Saturday, June 30, 2018

2018 Summer June 30 Friday

2018 Summer June 30 Friday

78 degrees this morning (80 degrees)

I am always a little disconcerted with the curves of the Kansas Turnpike from Wichita to Topeka.  They are unusual for divided highways.  

I looked up a little of the history of the Kansas Turnpike and was unable to find any reason for the curves, except it was built before the current standards.

Probably the curves were designed to flow with the land, something I can appreciate, but …. it is still a little disconcerting, I frequently feel like I am floating through the curve, or something like that.  

The Kansas Turnpike was building in 1954-56.  I vaguely remember it, especially the first speed limits of “reasonable speed” (literally no actual speed limit) .  The first speed limits were around 80 mph. 

Debating sitting outside this morning, probably will, but not right now.  I love sitting outside on a Summer morning, before the sun comes up and until the sun gets hot.  Even then I enjoy being outside.  

I think one of the attractions of baseball is having a reason to sit outside!

I am not a “sun fan” and don’t like to sit directly in the sun (various sunburns etc.  probably influenced me on that!).  In fact, let me clarify, I don’t sit directly in the sun without some kind of shade, even a big hat.

I am always surprised at how cool a long sleeve white shirt is in the sun.  It protects you from the sun, but also the white seems to be a cooling factor, as long as you have the right fabric.

I have found one thing I can’t do in the Summer, that is drink hot coffee after the day heats up (around 10 a.m.).  If I’m staying inside I can, but if I go outside I need to avoid hot coffee!  

As always look forward to the Courter Reunion.  I have been trying to think of how the conversation has changed throughout the years, as we all go through the various stages of life.

We started off as the “kids”, then became the young adults, then the adults and now are probably considered the “older generation”, although one Aunt still represents what I really consider the “older generation”.  I just don’t think we are quite there yet!

Actually, I have noticed the conversation (at least with my siblings and spouses) has turned to retirement, medical devices, medical care etc. at least at times.  It doesn’t dominate the conversation, but it is a part of it, much more than it used to be!

I think I finally found a VPN which doesn’t substantially slow he computer. it slows it some, it is noticeable, but at least acceptable.  

June 30 marks the end of the “fiscal year” for most state and local governments.  I always wonder why the final year is different than the calendar year.  I assumed it has something to do with the timing the the state legislature sessions, but the federal government some years back switched to a October 1-September 30 fiscal year. I remember it, but don’t remember why.  

Looking forward to visiting at the Courter Reunion, always a treat and I almost always learn something about myself I didn’t know!

That’s it for now, Saturday, June 30, 2018.

Friday, June 29, 2018

2018 Summer June 29 Friday

81 degrees this morning.  No walk (schedule)

Except for a somewhat high wind, wonderful morning on the patio this morning.  Even at 81 degrees, there is somewhat of a cooling wind but not too cold!) and it is so nice here on the patio.

The full? (maybe not quite full) moon hangs in the sky, waiting to set.  Actually, it is setting.  I think is is one of those days where the moon is setting as the sun is rising.  

One of Pat Conway’s books (I believe it was “Prince of Tides”) had a name for it.  I don’t recall what it is.  

Until I read the book, I had never thought about the sun and the moon in the sky together and there being  a name for it, and it stuck in my mind for some reason.

The rain, along with my water bill, encouraged me to try to find out “how long can I leave my sprinkler system off after it rains”   Supposedly there is a weather person on one of the tv stations who advises you how long you can leave your water off after a rain.  

Of course, I think spending a bunch of water and money on trying to keep grass green that you then have to waste gas or electricity  and money on cutting is rather stupid.  I do it anyway as a courtesy to my neighbors.

I have read about lawns that feature native plants and grass that you don’t need to water or do any large maintenance, which seems to make more sense.  Another project. 

Our HOA spends an enormous amount of money and especially water on maintaining the plants and grass.  Actually the waste of water concerns me more than anything.  They say it is “well water”, but it is still a waste to have rivers of water running down the street.

What is ironic is that the addition has sidewalks, but the sprinkler systems make the sidewalk unusable when they are on, and sometimes they run the sprinklers at the most popular times for people to walk!  

They are almost always running and making the sidewalks when I am walking, but I understand that most people aren’t using the sidewalks at that hour!

I really think the waste of water on needlessly trying to make non-native plants green or flower endlessly will eventually come to haunt us, although I guess the water is basically “recycled”.  

I understand recycling is going to get a lot more expensive, due to a lack of market for the recycling product.  

Part of the problem is the lack of understanding (or at least practice) of what is recycling, the cost of weeding out the unusable recycling etc.  (people throw garbage etc. in the recycling). 

Last time we put our recycling cart out it was only about half full which make us wonder, but it is full this time. 

Courter Reunion this weekend.  I believe this is the 71st Reunion.  I always enjoy it and catching up with everyone.  I remember when the date was announced, it seemed to far away and now it is here!  

That’s it for now, Friday, June 29, 2018.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

2018 Summer June 28 Thursa

85 degrees this morning, walk 34:43 minutes

85 degrees!  That is the warmest I can remember for my morning walk.  I remember 81 and maybe 82, but not 85 degrees!  

Not as hot as it sounds, since it is still dark and the wind was blowing, a cooling wind, not a hot wind.  Later on today it will probably be a hot wind.

Forecast is 99 degrees.  Yesterday my car reached 104 but I don’t think it really got above 98 degrees.  

Overall walk was good.  I wasn’t real sure how I would react to 85 degrees for my walk!  I used to walk in temperatures reaching 106 degrees in the late afternoon (after work), but that was years ago.  I would have to think before I tried that now!

Pace was 4 seconds faster than my goal, which is good, especially considering the heat.

Got a new pair of walking shoes, this is actually my third day of wearing them.  Also got some “walking socks”, the ones that are “guaranteed for a lifetime”.  I asked the salesclerk what “lifetime” meant, and he indicated “lifetime means lifetime”.  Still not sure if it is for the lifetime of the sock (which makes it meaningless) or my lifetime (which may still make it meaningless) or basically “forever”, if the sock ever failed etc.

The shoes feel good.  I still know at what point an item (shoes, car etc.) stops being “new” and becomes “old”.  Probably for a car, the first time something goes wrong!  For a shoe or sock, etc. it is much more difficult and maybe really doesn’t matter.  

By the way, I took a picture of the “Kate Spade” phone case and posted it to, if you are interested in looking at it.  (Go to my blog, Purple Days and Golden Nights on the website)

At first i though tit was a feminine phone case, while it is certainly a case appropriate for a woman, I’m not sure but what it isn’t a male phone case also, if a man waned it.  Of course, in the end, what real difference does it make!   If you like it, get it, the heck with stereotypes!  

In regard to the election, I was pleased to see that the Republican Governor Candidate “annointed” by the lying coward lunatic came in 3rd and didn’t make the run-off!  So much for an endorsement by the lying coward racist lunatic!  

A number of elected State Senators and Representatives who didn’t support Education and continued to pay homage to the donors and lobbyists lost in the primary or at least  have to go to a run-off.  

The Lobbyists influence here (and nationally) is amazing as well as disgraceful.  

A full moon going down in the west as I sit on my patio and write this.  May not actually be a full moon, but it is close.  Birds just started singing.  

That’s it for now, Thursday, June 28, 2018.


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

2018 Summer June 27 Wednesday

80 degrees this morning, walk 34:32 minutes. 

Nice walking weather this morning, a little windy.  A full moon (or almost) somewhere in the sky although I don’t see it sitting on the back patio.  I can hear the wind a lot more today.

Pace was 7 seconds slower than my goal.  Not bad as it relates to the goal, but I feel l should be doing better.  On the other hand, at some level I’m just glad I finished the walk.  

I am sure the “Supreme Court” is now considered the “Supreme Joke” as they showed their true feelings and their political feelings rather than any true legal thoughts  A real shame.  

What is really shameful is the way the latest joke appointed to the Court danced a victory jog with the head of the Senate.  

I think it may be a turning point where people decide they have had enough of the lying coward racist lunatic and they literally “take to the streets” against his nazi racist policies and the group of cowards who cower before a lying racist lunatic.  

i think the “Red Hen” episode was a start of that as people decide to show their disgust at a so called president  and his cowardly staff who cowardly tweets vicious lies and attacks on other people, too scared to confront them and tromps on peoples rights as they loudly proclaim “their” rights.

I don’t know how some of the primaries came out yesterday, but I hope the voters informed the incumbents of their disgust for the sniveling cowardly actions of “our” representatives.  

I don’t know all the details yet, but I just saw where Oklahoma voters passed the “medical marijuana” bill.  The State Legislature will gut it, just like they did on the voter adopted jailing reforms, but it still is a defeat for the kook brothers and similar slimy “dark money” groups who feel it is so important to impose their beliefs on other states they illegally use tax-exempt money to try to buy votes.  

Hot weather has returned as Summer may really begin.  High is supposed to be around 99 degrees today!  

While I realize we “need” rain, I was getting very tired of it!  It actually wasn’t that bad, it was basically a slow rain, with some intense rain at times.  

Approaching 4 years since we moved.  Actually, I think we were moving at this time four years ago.  The items were probably on the truck, we had said goodby to a wonder house and some wonderful things and were on to another stage of our lives.

Actually thanks the internet, phones  etc.we have been able to maintain some contact with our friends which is important to us.  Obviously not the same, but I think your relationship develops a new phase and we are glad we can continue the friendships.  

That’s it for now, Wednesday, June 27, 2018.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

2018 Summer June 26 Tuesday

75 degrees this morning, walk 34:14 minutes

Overall air was “heavy” this morning, wind was up.  Full moon was out, but I don’t see it now as I sit on the patio.

The air is different this morning, I think still with the heaviness of rain in the area.  Wind is up a lot.  

Sitting on the patio in the morning, I pick up on the different nuances of each morning.  I can’t describe it yet, but there are definite differences.

For example, this morning the wind is up and I can hear it though the trees.  The “critter talk” of the night is going, although it is a little too early for the birds to start chirping, singing or whatever.  

Pace was 13 seconds faster than my goal, which is good.  In the summer I should be beating my current goal all the time.  But I don’t! Or at least I haven’t been the past several weeks.

This week hopefully Summer will return.  

Retirement talk again!

I don’t know how many times it has happened, but I can see it coming now.  I walk into a bar (on business of course), and an older person looks at me, chats a bit and then asks “how old are you”.  

Of course I tell them and they are usually 5 years either side of me and have “retired” and found that after six months they are ready to go back to work!   They want to know how I like it, how long I have been there etc. 

Along in the same theme, I see a lot of business people who are in my general age bracket (some much older) and ask how old I am.  Some of them are going full blast, others have “retired” to just showing up and meeting customers several days a week and all levels in between.  

On the other hand, I know a lot of people who have retired and love it and wouldn’t go back to work for anything!  The type of job doesn’t seem to matter, gender doesn’t seem to matter, age of retirement doesn’t seem to matter.  It doesn’t even seem to matter if they loved their job or hated it.

I am sure there are studies on this and I may research it a bit to see why some people love retirement and others hate it.

It may sound odd, but I think I will like retirement, when I get around to it.  Probably the one key I have seen (and I may be wrong) to successful retirement is to develop an interest or interests and keep involved in almost anything.  I know I probably will never actually “retire” and do absolutely nothing, but I may “retire” and do something new that I have always wanted to do!

I have seen everything from people retiring to a second career to retiring and trying to watch all the movies they have never seen!   It doesn’t really matter, I think it is just to keep involved in life and keep your interests or develop new ones.

Probably the main theme I have seen is that adequate funding for the lifestyle you want in retirement is a key, and the ability to shift from a “saving” concept to a “spending” concept, if you have saved he money!

That’s it for now, Tuesday, June 26, 2018.

Monday, June 25, 2018

2018 Summer June 25 Monday

64 degrees this morning, heavy thunderstorms and rain 

Third day of rain and thunderstorms, probably the last for awhile according to the forecast.  This is one of the longest series of storms I can remember, that is was raining  in  3 consecutive days at this time of the morning.

Haven’t really experienced much “Summer” weather since Summer officially started!  

Start of the week of the first half of the year.  July 1 is next Sunday!  

I have been planning for getting rid of “stuff” but haven’t really made any headway yet.  Time passes and the “stuff” just sits there.  I really don’t want to wait until we have to downsize some more before I weed out more items!

Hopefully we won’t have to downsize for some time, but I figure whatever I can do now is something I won’t have to do when I am in a hurry.  

Listening to the biography of Robert Moses (the Planner) while I walk.  The author, Robert Caro, goes into detail on how he developed some of the early parts, parkways etc.  According to Caro, he literally broke the law (especially the law of eminent domain) and then wrote detailed laws that tried to legalize his illegal actions!

It brings up a good question of the value of someone who “gets things done” versus citizen participation.  

Ever since I was in graduate school and did a research project on “citizen participation”,  I have been an advocate of citizen participation.  

Actually my first full-time career job involved setting up a “citizen participation committee” (required by federal law to get the redevelopment grants the city wanted), and I saw the power of true citizen participation.  

We actually developed projects that were funded and, I feel, made a huge difference in the designated neighborhood.  Many of the ideas were counter to the original plans by the City Commission involved, and the City Commission, in this case, was smart enough to see the benefits of citizen participation.  Also, the projects got funded.

Over the years I have seen true “Citizens Participation” deteriorate to control by “non-profits”  and “think tanks” which are nothing but fronts for businesses etc. who attempt to thwart true citizen’s participation to nothing but paid policy and “contributions” to politicians to benefit themselves.  

Even most of the “citizen initiatives” and “state questions” are nothing but fronts for big businesses and extremist nuts like the kook brothers and the false tax evading “foundations” and “think tanks” who spend billions they have stolen to “buy” the laws they want.  Unfortunately they are all too often successful. 

Back to Robert Moses, he was the other side, one person dictating policy and projects which also is not good.   

Strange dream this morning, just remember the last part.  I was at some kind of conference and I saw someone who I know, but instead of aging, they had become younger.  It took me a while to realize what had happened.  For some reason I could only attend the conference on “Sunday”.  

At the end of the dream I was trying to get an “Uber” or “Lyft” car back to my hotel because I had forgotten something.  Th dream was situated  in the city I went to undergraduate school in.

That’s it for now, Monday, June 25, 2018.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

2018 Summer June 24 Sunday

72 degrees this morning.  Another thunderstorm, no walk.

Thunderstorm and rain this morning.  Heavy rain at times.  Fortunately the electricity stayed on (at least so far!)

Purchased a new pair of walking shoes yesterday, was looking forward to walking in them this morning, will have to wait!  

I use a new pair of shoes for walking only about 300 miles (although it can vary, my current shoes have about 400 miles on them), since they generally aren’t good for more than that for my regular walk.

I do keep them for general “walking around”, since while they may be worn out for exercise walking, they are still good for just everyday use.  They actually don’t recommend you continue to walk in them, but to me they are just in too good of shape not to continue using for just general use.  

I can tell then whey they are starting to wear out for exercise, although as I mentioned before, the deterioration  is so gradual, I don’t really realize how bad they are until I get a new paid of shoes and notice the difference!  Or, like this pair of shoes, my heels start hurting, which I notice real fast after a bout with Plantar Fasciitis some years ago that took me  a number of years to get over.

So, I have an embarrassing number of walking shoes that are too good to throw or give away, but not good enough to wear for walking!  

This is compounded by the fact that I normally wear sandals in summer and other “houseshoe” type foot wear around the house, so the shoes actually get very little wear after they compete their walking life!

I guess THAT is how “stuff” accumulates until you begin to wonder how you ever got so much stuff around that you aren’t using!  

We also have old printers, computers, phones etc. that we are repurposed or are just sitting away waiting to be repurposed!  At least I have gotten to the point where I toss a lot of stuff, but “stuff” still accumulates!

Back to the discussion on “Retirement”, I  read a story in the Wall Street Journal that, primarily due to the changes in the retirement system  to the “401K” model, at least 40% of the “baby boomers” will not have enough to retire and will need to continue working or significantly reduce their life style.

Of course the 401K model was designed to reward the executives etc., not be used by all the work force, which happened when businesses realized how they could get out of their pension obligations  and make the workers responsible for their retirement.  A real shame.  I am sure they savings went to “reward" the executives and owners who have lost their ethics and their obligations to their workers.  

As mentioned in the article, main problems are that many people aren’t advised how to handle their 401k balances and simply don’t invest it well and the capacity to “borrow” from the 401k which lead to decisions that are bad for retirement.  Of course, the main reason is just inadequate funding but the company. 

Several weird dreams lately, just snippets.  One was I dreamed I was walking in a meadow someplace and I saw an “alligator” in a mud pit.  I reported it (I assume to the Wildlife Department) and they advised me “this was only the second alligator ever seen this far north”.  I have no idea where I was, but I assumed I was somewhere in northern Kansas.  I have no idea if they have alligators there or not!

That’s it for now, Sunday, June 24, 2018.  

Saturday, June 23, 2018

2018 Summer June 23 Saturday

65 degrees this morning, no walk, thunderstorms

Heavy thunderstorms and rain during the night, rain still in area and still hear occasional thunder.

Electricity went out during the night.  If it has to go out, that is a good time.

Like a lot of things, electricity is something you don’t think much about until it isn’t there and then you realize how much you miss it!

Started feeling a strange  sense of claustrophobia while the electricity was off, almost a sense of panic that the electricity wouldn’t come back on.

Perhaps rather than claustrophobia, it was a sense of not being in control of my environment of “others” being in control.  That is more and more the case now anyway.  My feeling was much like the one I had when I was caught on the highway in stopped traffic.  

It is kind of a strange irrational feeling, and I basically just think that soon the electricity will be back on, or the traffic jam will be resolved.  Of course, you always have that thought in the back of your mind “what if this time, it is different and it is one of those very long outages or traffic jam”?   It does happen!

Overall, I think we don’t realize how dependent we are on businesses etc. who may not really all that dependable.  

On the other hand, it may be a case of “why worry” since you really can’t do anything about it.  I don’t intent to “grow my own”, I really don’t like gardening.  

I could stock up on items, but time passes fast and food etc. expires as far as quality etc.  

So, I don’t worry about it, until it happens!

I was thinking recently, four years ago, we were preparing to move up here.  I don’t recall the exact date but the packing was concluded and the moving trucks came.  

I really had no idea what the next four years would bring, any more than I know what the next four years will bring. 

As usual, the past four years have been nothing like I expected, which isn’t good or bad, it is just a fact.

Start of another weekend, odd that the “first” weekend of Summer it is 65 degrees!  I expect that will change soon!  The ran and storms are passing through, and, according to the weather map, almost over and clear water will return shortly.

Primary election for state and federal elected positions is  next week as well as a referendum on medical marijuana.  I hadn’t decided on the medical marijuana part, but several things decided me, one was that I became aware of people who may benefit from it and some of the “dark money” forces like the kook brothers started their usual lying campaign of spending and attempting to influence a state that should be of no concern to them, just a way for them to enrich themselves.  The campaign included outright lies, which is sickening. 

I also got the ballot and researched each candidate and decided how to vote.  Still don’t feel like I know if I am voting for the best candidate, but at least it is better than voting for someone because of their name or whatever. 

That’s it for now, Saturday, June 23, 2018.  

Friday, June 22, 2018

2018 Summer June 22 Friday

71 degrees this morning, walk 35:05 minutes

Walk this morning was relatively good.  Coolish out at 71 degrees, but overall acceptable.  Ironic that the first day of Summer is as cool as it has been for awhile at this 

Actually, yesterday morning it dropped from 74 degrees when I got up to 69 degrees before warming back up.

My main concern about the temperature this morning is that is was cool enough to make me cough, l but that didn’t happen.  I did do some of the breathing exercises I have learned to control coughing, the first time I have tired them.  There seem to be somewhat successful, although it is too early to  tell

Sitting out on the patio, a little cool.  Debating going back in, but it is nice out here, as long as the wind doesn’t start blowing.

Pace was 13 seconds about my goal. I really can’t determine my pace while I am walking, as to whether I am close to walking faster than my goal.  For some reason,  I am walking slower than several weeks ago, which is why I monitor my pace.

Summer has started, somehow, I think I expected it to start with fireworks and brass bands playing (not literally, but you know what I mean, a little fanfare).  Of course it just kind of snuck in.  A few references to it on radio.

The local Police Department Facebook page had a picture of some flowers and a notation of the first day of Summer, which I thought was appropriate and nice!

As I have mentioned before, I always feel a little melancholy when Summer starts, since it also means the start of the end of Summer as the days shorten.

Of course, that is just the way it is and it is better to just enjoy each day as it happens and not worry about Summer ending!   

Summer represents the time of year when I review my goals and see where I stand. I still have a lot of unfinished goals, both trivial and more important.  And of course, that doesn’t include the goals I haven’t even set yet!

Of course, the never ending battle with weight is just one of them.  In a way, I should feel lucky I can even have such a battle, that there is too much food available and not the situation of not enough food.  

One of our Crepe Myrtles is starting to bloom and actually has some flowers on it.  The other one is getting ready to bloom  Unfortunately the one is my least favorite color for Crepe Myrtle, which is white.  The white blooms can  be pretty if intermixed with other colors, but by itself, it really doesn't’ make my heart sing!

Speaking of singing, the birds just started chirping and singing at around 5:14 a.m.

That’s it for now, Friday, June 22, 2018.