Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Summer 2013 July 3

Another cool morning (67 degrees).

I am amazed at what is considered "news".  I get "alerts" on my phone about some pro basketball player signing for millions or dollars or I just switched off CNN because of story about someone's "monkey".  So What?

Anyway, at least I can at least shut them off.  That is what I really like about reading vs. watching tv or videos, I can skip the junk.  If that is really what people want, fine, but let me use my time in more productive ways!

I like reading "USA Today" on their "app", but I don't read watch any of the time consuming videos and I can skip over all the stories about sports and "celebrities"  which is why I enjoy reading it.  (I read the "news", "money" and "tech" and sometimes the "travel" sections. )

I went to the Apple Store and finally got my iPhoto somewhat straightened out.  I also got my ringtones on my iPhone fixed.  I love the Apple Store, especially when I get an especially good coach like I did yesterday.  He was fantastic.  Actually most of the Apple personnel who work in the "1-1" and help on the "open training" are excellent.  They are patient, usually good instructors and know what they are teaching.   Only one time did I feel like I was being treated as "stupid and old", which I may will be when it comes to computers, but I love learning new ideas!  My major problem with computers is I hit a roadblock and can't get past it, the Apple Store program helps.

If you ever buy an Apple computer, buy it from the Apple Store and pony up the $99 for the "1-1" program-it is well worth the money.

July 4.  It used to mean the summer was half over.  It still may mean that, but in Lakeland it means summer is just getting into full throttle, in terms of heat.  I enjoy it.

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