Friday, January 03, 2014

Winter 2013 January 3 Friday

18 degrees this morning.  Felt it also!  I rode my bike to ATC Fitness and while it was parked outside (I am there for about 40 minutes), the moisture from my breath (on the deal I wear over my mouth to mitigate cold/exercise induced asthmaI) was actually frozen, as was the "riding" water bottle I left on the bike.  (I actually carry two bottles of water, one for on the bike, the other for whilel I am in the gym.).  Anyway, it so cold.  My hands really felt it on the way back!
Great OU (Oklahoma University) game last night.  We record the games and watch them delayed by an hour or so.  I don't let a football game get in the way of my sleep time (from 10:30 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.), so I told Aliene to ''wake me if they're winning, let me sleep if they are losing", so I got to watch the last few minutes of a wonderful ball game!  I'm not quite sure why I am such an OU fan (I have six hours of Graduate Work from OU, but it was a program offered to the Air Force (and probably all the military and companies) to get a degree.  I have only been on the campus several times, although I used to go fairly often to visit a wonderful little museum on the campus.  Anyway, I've been a rabid OU fan (in all sports and other programs) since probably the early 70's at the latest.  Of course, I am also a Wichita State fan and University of Memphis fan.   And I will always be a Memphis Redbirds fan, no matter where I live, I had so much fun attending the games and seeing the players move up to the St. Louis Cardinals.
Looks like it should be a wonderful day, after a very miserable day yesterday (windy, cold and wet).
I am going to the Apple Store to look at my "iTunes", I need to get it better organized.  
Amazon.Com is not charging Tennessee sales tax, so I feel much freer to purchase from other companies and express my dislike for the techniques Amazon uses. 
Speaking of techniques, one gouging action I really hate is the huge markups on "Premium" unleaded gas over regular unleaded.  Kroger (at least the one at Macon and Houston Levy) chafes like a .20 markup over regular for Premium Unleaded.  Recently, we were fooled into paying a .50 difference.  I know, drive a care that uses regular, or just drive off if the price is too much, but it's not quite as simple as that.  I'm not a big fan of Kroger, but at least on gas, they treat you right.
Finished reading "Catcher in the Rye" for my book club.  Kind of reminds me of "Bright Lights, Big City", with BLBC being the career version and CITR betting the teen version.  
Starting my "Hot Wheels" Tumblr blog, gradually develop pictures of all my Hot Wheels (and Matchbox etc.) cars.  At 2 a day, it will take me about three years to have pictures of all of them (I'll take a picture of the new ones when I get them), but if I don't start, in three years I won't have any pictures also!  I can't even count how many there are.  My main problem may be not duplicating cars as I gradually get the photographs.  That is one item I don't plan on weeding.
I am tossing a lot of paper, I figure I may as well do it now.

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