Friday, October 27, 2017

2017 Fall Ocobrer 27 Friday

2017 Fall October 27 Friday

46 degrees this morning walk 35:26 minutes

Cold this morning, a high wind made it seem colder than it was.  

First walk in a week, not a good day for starting back to walk, but it went ok in spite of the wind.  The wind was about 23 mph.

Pace was 31 seconds slower than my goal.  That actually was not a surprise, I was just trying to finish the walk, I wasn’t too concerned about the  actual pace.

After about a day in San Antonio, Aliene and I both quit coughing.  It certainly is a good indication of what the cause of our coughing  is, something around here we are allergic to.

While I was overall pleased at the quality of the speakers at the conference, I am always surprised at the individual quirks of many speakers.  

Toastmasters has kind of trained me to be conscious of the quirks (such as ending sentences with certain words, expressions, using laughing as a crutch etc.  

Since even professional speakers do it, it makes me feel a little better!

“Re-entry” into routine life was about as I expected, you fit into the old routine fast.  

In the future I will have more understanding of what people go through when they break a bone, have knee problems etc.  

We did find out that, at least for now, Aliene will not need future surgery, hopefully  will not need it.  

Regardless, it has changed her whole life since every move now is a major trip.  Short walks (in the house) which used to be made without even thinking now require planning in advance.   

As Aliene says, it could be worse, and hopefully it will soon be just a memory.  At this time it looks like it will be 8 weeks for fracture to heal, hopefully no surgery  required. 

Looking forward to this weekend, hopefully a chance to take a breather and catch up on some things!  I enjoy traveling, but it is nice to get home also, especially after the episode that Aliene had.

I will be contacting Apple today about the wi fi problem.  It really upsets me that the “public wife” is being basically blocked due to the overly protective action by either Apple or someone else.

That’s it for now, Friday, October 27, 2017.

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