In the early morning as I make my coffee, I look at the large pile of filters and think about the future represented in those filters? Where will I be and what will have happened by the time the stack of filters is used up? What changes will I have made, been made for me?
Strange to think of the future as represented by the use of the coffee filters, usually one each day. I don't even know how many filters are in a stack, probably 500 or so. I take a stack that seems like a bunch, but is manageable. Each time I get a new stack I think about what has happened and what the new stack will bring.
I don't remember when I started drinking coffee, probably in college. My parents were coffee drinkers, although they tended towards (if I remember right) decaffeinated coffee, which I don't really consider coffee.
I am lucky that I can drink a cup of coffee and fall asleep. I love drinking coffee and frequently drink coffee throughout the day, after starting the day with eight cups of coffee before I go to work (well, I don't really consider the coffee as measured by the coffee maker a true "cup", but, whatever). Also, it's not really 8 cups, since rarely finish the coffee.
I love hot, fresh, coffee and absolutely hate old and cold coffee. I don't hesitate to send coffee back if it is too cold or old (usually both) and also never hesitate (after breakfast time) to ask if the "coffee is fresh" and refuse to order coffee (just water please) if the sever doesn't brighten up and say "I'll make a fresh pot". I figure if I pay $2.50 for a cup of coffee, they can make it fresh or at least have fresh coffee!
My favorite coffee? At home, Starbucks "French Roast" is the only way to go. (I'm putting a coffee pot of my own at the office so I can have it at work also).
As far as eating out coffee, Starbucks, McDonalds and Steak n Shake are all excellent. TGIFridays coffee tastes like it is instant and I quit ordering it . (TGIFridays dose have excellent sweet tea). Cracker Barrel coffee is excellent as long as it is fresh and hot.
I LOVE the Starbucks ice coffee, especially in summer. I do have to avoid driving after I have a refill though, the only time I get a light "coffee high"!
Razor blades-I measure the past through razor blades. This started in college when the "disposable" razors first came out. I was so poor that I cabbaged onto some of the free disposable razors and used them literally months at a time. (Maybe why I grew a beard for awhile!)
Whenever I replaced one, I would think about what happened in the past, the time measured by the razor. Years ago, I got tired of the disposable razors and went to a razor blade with disposable blades. Now I change the blade every "regular meeting" of the Lakeland Board of Commissioners, which is once a month. It makes me change it before it gets too bad, plus it provides me with a measuring device.
Such are my thoughts in the early morning, before the everyday world starts and time is measured in hours, minutes and seconds!
Hope all who read this are having a wonderful 2012!
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