Saturday, September 10, 2016

2016 Summer September 10 Saturday

69 degrees this morning, no walk (rain, potential  rain)

Heavy rain last night.  Weather map showed a huge bunch of rain coming in when I got up, but I don’t think it actually rained.  Just didn’t want to take a chance, although I’ve thought of taking an umbrella in such cases (when there isn’t thunder and lighting).  I miss my walk!

However, still too wet to sit outside on the patio (no roof so the chairs etc. get wet). It will probably be a while before we get a roof for the patio, but that is something we want to think about.

Thinking about the time since we moved here and especially since I started my current job.  I have to admit I never had the slightest idea what all was involved in the overall organization where I work.  There are a lot of complex rules, regulations and processes that I never thought about. 

Certainly when I started I had no idea of what I would learn the next two years!  It has been a very interesting job and rewarding in almost all ways except for pay!  However, in our case, the benefits are very valuable so that helps some.  

I always think it is somewhat ironic that we work a lot more in the United States than people in most countries do.  I know when we were in China, we learned about all the holidays they have, and I know in a lot of countries they have huge amounts of vacation compared to what we have.  

I’m hardly complaining, even in my current job I find it hard to be away, “Hard” isn’t really the right work, I just like keep up.  Of course, computers and cell phones have made it a lot better (or maybe a lot worse!)

On the Apple iWatch front, of course I am starting to think about what I want and what “apps” are available for it.  

On one hand, I think all I need is one more complex device in my life, but then I think about what it and do and I don’t worry about the learning curve.

For some odd reason, some of the Apple Watch apps that can be adjusted are said to have “complications”.  The “complications” are supposed to be positive actions you can take with the app.  Strange.

“Complications” seems a strange thing to name something that may be just that!  The name certainly caught my attention and actually started me thinking about some of the “complications” that would be involved in setting up and using the watch. 

Something like the watch is something I will think about for awhile and probably will include multiple trips to the Apple Store.

It will be a lot more than three days for me to buy an Apple Watch, but I have found the value in not making a decision for three days on any major purchase.  

Looking forward to attending the International City Manager’s Conference. As usual, I find myself spending time on “planning” my conference and trip.  Many times, there are a lot of sessions that are disappointing or just not what I thought it was, but the occasional great session etc. makes it well worth it.  

Today is supposed to be a lot cooler (the high is supposed to be about 20 degrees lower than yesterday), so it could be the last of the hot summer weather.  

The State Fair is staring here next weekend.  I’m not much of a “fair” person, but I have to work at the fair now.  They always say they know when the State Fair is on because it is bound to rain a lot!  (That wasn’t true last year.)

Of course, the traditional timing of the State Fair (change of seasons etc.) is the time it does rain.  

That’s it for now, Saturday, September 10, 2016.

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