Saturday, February 04, 2017

2017 Winter February 4 Saturday

33 degrees this morning, Walk 35:04 minutes

This is the time of winter when I start longing to fly someplace, anyplace, (or drive, whatever) to someplace it is WARM!  or even HOT!  

I realized this morning I am very tired of the cold weather. Every year I think about planning something to “get away” in February, even for a weekend to someplace hot or at least warm, but then I kind of forgot how I feel until it is too hard to get a good airfare rate! 

Probably there are places within a reasonably short drive where it is hot.

There is one three day weekend in February, but it means you would have to fly and I expect flying anyplace warm right now is expensive.  

I always thought it was strange (or designed by a  sadist) that 7 of the 11 holidays are from November 11 to February 20 (or whatever in February)!  On the other hand, maybe it was just to help people get through the winter.  

Of course,  analyzing the Holidays, your realize that is just the way the “wheel of fortune” landed.

I can remember in Kansas, it was so much colder that I would go to a sauna, just to get the cold out of my bones.   It’s not that bad here, or maybe I am just older and more used to it.  At least I am older.

Actually, our house is a very warm house and seems to retain heat well (and cools well in the Summer). I think, in most cases, it is a very well built house and has good insulation.  

I know when our blower was out and the house stayed at 71-73 degrees even when it was 2 degrees out it was welcome! We think the second heating unit (which only serves upstairs) helped, although we don’t quite understand how.

Anyway, it isn’t likely we will go anyplace warm in February, maybe we can do something in March.  

March is good also, since that “coolness” factor is still a major factor until at least mid-May.  And then when you think it will never warm up, it gets too hot!

I wish Washington DC was warmer (it is colder than here), I would fly up there and protest the lying bully and his dictatorship, but maybe I could fly to someplace warm (like Hawaii) and do the same thing!  Or fly down to the “Winter Outhouse” and protest there.  

Good to have the weekend here, even if it is cold!  A little change of routine, although as I mentioned before, I am pleased that my “work week” isn’t routine.  I will probably never be satisfied with a “regular job” again.  

I can still remember my first true “summer job” in the Samsonite factory in Denver.  It made me realize I didn’t want to work in a factory, although I did meet some really nice people, and eat some great “street tortillas”.  The first Summer was fun in a lot of ways, I worked at the start of the assembly line and I can still remember the routine of riveting the frame to the suitcase.

the second Summer I basically worked at a plastic molder and it was deadly boring.  Somewhat like watching paint dry.

I learned a lot in Denver, and I think someone was watching out for me when I think of what could have happened in some cases!  I had no fear because I didn’t know enough about the “big” city to be scared, it was all a new world, but I did learn that there are wonderful people everywhere.  Thank goodness.  

That’s it for now, Saturday, February 4, 2017. 

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