Fall of 2011
Summer of 2011 is over and the Fall has be gorgeous thus far, but I still miss Summer and I know that winter is coming. In all fairness, Winter isn’t that bad in Lakeland, but it still is cold and there are no leaves on the trees etc.
A while since I have written, probably one of the longest since I started keeping a written journal in the Summer of 1987. (Can it have been that long ago!?) I still keep a daily journal of my basic activities, but I don’t write my thoughts down on a daily basis.
I keep thinking I will start writing daily observations, but life gets in the way. I will make an attempt to jot some observations down (written on paper, not just in the computer) today.
I recently attended the International City Managers Conference, and I thought how a conference is something like life. You look forward to it, it gets here before you expect, and by the time you learn your way around, it is over (or almost over)!
The last few days have been beautiful.
Overall things are going well. Aliene had pneumonia recently, which with her condition is bad, since she can’t take antibiotics without some serious side effects. Then after she started feeling better again, her back and leg started hurting again. Same problem as with the pneumonia, she can’t take much of the pain medicine.
I am still walking in the morning, then an “outside” bike ride on my now trusty six year old Trek (it has been a super bike, although I don’t get anything but a mountain bike in the future) and then, something relatively new, I go over to the ATC (Around the Clock) gym and read the morning paper while I ride the stationary bike.
You would think I would start losing weight, but....my eating still is tempting!.
I am going to try to write more often and less wordy, so I’ll stop for now and post this.
Written October 15, 2011 in Lakeland, Tennessee
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