Saturday, February 02, 2013

Winter continues!

Saturday, February 2, 2013:  The winter continues and I am READY for it to be spring!  It already seems like a long winter and it is just February 2!   Of course, the winter hasn't been that bad and I think it is so colorful here in Spring, Summer and Fall, it is hard to  get used to the drabness of winter.
I got a "cold" in early January and then Aliene got one.  It lasted about 2  1/2 weeks overall, only bad a day or two but it just kept me feeling under the weather the whole time.
Aliene had her thumb operated on Wednesday, January 30, 2013, so she will have her arm in a cast and not be able to drive for at east 6 weeks.  At least she has had the operation and won't have to go through that again.  She feels ok overall, but still has some pain where they operated and she is getting used to using her right hand a lot.  It is awkward for balance etc.
I have been busy at work with numerous projects etc.  It definitely makes the time go fast as I wait for Spring to spring.  Many of the projects are almost unique, so they are enjoyable to work with.

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