Wednesday, February 14, 2018

2018 Winter February 14 2018

44 degrees this morning, walk 32:54 minutes 

Wind was up this morning a little, so the cold definitely had a sharp tinge to it.  

My walk time was not a record, apparently in my return to my walk after the layoff (about a week), I somehow missed going my entire walk (lower by about .12 of a mile, so not a great deal).  

Pace was 3 seconds slower than my goal.  A good reason to use the “pace” as my measurement is that, as noted, the distance can vary!

It was very nice having my Apple Watch back in action again!  While it may be a minor thing, sometimes small things are important!  Today is also the first day in at last a week that I have walked and also completed all of my exercise.  Good to be back!

Return to daily life today after the services.  Somehow at major transitions in our lives, time stands still for the several days or so during the event.  (I don’t really like calling a funeral an event, but I can’t think of another word that applies to all such transitions, whether they are happy or sad.)

Trip back was uneventful, like all return trips it seemed to take forever.  We were lucky we have a good book to listen.  We finished a really good book on the trip and started listening to one that I think will be good, although I’m not quite sure where it is going yet. (The second book is by John Grisham whose writing tends to run hot and cold and his plots can be excellent or very contrived and trite, you never know.)

One good thing about my walk, I got to listen the “Grant” biography again.  It is really extremely well written, at least to listen too.  They are at Shiloh now.  I actually lived about 40 miles from the Shiloh battlefield, but somehow never went there, something I always was going to “get a round tu it”!

Started to read about the lying coward lunatic’s “budget” and realized it was a waste of time.  Nothing but another attempt to shovel tax $ to his donors and lobbyists and take away everything in the manner of “safety nets”.  What a low life cretin. 

I realize a lot of it is written by the incompetent Nazi racists  on his staff, lobbyists whose only intent is ripping off as much as possible etc.,  but that doesn’t excuse him.

Hopefully even the sycophant cowards in Congress won’t even consider any of the proposals.  

I really feel the lying coward lunatic is so jealous of how respected and liked Obama is, his sole goal is to attempt to discredit Obama in some sicko attempt that he feels he has to discredit Obama to make himself look good.   

He doesn’t much care about anything else except shoveling tax $ to his donors, stealing tax money for his family, trying to get all the flattery he can, watching fake fox news and playing golf on tax dollars.   

Returning to work today after four days “off”.  It is going to be a busy three days.

Hope you all have a happy Valentine’s Day!  

That’s it for now, Wednesday, February 14, 2018.

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