Monday, December 09, 2013

Fall 2013 December 9 Monday

32 degrees this morning.  
Although there was no ice this morning, there were a few wet splotches, so I drove to ATC Fitness Center.  I was disappointed they'd changed to a totally inappropriate radio station for a gym (or anything else for that matter).  Usually I can block out the music, but when I have to take a shower there, (when I drive, when I bicycle, I shower at home) I take the blunt of the junk radio station.  
When LA Fitness comes, I may well switch to there just to avoid the radio station!  This morning there was an especially sick caller, don't know who was more sick, the caller, the dj's or the radiot station for allowing it.  (Or the listeners for listening to it.)
Nothing more exasperating (other than maybe trying to spell exasperating) than losing your car keys, even when you KNOW they HAVE to be here!  I finally deduced they HAD to be in my easy chair and of course they were.  Obviously there are a lot worse things that could happen, but that is one time wasting event I don't need in the morning.  I usually use a "silent butler" to put all of my stuff (keys, wallet, phone, watch etc.) and it not only saves time, but also helps avoid "losing" items.  While morning isn't quite as time constrained now as it has been, I am not changing any of my habits.  
Apparently came through the ice storm with our "Weeping Willow" tree bent over.  Hopefully I can get a stick put it in to get it straight again.  
I found a really helpful "pronunciation" "app" for my iPhone and iPad.  It is wonderful for pronunciation but also for finding the correct spelling for a word, it is that intuitive. 

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