Thursday, May 26, 2011

Bullfrogs are here, summer is arriving! (Cicadas can't be far behind!)

After at least two years away, the Bullfrogs have finally returned to the pond in our area!

For some reason, I really enjoy the “harmony” of the bullfrogs in the early morning. (I’m not sure if our neighbors do!) I take an early morning walk and bicycle ride and I feel like the bullfrogs are welcoming in the Summer!

I really don’t know why they disappeared or why they returned, but they really add some atmosphere to my early morning walk and ride!

This morning it was also 77 degrees which at least indicates that Summer is finally here!

Another sound I always associate with summer is the cicadas. The sound fills me with memories and is one of the few sounds (in addition to bullfrogs) that don't bother me regardless of the sound.

Many evenings I actually sit outside and sleep to the sound of the cicadas.

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