Tuesday, June 12, 2018

2018 Spring June 12 Tuesday

80 degrees this morning, walk 34:49 minutes 

Walk this morning was about as expected.  Hadn’t exercised walk since last Tuesday.  Weather was mild, wind was up and I obviously wan’t really up for walking, although I enjoy it!

Just opened a bottle of Gatorade and some drops of condensation spilled on my computer.  I am sure it is ok, but I am very sensitive to water around my laptop since I spilled coffee on the keyboard to the tune of a $745 repair bill! They need to not fill the bottles so full!  Some water bottles are almost dangerous to open around a computer.  

I am surprised they haven’t make all keyboards water and dust proof, it seems it would be a big help for the user not to have to worry about it.

Pace was 12 seconds above my goal, rather disappointing after my series of “beats” before vacation.  I’ll make it back!  

This morning, I did feel rather draggy during the walk, probably just getting back into it.

Regarding the Kate Spade phone case my wife has for  her old iPhone.  I was incorrect the I said it was red and white striped.  (I don’t have it around me whenI I wrote the note).  

Actually, it is an intricate and interesting series of parallel lines of pyramid  type shapes.  I can’t do it justice, I’ll take a picture and include it with a future post.  I can’t do it justice by just trying to describe it in writing.  

Our vacation was a drive of 1,436.8 miles, with an average mpg of 38.0.  I have to assume it is lower than past trips (39.2 mpg) due tot the long delays for accidents.  Or it could be anything, although a gap of 1.2 mpg is quite a bit.  

I figured I used 37.81 gallons of gas on the trip.  If I had gotten 39.2 mpg, I would have used 36.65 gallons, or about $3.00 worth of gas, so no big deal.  

On the other hand, if we had used our other car, we would have used 84.51 gallons of gas (estimated). 

I don’t get 38 mpg in regular driving because I idle so much in may job but it is close.

I figured for 100,000 miles in the Camry Hybrid,  I would use 2,631.57 gallons of gas, whereas our other car would use 5,882.35 gallons of gas.  Not an inconsiderable amount.  I’m not criticizing our other car, just noting the difference in gas usage.  Certainly it has some advantages also.

As I have mentioned before, I like the hybrid car, not just for the excellent gas mileage, but, more important, for the acceleration, even at higher speeds.  I especially appreciate it when I am trying to merge in etc. or pass someone!  

Sitting out on the wonderful patio again, listening to the birds start to wake up.  There are very few “early birds” and I guess they don’t wake the other birds. 

I do not see the moon at all this morning. 

Back to work again.  As they say, it is good to get away it is good to be back.

That’s it for now, Tuesday, June 12, 2018

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