Thursday, June 20, 2013

Summer 2013 June 20 The Bullfrogs are back!

This morning, while out for exercise, I heard the bullfrogs in the pond again!  That makes my heart sing, since it means (to me) that Summer is truly here!
Of course, after tomorrow, the long descent into Winter starts again, but the greater balance of the Summer is actually left!
Today promises to be a busy day.  I have to go to Memphis for an early morning meeting (groan!) and then it is busy for the rest of the day also.  When I have to go through early morning "rush hour" traffic, I always am thankful I don't have to do it every day!
I took down the bird feeders about a month ago and really miss watching the birds.  A "weasel" (probably actually a raccoon) kept getting into the feeders.

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