Sunday, May 25, 2014

Spring 2014 5 24 Saturday

66 degrees this morning.  Currently sitting on my patio listening to the birds.  Writing this on my iPac, my MacBook Air is in the Apple Store hospital having "tests" for a problem that happens about every 3 or 4 weeks.  For several hours the screen will cut out. Annoying, but I shake it and it comes back on!  It happened right before our trip to China (and hasn't happened since).  I had visions of going to China with only my iPad and no computer.  This has already been in twice on this same problem, so hopefully they can get it repaired. Otherwise it is a great computer

Trying to get my photos under control.  It is going to be a task.  I have deleted as many duplicates as I can etc.,   Now I need to delete (weed) the ones I don't want to keep, and then document where, when, who, how and what on the photo and then put them into appropriate albums. Fun.

Drinking tea I got in China this morning.  It is very good.  Usually, except for Saturday and Sundays, I make a pot of Starbucks "dark roast" coffee.  On Saturday and Sunday, I either don't drink any coffee or drink some other kind, since we usually go to Starbucks on Saturday and Steak n Shake on Sunday.  (Sounds like a routine to me!)  

I really got to enjoy tea in China and I am enjoying it here.  (I have to admit, my favorite tea I drank in China was made in England).  In China you got tea every meal.  I could not always get water, but I could always have tea!

Feel a little lost without my laptop, although I deal with it.  It's not like I don't have other options like my iPad and iMac desktop or even my iPhone in a pinch.

The China Trip, which became one of my focuses in December 2013 is over and I can feel myself flail around a little.  Of course, I need to write thank you letters, organize my photos, send out resumes etc. , but that is different.  

Of course, we are in a holding pattern while we are selling out house, as well as while I apply for jobs and we try to decide our future.  I think the worst part is really not having any control.  We know what we want to do, but right now it is hard to make any permanent decisions, and the China trip included a lot of permanent decisions (in regards to the trip).  Our lives could suddenly change, based on other persons decisions (house buyers, employer etc.)  We can only pack so far.

I started to upload some photos to Facebook etc., but quickly decided I need to get them organized first.  An incentive,  I guess!

Will finish this at Starbucks. 

In my "second place".  It is nice to be back at Starbucks (actually this is my third one this week, but first time on "regular" Saturday morning for a month.  China has Starbucks and even has the regular coffee (although with a lot of teas etc.), but it's not the same.  I thought they would take the Starbucks card in China, but they wouldn't.  

Memorial Day Weekend.  I remember when I was a child (near Holton, Kansas), we would go to the Soldier, Kansas Cemetery (relatives on my Mom's side including my Grandfather and Grandmother etc. and now my parents) on Memorial Day.  Soldier, Kansas did (and still does!) have a great little town/community that maintains the cemetery and a wonderful park with a community center.  They cook meals every Memorial Day and also after funerals etc.  I don't know how they do it, as small as it is.

Memorial Day was a day I would actually listen to the Indy 500 on my radio.  I watched it for the first time when I was in Denver.  I worked the summer of my Freshman and Sophomore years at the Samsonite factory in Denver.  It was a good experience for me, although I didn't really save any money for college, which was the intent, but I think it was still well worth it.  I didn't have a car and went everywhere by walking or bus, so it was a totally new environment for me.  There was no such thing as public transportation in the small towns I had lived in and Denver could have been overwhelming, but I learned to survive.  I met a lot of people that I would never have known, including occupations, religions, other nationalities etc.  

Hope everything has a great 3 day weekend.

That's it for now, Saturday, May 24, 2014.

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