Saturday, April 12, 2014

Spring 2014 April 12 Saturday

56 degrees this morning, but expected to reach 80. Spent yesterday in shorts and scandals, may well today except for a meeting
Sitting in my "Second Place" (Starbucks) writing this on my iPad. As mentioned, my MacBook Air is in the Apple hospital, getting a new screen and who knows what else. I didn't really notice anything but it cutting out for a short period, but thought better safe than sorry. I depend on it too much, although the iPad isn't bad to write on, but nothing like the MacBook Air.
Spent a lot of time in my "Third Place" (Apple Store) yesterday, working on iMovie. It isn't hard, just learning what to do when. It will take me a while to learn it. It is fun to work with and I'm trying to designate a small amount of time each day to work on it.
I started using "Yelp" in January of 2013 and I sporadically remember to "check in" when I am at a business. I am amazed at the number of times i have been in various businesses, especially since I frequently don't remember to check in. (38 times at this Starbucks!). Steak and Shake is the highest.
One really good thing about the keyboard is the touch screen, especially for correcting spelling. Maybe the next MacBook Air will have a touch screen.
I just read an article where they argue Apple Computer has lost in innovation, due to the death of Steve Jobs and indicated by lawsuits over patents rather than innovation. Who knows. I just know they work for me and Samsung hasn't. I tried a Google Chrome and frankly wasn't too pleased. Cheap is cheap.
Talked with a Chinese native this afternoon who filled us in a lot on Chinese customs and is helping us with some simple (very simple) words.  I am working on getting some business cards. 
Wonderful day today.  
That's it for now.

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