  

Fortunately I can “tether” to my phones to get around it.  

It is really a mystery that with all of the web sites etc. that “expose” corruption or alleged corruption, etc. that someone hasn’t investigated who is behind illegal blocking of wifi sites and why it is allowed to continue!  

Not having access to a DVR or similar is always kind of a weird feeling.  We actually have to watch commercials and boring programs.  Also, we can’t rewind to watch something we missed or fast forward through something we feel is boring or something we don’t want to watch!

While the technology doesn’t  always work as I noted yesterday, it is actually really nice and being able to fast forward through commercials, and, especially boring or objectionable  items.  

That ability to basically “choose your own news” may be what is leasing to a lot of the divisiveness in the country.  On the other hand I refuse to listen to much of what passes for “news” or waste time on items of no interest to me.  So here we are!  

That’s it for now, Saturday, August 25, 2018.

Friday, August 24, 2018

2018 Summer August 24 Friday

81 degrees this morning, walk ——, humidity 65%  (The Apple app failed this morning and I did not get a report on my walk.)

Back to summer!  Actually it didn’t seem all that warm this morning as the temperature indicated it may be.  Probably due to the breeze, or just that I am used to the heat by now.  

The Apple Activity app for the watch isn’t working as it should this morning, so right now I don’t have any time for my walk.  Perhaps it is’t fair, but it seems as much money as they make and as much more as they pay their executives and waste billions etc. they could build something that worked all the time.  

I’m sure I will have to spend hours “resetting” etc. Why I should have to waste my time due to their defective devices and apps is always a puzzle to me  It seems they should take care of their own mistakes and defective items. 

It is true that, for the most part, it works amazingly well,  and does a lot.  Maybe they try to do do much of the “wow” factor and don’t make a really good product.  it seems that they seem to accept “good enough’ and not really try to put out a good product.

About the same as cable tv, the number of times we have to “reset” it.  As much as we pay, they should concentrate on making a better product.  

Speaking of watches, I was thinking about how our perspective on watches etc. have changed.

There has been a transition from watches that were literally designed to last for generations to watches, even the best watches, are designed for a maximum life span of five years before they are obsolete.  

I’m not real sure it that is an improvement except obviously what the watch can do.  I guess there are trade-offs!

As an example, I have a watch I have had for over 20 years that I still really enjoy wearing.  Even that is a “new” standard that operates by batteries, not by winding etc. Not that I have a problem with that.

Perhaps the true significance is not the watch itself, but who gave it to me and the event(s) it memorializes.

However, rather than mess with my phone and watch (I have reset both several times) I can always just go back to my $5.00 stop watch.  I would miss the “pace” and the distance etc. aspects, but not if I have to hassle with the watch and phone all the time just to get something that should be automatic.  

I didn’t meant to take up this entire space complaining about the inability of Apple to make a decent app or watch that worked all the time.  On the other hand, it shouldn’t even be problem.  

It should just work as advertised.  

That’s it for now, Friday, August 24, 2018. 

P.S.:  After numerous tries, the “workout” figures finally came up.  Walk was 34:17 minutes, pace was 11 seconds slower than my goal. 

Thursday, August 23, 2018

2018 Summer August 23 Thursday

70 degrees this morning, walk 34:25 minutes, 91% humidity 

Another coolish walk this morning, but nice.  The section of the book I am listening to (biography of Robert Moses)  ran out right as i started, and I couldn’t get the next section up (plus I am very conscious of the time I was wasting and the impact it would have on my “pace”), so I switched to music.  

Some some kind of critter on the driveway right before I walked.  It seemed to have bushy  tail, but I didn’t see a white stripe anywhere (skunk).  

Old music (it is a device I probably put the music on six years or more ago, and it was old then), but I enjoyed most of it.  

Most Apple products are very intuitive to use, but this one wasn’t one I could casually “fast forward”  or skip the song, so I had to listen to several songs I didn’t care for, but, on the other hand, I listened to several songs that I probably would have fast forwarded at first, but I found i enjoyed them.

Kind of like a lot of music, books, events and even people, sometimes you don’t like them at first and then you become a fan.  

Of course, it can be vice-versa also!

I think we live in a fast-forward world where a lot of decisions are made on very little evidence or contact and then we change our minds, so we have to be open to changes in our beliefs and feelings.  

I sit here marveling at the brightness of the white Crepe Myrtle, versus the red ones.  I can’t see the red ones at all in the dark, while the white ones just shine.  

I finished  the first four seasons of “Bosch” on Amazon. I watch it on my “lunch” hour when I am in the field and when we go to Starbucks.  Amazing how much you can accomplish even in bits and pieces, primarily about 25 minutes at a time.

Of course, when I say that I hear the voice of my Dad saying “how could you waste time like that, you could be using it for something productive”.   I also hear my response at the time. 

Unfortunately that is likely true, but life has also taught me that it is the little things like the lunch break to watch Bosch etc. that make our lives more enjoyable and may well help us accomplish more.  

Anyway, while I am waiting for the next season of “Bosch”, I am watching “the Wire”.  In spite of the language (which I personally may find objectionable, but then I can always quit watching it) and the violence, I have become a real fan.  I don’t think it necessarily shows “reality”, but it shows someone’s concept of reality.  

On the other hand, my limited experience in some aspects that part of life indicate that the language may well be part of that reality.  Hopefully not the violence, but probably so.  

Probably what I really like about it is that it portrays all of the characters in a multi-dimensional way.  There is not an attack on one person because of their defects or canonization of a person because of a good trait, it really portrays all aspects of each person.  Difficult to do I expect.

I think I enjoy it because it is a limited part of my day, usually about 25 minutes 3 x per week and an occasional hour or so several times per week.  

A break from reality, but not a break with reality. 

That’s it for now, Thursday, August 23, 2018.