Back to Lakeland from Cookeville, Tennessee to Lakeland. Headed out early morning while still dark (4:30 a.m.).
Cookeville is midway between Nashville and Knoxville on I-40. I never think of Cookeville as being so big. I always think of it as a tiny little town, but it has a huge variety of restaurants, including my favorites Steak n Shake and Starbucks. They also have a Sams and a number of hotels. I mentally think of it as 5 or 6,000, while it is actually 25,000 or so.
I always forget how hilly this part of Tennessee is. I'm not sure if they are considered mountains for not, but when you grow up in Kansas, I consider this mountains!
There is an early morning fog that gives an eerily dream like quality to the drive as cars and trucks speed down the road. Makes me wonder where everyone is going this time of day!
I listen to XM channel 80 early this morning. Later I will switch. Frequently I like classical during drives like this, but this morning it is electronic music. Several years ago, I finally got fed up with commercial radio and just quit listening to any commercial radio stations. Between XM and iPods, iPhones etc., I can do without the constant talking, smutty stories , "jokes" that are really vicious attacks, and dj's who seem to think I care what they think or who laugh for long periods. Anyway, I decided XM is worth the money and I enjoy the non-talking music. It has many channels of non-talking music, and when the talking starts, I switch. XM Channel 80 is one of those channels that I may love what is playing and I may hate it, but this morning I enjoy the selections.
I like to listen to the news also, but not in early morning to the "news" shows, which is nothing but a lot of self serving talk news about "entertainment" etc. Later in the day they can be be better. Anyway, I start off listening to electronic music as I speed through the early morning fog in the hills (mountains) of eastern Tennessee.
As the sun comes up, I switch to classical and start to worry about the rush hour going through Nashville, which can be really bad. Except for a few "bully's" who think I should move over when they come within a foot of my bumper, the drive has been good. (Sometimes I move, sometimes I don't. I've learned not to worry about it.)
Traffic increases as I approach Nashville, heavy, speeding well over the speed limit, but overall courteous and it keeps moving.
I was concerned it would be like the stretch or I-40 between Little Rock and Conway, Arkansas, which has the most stupid, discourteous, aggressive, angry and bad drivers I have ever seen. That stretch is horrible, especially during rush hour. It is truly unbelievable to drive that stretch and I wish there was a way to avoid it.
Strangely enough, there is no problem going through Nashville, maybe I"m early enough to miss the true rush hour. I give a sigh of relief as I get past downtown Nashville, since I know it won't be bad from here.
Stop at McDonalds for breakfast and try to use their wi fi, but can't get on. I thought about stopping at someplace where I could try something different and local, but decide time is of the essence as is a good cup of coffee. Also, I wanted to browse the computer. Thanks to Blackberry and iPhones, I don't have to worry about checking for e-mail. (McDonlds does make good cup of coffee early in the morning.) I read the USA Today I picked up before I left the hotel and eat my burritos and apple pie and coffee. (It is strange at McDonalds, one apple pie is .99, two apple pies is $1.00) I don't eat at McDonalds often, so it qualifies as something different.
As the sun comes up and I start towards western Tennessee, I switch to Country Music and occasionally try a news show. (I used to like "car talk", but it has turned into just a bunch of strange "jokes" and very little information. They must be burned out on it, but just can't stop.)
We know the rest stops (and all the McDonalds and Loves County Store locations) by heart from Nashville to Oklahoma City on I-40. I stop and take a 5 minute nap. I am on a "driving jag", where it seems like I could drive forever without stopping, but I have a bad habit of getting sleepy and found a 5 minute nap every few hours is good, whether I think I need it or not.
I arrive in Lakeland without incident. Of course, then I wonder what my hurry was. Off to work and the thoughts of my early morning drive are over.
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