Saturday, June 17, 2017

2017 Spring June 17 Saturday

81 degrees this morning, walk 35:06 minutes

81 degrees sounds hot, and it is, but it isn’t all that bad at the time i walk in the morning.  No sun and very few other people or vehicles.

4 seconds below my goal “pace” this morning.  I really thought I was doing better than that.  Probably good to try as hard as I can.  I was watching my heart beat history. 

Usually at the AAA ballgames (and any event we go to, including CMA Fest) we have sitting the aisle seats.  

Last night we were in a “middle seat”  (actually a  road of seats about 26 seats long).  Even though no one actually sat immediately next to us, I can see why we usually sit on aisle seats.  As a matter of fact, the conditions were almost perfect, the people around us were nice, no-one was sitting in the immediate seats next to us etc.  

In spite of this I hated it.  It felt hotter, and the worst part was the Claustrophobia kicking in.  I felt mildly anxious  the entire game, although I felt better when the two persons sitting on the end were gone and I had a clear path to the exit.  

It actually could be Cleithrophobia, the fear of being trapped, but whatever it is I don’t like it.  to the point i will almost always insist on an aisle seat or simply not attend.  

My worst recent experience was several years ago, when I was attending a conference.  A bunch of us went out to eat and I was caught sitting at the dinner table in an area where I probably had 5 people on either side of me, a wall on the back and the table very close in front of me.  

I didn’t have a psychotic episode, but it was pretty close!  I breathed deeply and made myself relax and got away as soon as possible.  

Another time I was on an airplane flight and I was in a middle or window seat and the “ceiling” was very low.  I really had a hard time with that.

Anyway, that is the reason we always insist on a window seat,   However when we miss a game (we have “half season tickets) we have to change our tickets to a new date.  

Of course, the problem is that anytime we want to change the  seats, they never have tickets for aisle seats.

Of course, you can look around and see empty seats all over the place (many aisle seats), I assume from businesses who bought tickets but aren’t using them.

The Clausrophotia isn’r really always all that serious, I basically just try to stay out of  situations where it will affect me, if at at  all possible.  

Sitting on the patio this morning.  It is wonderful.  It isn’t hot yet (the Sun isn’t up yet, there is a slight wind and and the birds are chirping.

Looking forward to the weekend.  It is going to be hot, which is ok for me.      I don’t remember it getting this o soon.

That’ it for now, Saturday, June 17 

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