53 degrees this morning, no walk (rain)
Light rain this money, turning heavier.
Probably will finish watching “The Sopranos” this week. I don’t know how long I have been watching them on a sporadic basis (normally about 1/2 hour and occasionally an hour at a time).
In a way, the characters were almost too normal in many ways, which made the casual and unrepentant violence etc even worse in a way.
I have avoided checking on the ending. I believe I am on the last epidote now and I will soon find out how it ended. Whether I choose to accept the ending is another thing!
That is the interesting aspect of fiction, you can refuse to accept it as fact, something I can’t do in “real life”, whatever that may be.
Actually in “real life” you can refuse to accept facts or reality, it just isn’t very smart (or maybe sane) to do so.
I thought it might be the end of the series several episodes ago, they were all at a Christmas party. I thought that would be a good time to end it, and let the viewer decide how it continues or ends.
Actually no matter how they end it, in my mind, I assume the saga will continue as many of the characters continue their lives, I just won’t be a party too it.
Another dream that was strong enough I wrote it down. If it sounds disjointed, aha is the way it was.
Friday, April 20, 2018]
Dream at a meeting in this city (where I live now) at the college.
I dreamed it was a meeting, probably about water and sewer.
For some reason I met a City Manager I worked for on my first City Job. I just said hello to him and didn’t ask him what he was doing here (he is long retired).
It was a meeting divided into three topics, but it wasn’t really described as to how to decide which one to attend or what each meeting was about.
I finally just went in and set down on a sofa type chair to listen to the meeting
At first I was surprised to learn I was wearing one walking shoe and one dress shoe. I was concerning I was going to need to go home, but then suddenly I was wearing 2 shoes of one type
Later I was walking around in shorts (old walking shorts at that and in my socks. without any shoes I was thinking I had takenmy shoes off someplace.
I snuck into the meeting and realized it was meaningless, I couldn’t understand what they were saying.
They came by to say lunch was being served. Someone passed me some kind of alcohol (I don’t drink alcoholic drinks). For some reason I tried to put it in another bottle and I spilled it and realized I was going to stink like alcohol.
Lunch was sandwiches, I woke up before I learned what type. Everyone just kind of lunged for lunch.
Than I woke up.
Another day without meat. I may need to start eating meat again so I don’t eat so many carbs, but that decision is for another day. Today, I will eat no meat.
That’s it for now, Saturday, April 21, 2018.
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