Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It was the Best of Days and the Worst of Days

December 21 (first day of Winter) is the worst of days because it is the shortest and darkest day of the year and the best of days because the days start getting longer and Summer is coming!

On the other hand, June 21 (first day of Summer) is the best of days because it is the longest and lightest day of the year and the worst of days because the days start getting shorter and Winter is coming!

Problem Resolved? (Somewhat at least)

After 1 1/2 years of frustration, the problem with the Bestbuy tv etc. may be resolved, or at least mitigated. Of course, there is still the matter of the TiVo which was improperly installed with the Comcast Box etc.

A TV repair company that contracts with Bestbuy came by and knew immediately what was wrong. The tv's required a software upgrade Bustbuy was supposed to do before we purchased them.. He did it (from his vehicle) and we haven't had a problem thus far. This, after a year and 1/2 of fighting Comcast and Bestbuy!

Of course, in the ultimate stupidity by Bestbuy, they wouldn't let him do the other tv (the very same model bought on the very same day), because it wasn't authorized and they had some kind of weird policy about one repair per day! Aliene even talked to a Supervisor. I called back and of course couldn’t talk with a Supervisor, but was advised they could simply schedule a work repair.

I didn’t have the numbers and when Aliene called back they advised her they would prefer to “walk me through it”. Of course, so they could blame me if anything went wrong. I advised them they should send the same repair company out.

What is really weird is that the very first repair person they asked to do the work on the tv decided it was an electronic card. (This was without looking at it.) However, they advised they wouldn't do the work unless we took the tv down, undid everything and then reinstall everything. I told them that was unacceptable and so they sent out two other tv repair people, one who didn't find anything wrong and the one who immediately knew what was wrong.

However, Bestbuy had apparently approved the first tv repair shop to change out the electronic card and they advised Aliene, even if not needed, they were going to do it and if we didn't let them in, they would cancel out contract!

We have decided Bestbuy has to be the most disorganized and incompetent company in the world.

To make matters worse, I haven’t received a call from the Bestbuy main office where they advised they WOULD call back within 24-48 hours (that was about 65 hours ago) and a representative who I have been dealing with on the incorrect service call commented that “Well, it wasn’t the Tivo installation”.

Maybe that is why I sold all of my Bestbuy stock.

Comcast and Bestbuy: The Saga Continues: Another $130 down the drain, the problem continues

The Comcast service technician came out last night (Tuesday). After charging $130, we discovered he had disconnected the TiVo and, worst yet, the "repairs" did absolutely nothing to help the problem.

(These were the "repairs" that two Bestbuy reps and one tv technician said were Comcast's responsibility and "they would fix the problem and Comcast shouldn't charge us for them".

After he left, Aliene called Comcast. The Representative tried some things and then said she'd call back in 30 minutes. Guess what!!! Of course, she never called back.

When I got home, (this was several hours later after the 30 minutes had long expired), I called Comcast and was basically advised, "get over it, we are Comcast". She let me know that Comcast could absolutely care less about my problem and their incompetent inability to fix the problem.

After this, I got with TiVo and discovered that three Bestbuy service technicians and two Comcast technicians had us using the cable box when we didn't need it (which saves us about $15 per month, or $180 per year!).

To be continued.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bestbuy "warranty" is worthless

The Bestbuy "warranty" is worthless, since the "service tech" can apparently decide to charge whatever he wants and say the service call isn't part of the warranty.

I spent over three hours on the phone with Bestbuy over the weekend and all they will say is that the Service Tech (who I am sure makes more money on a non-warranty service call) is the one who decides! A strange way to run a business.

Less that two weeks after the installation, the item I purchased is not working properly again! So, who do I call when I know that the "Geek Squad"member is financially motivated to call it a non-warranty call and it apparently is not reviewable by anyone?

Obviously, I will never again purchase an item from Bestbuy where he warranty is important! They just flat don't honor it and, what is worse, charge an extremely high fee for the call!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

John Berry

I watched a video of John Berry this morning signing "O Holy Night" and was amazed at his magnificent singing voice. I don't recall ever hearing him before, but when I checked Google, I found he had a number of albums and is well known.

I checked with iTunes, found the "O Holy Night" album on sale for $4.99 and downloaded it! Some days things just work our right! I probably will download other of his albums in the future. I really enjoy listening to his voice. I even am becoming a member of his Fan Club in the event I am ever close enough to see him perform in person!

Bestbuy: An example of Corporate arrogance and fees

Over the past several weeks especially, and the past 1 1/2 years in general, I have discovered that Bestbuy does not honor its "protection plan", has extremely poor "customer service" and is interested mainly in sticking it's customers with additional fees and charges. In addition Bestbuy does not honor it's installation guarantee.

Just yesterday, at attempt was made to charge a $109 "service fee" in spite of the fact the service call was necessary due to improper installation by Bestbuy.

I spent 45 minutes on the phone and was advised different items such as "the computer was down" to "they aren't answering" (other departments in Bestbuy). Finally they advised I would be on hold for at least another 15 minutes and I advised them to call me. Of course, that is what they wanted and they never called back.

On the Service Fee, I called Friday and advised of the problem. In this case, we are covered both by their "protection plan" and their "installation guarantee" of one year (both I found are worthless).

I carefully explained that both Bestbuy and Comcast have charged nuisance "service calls" in the past and I wanted to know if there was going to be a service charge. She advised 'the service tech would ADVISE ME IN ADVANCE of any charges. Of course, at the end of the call the service tech gave me a bill for $109 and is now harassing me for payment. Of course, I will pay it and immediately protest the charge as fraud.

I am also planning on notifying the Tennessee Attorney General of the lack of Bestbuy to honor its "protection plan" and "installation guarantee" and asking if this violates consumer protection laws.

Bestbuy was also very misleading when we bought the items. We excused it as us not asking the right questions, but now I feel like it was deliberate misleading and it is a part of their corporate culture.

Another lesson learned. We actually purchase most of our appliances etc. from Sears just because we are pleased with their warranty performance. We should have done so this time also!

Sunday, December 05, 2010

#?*! Motor Trend's Stereotyping of Older People (AKA "Your Grandfathers Car"!)

I used to read/scan Car and Driver and enjoy it. The writing was good and entertaining and they didn’t take themselves too seriously. For whatever reason (probably the blizzard of renewals you get to the point that I just give up to wait for the final offer, or maybe a lack of time), I quit receiving it.

So, in a weak moment, I accepted a offer from Motor Trend that was extremely low cost. From the first issue, I was disappointed in Motor Trend, the writing was poor, the magazine was disorganized.

I realized I had “gotten what I paid for”, which wasn’t much except another magazine to give to the Library after it sat round unread for a month.

A reference to “your Grandfathers car” and “This car is for people who are too old to enjoy a good car” (or something to that nature-I tossed the magazine in the trash in disgust) infuriated me.

I have never liked the term “your Grandfathers/Grandmothers (fill in the blank)” at any age, even when I was a teenager, much less now that I am a Grandfather. (I also hate the term “Dude” for other reasons.)

I am surprised in this day that such a stereotypical term is used to denigrate older people as uncreative, liking plain items, and, by extension, being dull and boring.

Probably I am all the more edgy about this when, within the last two weeks I encountered two people who are probably in their 50’s and early 60’s who were “downsized” and now can’t even get an interview, much less a job. They both are about to lose their house.

THEN, i see a reference stereotyping a car as a “your Grandfathers car” to boring, unimaginative and “good enough” for older people who of course, according to the writer, aren’t interested in any innovative cars. Of course, I know “Grandfathers and Grandmothers” who drive Corvettes, experimental cars, innovative cars as well as the “reasonable” cars!

Of course, I canceled my subscription to Motor Trend, but, more important, I do not intend to let the stereotyping of older people as uninteresting, unimaginative, uncreative etc. who only deserve or want the most boring of anything. I will protest any use of that term I see it.

I think such stereotyped images of older people is one reason I see so many older people out of jobs, desperate for work and, in many cases about ready to lose their houses and become homeless.

Now how I will respond to “Dude” is another posting. (Another term I truly hate is “pimping a (whatever)”, but that is also for the future!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thoughts on a Rainy Morning

Veterans Day in 1985 I purchased my first “true” computer, an IBM clone (as it was known at the time). I was advised I could purchase a hard drive later “when I was ready for it”. I did purchase one a short time later, a, at the time, massive 10 mg hard drive (mg, not gb). I actually used it until I skipped several generations to a “486” as it was known.

I actually purchased my first computer a “Vic 20” for $83 around Christmas of 1981. I had a lot of fun with it, and still have two Vic 20’s and a Commodore 64 stored away.

For some reason, I always seem to get my computers around holidays (although my recent ones and my iPad have been on “tax free holidays”!).

I bought my first laptop at Radio Shack on Christmas Eve, 1988, a nice Christmas present to to myself.

We bought our first Apple, an iMac G5, five years ago around Thanksgiving. It definitely changed the way I related to computers, especially when I discovered the “1 to 1” program at Apple Computers. It may not be for everyone, but it really hit a spot with me.

I have never felt I really use a computer to even a small amount of it’s true capacity. I enjoy working with the computer on web sites, photos, music etc., but it takes a lot of time. The Apple 1-1 program on “personal projects” is good, since I can work on a project with an “expert” nearby to help. Instead of just becoming frustrated, I can get assistance to get me past my blocking point.

I mentioned to someone the other day, I don’t have a problem with growing older as such, but I am really sorry computers like this weren’t around when I was a child and going to school!

My first experience with a computer was actually in the Air Force, where I worked with an IBM something, a big massive machine that we fed information on punch cards. In graduate school, i could use a central computer for some purposes, although it was an extremely complicated and limited process.

I watched computers develop. I recently read an biography about Steve Jobs and an autobiography by Steve Wozniak. It was fascinating how the personal computer developed.

When I read this I think about a teacher in high school who said “the individual person isn’t able to start a business anymore”. At the time I thought she was wrong, and obviously she was. Of course I always thought I would be one to make a fortune and I was wrong in that case, not that I found it really matters.

I am surprised at the lack of progress in other areas. For example, basically cars are the same as when they are invented. I remember when I was a child seeing an ad with a car driving itself and the passengers playing cards etc. as the car went down the road.

Also, I thought by the time was this age, I would be traveling by backpacks or some type of personal aircraft. I am vaguely disappointed that cars, houses, appliances etc. are basically the same as when I was a child, although there have been major advances in the basic design.

I can’t even imagine where we would be if other items in our life-cars, houses, appliances, etc. had advanced like the computer where we would be now.

Raining a slow cold rain out. I will start waiting for Spring flowers to appear!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Weeding Books

I look at all my books and know I have to "weed" my book collection sometime. It is difficult, since each one (even the ones I haven't read) shout out their own story to me as I try to find one to throw away.

Yes, one, I have tried in the past to weed one book per week, but I can't bring myself to weed the first one even. I try to think that the book will enjoy being read by someone, but.... I even made a rule that anytime I add a book, I need to "weed" a book, I can't always bring myself to do it.

I look at them and see the potential in them, especially the ones I haven't read.

I can't believe I will ever feel about "e-books" the way I feel about physical books. It just isn't the same. Of course, I will be able to save all of my e-books without worrying about space.

It is starting to get cold, 46 degrees this morning, after being 78 degrees just several days ago. I don't mind the cool weather as knowing that it is going to be cool for the next six months or so!

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

The Answer?

Well, we may have several answers.

The easy one. I disconnected the electric connection AND took out the battery from the smoke alarm and it gave several whimpers and was quiet. When we bought the house, we assumed it had a fire alarm tied into the alarm system (so the fire department was automatically notified). We found out we didn't, so we had new alarms installed that tied in directly to the alarm system that notified the dispatcher so the fire department would automatically be called in the event the smoke alarm went off. They left the "old" smoke alarms (wired with a backup battery).

Aliene now has TWO answers to her problem. The Internist thinks she has Lymphocyte Colitis and that a shot he gave her stopped the diarrhea. The Gastrologist thinks she has has a Gluten allergy. In any event, her diarrhea has (somewhat stopped) and all she wants to do is have it stop and get out of the hospital!

She actually got hungry today, for the first time in four weeks. She is seeing a Nutritionist tomorrow and hopefully will be out by Friday. Of course, we have thought before she was getting out and been disappointed, so... We are hoping!

We'll keep you advised!

Sunday, October 03, 2010

The Tell-Tale Alarm

Slowly, I am going insane from the "beeping" of the "dead" fire alarm! I now understand Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart".

"The Tell-Tale Heart" was in the literature books I read when I was a child. Actually I probably read it numerous times before I finally understood it, like the store "Alas Babylon" (about nuclear disaster, but I didn't realize what it was about until I was an adult. I found the literature books several years ago and purchased them for my library. I started reading Vincent, John and Mary Anne's high school literature books when I was in the 4th grade because I was bored and I read them numerous times (The Tell-Tale Heart", "The Hitchhiker", "O Captain", "Our Town", "Mary White" the one about the telegraph boy who delivers the telegram of death, the kidnappers who end up paying to get rid the child they kidnapped, ("the Ransom of Red Chief") the "Gift of the Magi" the "War of the Worlds", "Outcasts of Poker Flats," , Rendezvous with Death" etc. still stick in my mind from the numerous readings. That was over 50 years ago! I'm going to have to take the time to pull them out and read them again. I especially enjoyed the American Literature.

Actually, I used the "Rendezvous with Death" idea in a speech about my experience of being charged by a buffalo on a hike up Elk Mountain in Oklahoma years ago.

I am composing an e-mail to the alarm manufacturer in my head and it is not a nice e-mail or letter!

Actually, since Aliene is still in the hospital I'm not spending a lot of time here right now and if I really concentrate I can ignore it and I can get a motel room if I actually have to. It would be cheaper than repairing the fire alarm, wall and electrical damage I would cause by doing what I really want to.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Summer is truly over, report on weight

64 Degrees this morning, so I know summer is truly over, not just officially over! I wore a long sleeve shirt and still needed to add more clothes! I realize there will be more warm weather before Winter, but it just isn't the same as the "endless Summer".

I weigh myself once a week, in accordance with Weight Watcher instructions. I had lost 19 lbs last week, I'll weigh tomorrow morning and see if I lost anymore. If not, I'll just keep on trying!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Summer of 2010

The Summer of 2010 has officially ended! I consider it to have been a wonderful Summer, mostly hot and dry! I enjoyed it! I realize the seasons have to change, but I hate to see Summer go. The cold of Winter seems to last so long before the Summer heat comes back.

Every year, around February, I start thinking I need to take a short vacation someplace warm, but I never have. Maybe this year....

Aliene is doing better, the Doctors have found the cause of the problem and hopefully can treat it. I am pleased to find that the Saint Francis of Bartlett is so nice. The Emergency Room was quick and almost all of the personnel are dedicated and customer oriented. We are pleased to have the hospital so close. (The other hospitals are good also, but it is good to have one about 5 miles away! What is strange is that I thought the hospital wasn't in our insurance plan,

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Watching my Weight

After the Family Reunion in early August, I decided to get serious about my weight and start "watching what I eat". I had subscribed to the "On-line Weight Watchers" web sites/program for almost a year and hadn't really been following it consistently, so I decided this was it! If I didn't use it, I'd cancel the program as a waste of money. The iPhone App that allowed me to sign in and record what I ate from anywhere was a real help.

I decided I wasn't going to "diet", but I was going to "change my way of eating".

I was shocked at the amount of calories, fat and sodium in restaurant and other food, so it has been fairly simple to identify why I was gaining weight. Controlling my eating will always be a problem for me I expect. Fortunately, I have kept up my exercise even as I kept up my eating!

Thus far I have been fairly successful at controlling my eating. Peanut Butter is what I miss most, although I do allow myself to eat it within the "point" system of Weightwatchers.

One good thing about the Weightwatchers Plan is that it allows some additional "weekly" points and it also provides "points" (Points equal additional food!) for exercise, so I have even extended my exercise to get an additional point or two?

The bottom line is a 14 1/2 pound loss. I realize the "easy pounds" are off and it will be much harder from now on, but at least is is encouraging!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First sign Summer of 2010 is ending

Sitting out on my back patio this morning, enjoying my backyard, but I feel the first chill of the end of summer. To me that is the first sign that Summer is ending, when it is too cool to comfortably sit in my backyard and work/read/think.

To me the Summer of 2010 will be remembered as one of the best Summers, since I like hot, dry summers! I will miss my early morning patio sessions when I finally give up and move my early morning sessions inside.

Monday, August 09, 2010

I get an iPad

I got an iPad during the Tennessee "Sales Tax Holiday". It is WONDERFUL! I am still learning it, but it, at least thus far, is well worth the money!

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Thoughts during an early morning drive

Back to Lakeland from Cookeville, Tennessee to Lakeland. Headed out early morning while still dark (4:30 a.m.).

Cookeville is midway between Nashville and Knoxville on I-40. I never think of Cookeville as being so big. I always think of it as a tiny little town, but it has a huge variety of restaurants, including my favorites Steak n Shake and Starbucks. They also have a Sams and a number of hotels. I mentally think of it as 5 or 6,000, while it is actually 25,000 or so.

I always forget how hilly this part of Tennessee is. I'm not sure if they are considered mountains for not, but when you grow up in Kansas, I consider this mountains!

There is an early morning fog that gives an eerily dream like quality to the drive as cars and trucks speed down the road. Makes me wonder where everyone is going this time of day!

I listen to XM channel 80 early this morning. Later I will switch. Frequently I like classical during drives like this, but this morning it is electronic music. Several years ago, I finally got fed up with commercial radio and just quit listening to any commercial radio stations. Between XM and iPods, iPhones etc., I can do without the constant talking, smutty stories , "jokes" that are really vicious attacks, and dj's who seem to think I care what they think or who laugh for long periods. Anyway, I decided XM is worth the money and I enjoy the non-talking music. It has many channels of non-talking music, and when the talking starts, I switch. XM Channel 80 is one of those channels that I may love what is playing and I may hate it, but this morning I enjoy the selections.

I like to listen to the news also, but not in early morning to the "news" shows, which is nothing but a lot of self serving talk news about "entertainment" etc. Later in the day they can be be better. Anyway, I start off listening to electronic music as I speed through the early morning fog in the hills (mountains) of eastern Tennessee.

As the sun comes up, I switch to classical and start to worry about the rush hour going through Nashville, which can be really bad. Except for a few "bully's" who think I should move over when they come within a foot of my bumper, the drive has been good. (Sometimes I move, sometimes I don't. I've learned not to worry about it.)

Traffic increases as I approach Nashville, heavy, speeding well over the speed limit, but overall courteous and it keeps moving.

I was concerned it would be like the stretch or I-40 between Little Rock and Conway, Arkansas, which has the most stupid, discourteous, aggressive, angry and bad drivers I have ever seen. That stretch is horrible, especially during rush hour. It is truly unbelievable to drive that stretch and I wish there was a way to avoid it.

Strangely enough, there is no problem going through Nashville, maybe I"m early enough to miss the true rush hour. I give a sigh of relief as I get past downtown Nashville, since I know it won't be bad from here.

Stop at McDonalds for breakfast and try to use their wi fi, but can't get on. I thought about stopping at someplace where I could try something different and local, but decide time is of the essence as is a good cup of coffee. Also, I wanted to browse the computer. Thanks to Blackberry and iPhones, I don't have to worry about checking for e-mail. (McDonlds does make good cup of coffee early in the morning.) I read the USA Today I picked up before I left the hotel and eat my burritos and apple pie and coffee. (It is strange at McDonalds, one apple pie is .99, two apple pies is $1.00) I don't eat at McDonalds often, so it qualifies as something different.

As the sun comes up and I start towards western Tennessee, I switch to Country Music and occasionally try a news show. (I used to like "car talk", but it has turned into just a bunch of strange "jokes" and very little information. They must be burned out on it, but just can't stop.)

We know the rest stops (and all the McDonalds and Loves County Store locations) by heart from Nashville to Oklahoma City on I-40. I stop and take a 5 minute nap. I am on a "driving jag", where it seems like I could drive forever without stopping, but I have a bad habit of getting sleepy and found a 5 minute nap every few hours is good, whether I think I need it or not.

I arrive in Lakeland without incident. Of course, then I wonder what my hurry was. Off to work and the thoughts of my early morning drive are over.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

When I'm 63

Three years ago, I wrote, on becoming 60, that in 10 years I will be 70. Next week, I will be three years into that 10 years!

I have found aging relatively simple thus far! While I can’t say I am looking forward to it, I am comfortable with the notion that I will be 63, which seemed, it seems only a short time ago, as impossibly old!

I can’t say I would accept the offer to do my life over again, if it was possible. I think what I didn’t know when I was younger and wonder how I survived!

I think the worst thing about growing older is the knowledge that your options are closing on you each day, each month, each year and each decade. I enjoy the fact that I enjoy walking and bicycling every day, but I dread the day I realize I can not longer bike or briskly walk everyday and, the worst in our world, not being able to drive.

I accepted the fact I would not have a full head of hair almost 4 decades ago, although I’m not sure what I would have done (no, I know!) if some of the treatments that grow hair had been available to me in my twenties. I remember how I felt when I realized I would have to give up running in 5 K races (due to a heel problem) almost 15 years ago and when I had to give up weightlifting and the punching bag (due to a shoulder problem) several years ago, although I still have hopes of that.

As I grow older, I realize there will be books I always wanted to read, movies I wanted to see, experiences I wanted, places I wanted to visit that I will never do it. So far, it is a feeling of acceptance rather than sadness. I always think of an experience years ago, when a man in his seventies told me how much he had always wanted to travel. He thought he would do it “sometime” but he hadn’t. I was saddened two weeks later when I read of his death. In the next few years, I gradually learned to enjoy the journey and not worry so much about the destination.

The punching bag. I truly loved the punching bag when I was younger! I remember going at the punching bag and imagining a person on the other side! I worked off a lot of anger that way.

Strangely enough, I seldom feel such anger anymore. Some time ago, I think I decided that life was too short to worry about such things, although I still occasionally get angry, I usually take a deep breath and forget it.

I have discovered the frustration of attempting to convey my experience to younger persons and realize they aren’t following my good advice any more than I did the good advice of my parents, teachers, other older persons when I was their age! I guess it take a certain amount of experience to learn to try to avoid foolish mistakes! I will make enough mistakes already without making foolish mistakes!

On the other hand, thinking about aging, it can be a very sad experience. I can remember thinking returning after my Mother’s funeral 13 years ago (in the fall) and looking at the falling leaves and thinking that it is too bad that our (human) passing from this life can’t be as beautiful as the leaves of the death of summer.

63 is one of “those” ages. It isn’t a landmark age and doesn’t qualify you for anything (driving, social security etc.), it simply means I am a year older. Next year will be fun when I can reflect on “When I’m 64”. When that song was popular, I can still recall never really believing that I would someday be 64!

Actually, I do enjoy the “senior citizen discounts” . I don’t feel any sense of entitlement for them, but I do enjoy them. As I just mentioned to someone today, I was offered my first Senior Citizen discount when I was 41 years old. It was at the Shoney's in Nashville, Tennessee. I guess it must have been quite a shock, since I still can picture the scene!

I am glad that I can still jump in the car and drive on a journey, that I am still interested in new events and places, that I can still ride my bike and walk, that I still can work and not even think about retirement, obviously most of all I am glad I am still healthy (even if I could lost some weight)-63 isn’t that bad after all.

Monday, July 05, 2010


July 4 marks the middle of the Summer (more or less) and the days are definitely getting shorter as the return to winter starts.

It's actually been a great summer-hot and dry! I'm currently doing my favorite part of my day, sitting out on the back yard drinking coffee and enjoying the morning. Usually I am listening to music on my ipod, although sometimes I just enjoy the sounds of nature. There are a lot of bird and insect sounds. (Any snake sounds and I scurry inside!) When I sit out here in the evening, I don't listen to anything but the cicadas, birds etc.

(Later evening): Sitting outside tonight on my back yard, I just saw a deer feeding among the trees! Also, the birds have finally gotten used to me sitting outside and come to feed at the bird feeder as long as I don't make any sudden moves.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer Day 2

June 22, the second day of Summer and I am loving the hot Summer!

One thing I really like about Summer in Lakeland is the Crepe Myrtles. They start blooming about this time of year and normally bloom until September or so. I like the fact that they keep their blooms so long and look so pretty.

According to the dictionary, a Crepe Myrtle is a "shrub or small tree". I am surprised they didn't settle the argument and call it either a shrubOR a small tree.

The weather has truly been "Summer" weather, anywhere from 81 to 87 degrees when I get up in the morning. It is still cooler than the rest of the day.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Summer is officially here and this is the "longest day of the year". While I love Summer, June 21 is always a little bit sad because the days (hours of daylight) will become shorter, which means Winter will return!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

CMA Fest

Just got back from our 5th "CMA Fest" in Nashville. We really enjoyed it, in spite of Aliene having to walk around in a "boot" resulting from a sprained foot.

What makes the CMA Fest so much fun is the range of the performers and the range of activities. Performers range from beginners trying to break in, to the experienced performers who are now well past what many people consider retirement age (and still great performers).

One of my favorite places is the Exhibit Hall, where performers sign autographs, post for pictures, and businesses and performers have booths with freebies and information on products etc. I'm not really into getting autographs but I like to get pictures.

Also in the Exhibit Hall they have the "acoustic" performing area where you can listen to both beginning and well know performers. I especially like it since many of the acts have fiddlers who are excellent.

Heat continues. Most mornings when I get up it is in the mid 80's already and forecasts fare for 100 degree temperatures. Actually, I love it and I hate to think of it ending.

I will probably note on June 21, how much I hate to think of the days getting shorter and the coming winter!

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Birds are back!

The birds have returned, at least until the next time we are away for several days! All of them came back, including the yellow ones, the blue ones, the red ones, the stupid woodpecker (who scares off the other birds) and the squirrels. It is good to have them back!

Summer is here, or at least the spirit of Summer. I always think it is such a shame that June 21, the official start of Summer also marks the beginning of the end of Summer with shorter days etc!. I have learned to enjoy Summer because it is so fleeting!

It seems like this was a long hard winter, and a long cold Spring, although it has been a lot better here than other places-it is all relative! I EXPECT it to be warm here so am disappointed if it isn't.

It has really been busy, although it is always busy. Taxes are over, the budget is complete and other major projects are underway. Some time I am going to have to tackle the squeaking door problem in our house. I understand the best way is to take each hinge off and soak it in motorcycle gear oil. It sounds strange enough it probably actually will work. One of these weekends, I will get after it.

We built a new addition to City Hall, which is nice, but is also means I have spent a lot of time moving and trying to decide what goes where! I have a larger office, in fact it is a wonderful office, although I wish it had a few more windows.

Angela and Kali and Katherine went to to Orlando to see Disneyworld and related attractions. They report they are tired, but they had a lot of fun. (They are back in OKC).

Aliene twisted her foot, so isn't walked well, although thank goodness she didn't break anything or hurt her back. Her back is hurting again, although in a different way, so the Doctor is starting "pain management" with her.

We don't have a lot of plans this summer other than to enjoy the summer. We are going to the CMA Fest (in Nashville) and maybe a couple of trips to OKC and then to the Courter Reunion. Angela is going to an acting school in Las Vegas (it is free, she won it) for a week. Unfortunately it is the week before the Courter Reunion so she will miss Friday night but be there for the reunion Saturday morning. The good part is we are going to pickup Kali and Katherine and have them visit with us for a week prior to the Reunion and take them to the Reunion.

I'll get this posted. I guess between Facebook, Twitter and my normal writing, I didn't realize it had been over a month since I posted!

Saturday, May 01, 2010

An Hour in Downtown Memphis

An Hour in Downtown Memphis. The other day, I attended a meeting in downtown Memphis and got out an hour prior to another meeting I had scheduled in the same building.

Suddenly, I had a "problem":

-Not enough time to return to the office (by the time I got there it would be time to return to the next meeting)

-No car (I wasn't about to give up my parking space!)

-No reading material

-The chance to walk around historical Memphis!

-I had just had lunch, so I wasn't hungry

-It was cool enough to walk, but not too cool or hot

I thought about my alternatives, which included sitting on a bench and taking a nap, stopping somewhere for some wonderful "sweet tea", visiting museums, taking the "riverfront" street trolley, walking over and gazing at the Mississippi River, soaking up the history of Memphis by just walking around or ?

Thinking of when I was a child and I got a gift of a "cotton bale", I decided to walk to the "Cotton Museum". Although I didn't have a lot of time, I enjoyed it and actually became a member! (Yes, I made it to my other meeting on time.)

It was a strange feeling to suddenly, for an hour even, have "nothing" to do, "nothing" to read (for some strange reason, downtown Memphis does not have a library) and the opportunity to just explore!

Ah, the feeling of freedom I felt!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Birds Done Left Me

My Birds Done Left Me (Thoughts During my morning walk and bike ride)

After an recent weekend trip, all of the birds and assorted hangers on haven't returned to the bird feeder. Only an isolated sparrow (or something like that) come by. Even the squirrels have left.

I blame the weasel (probably actually a raccoon or possum, but weasel sounds better) that started pulling the bird feeder down each night, so I had to bring it in every night and can't leave it out while I'm gone out of town.

Several months ago, I had golden birds, blue birds, redbirds, woodpeckers, doves, and other assorted birds to watch. Now, nothing.

I was thinking this morning (one reason I love my early morning walk and bike ride) that "My Birds Done Left Me" would make a good Blues song. I could even throw in Memphis somehow, the Home of the Blues and somehow blame the "weasel man".

I'll start it off "My Birds Done Left Me" and try to compose a decent Blues song. Or maybe a poem.

However, it still doesn't make up for the fact that My Birds Done Left Me and I only have a bird feeder to look at. Such are my thoughts during the early morning hour.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

To iPad or not iPad? (The only question is when!)

Up until last night, my thoughts about the iPad were simple. I wasn't going to even consider buying a new product. I'd wait at least a year, maybe two. I'd wait for the upgrades (perhaps a phone etc.) before I bought it, make sure all the bugs were out etc.

Then, last night, through the crowd around the table, I saw the iPad.... I couldn't get in to actually touch it, but I had better leave all my credit cards at home when I do get a chance to play with it.

It is difficult for me to describe a pile of plastic and metal as "beautiful", but it is as near to that as it will ever get.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Spring has Sprung! (I wear shorts and a t-shirt)

Although March 21, the first day of Spring was beautiful in Lakeland, the weather quickly cooled into "unSpring" like weather, although it wasn't really any worse than any year.

Yesterday, I actually wore shorts and a t-shirt and was comfortable, so I feel Spring is finally here! The trees leafed (it seems like almost overnight), the grass is starting to grow and flowers are blooming! A wonderful time of year! It is also nice to sit in our living room with the windows open and be comfortable and enjoy the outside air.

One think I really like about Spring is that it takes a lot less time to prepare for my walk and my bicycle rides! In cooler weather I put on a bunch of layers, from now through November, I can just toss some clothes on and enjoy my exercise!

I am reading Michael Lewis, "The Big Short", about the crooks at the banks, mortgage insurance companies etc. It is unbelievable how crooked they were and how the persons who were the watchdogs simply let them do it. What is worse is how gullible everyone was and how much money they literally stole. Enough said, I don't want to get started on THAT!

I did note something rather interesting while researching how to quiet some squeaky doors. WD 40 stands for "water displacement". The "40" is the successful formulation after 39 failures. WD 40 is not a lubricant. The best oil for squeaky doors is motorcycle chain oil and take the bolts out of the door one at a time to treat the bolt. I'll try it. Hopefully, bicycle chain oil will work as good as motorcycle chain oil. Never give up!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Barbara is 50

My youngest little sister was 50 years old yesterday, which means all of my bothers and sisters are officially "senior citizens" of some sort! Strange, I don't even feel 50 and the youngest of us is 50! My next youngest sister is 55 next week. (I wouldn't have mentioned Barbara by name, but there is no way anyone who doesn't already know it can identify her!)

It started me thinking about how time passes. Many years ago, I started to understand why, when I was a child, my parents friends always commented about "how fast we (my brothers and sisters) were growing! Even when I see my Granddaughters every six weeks, I am amazed at how much they "age" in that time, much less a year or years.

I recently realized it has been 8 years since I washed/cleaned out my gym bag (which may be a story in itself). My favorite sports jacket is 17 years old, I have a "gimme" hat that is approaching 30 years old (I still wear it as a "walking hat" and it actually looks pretty good!), the t-shirt I got at my first 5k run (ok, I really ran the one mile "fun run") is almost 25 years old etc.

I'm not sure what it all means, except time passes, and it gives some meaning to the saying that goes something to the effect "Life is what happens while you are waiting for life to happen" .

Anyway, I can't say I regret getting older, I can't do anything about it anyway and "experience" is nice to have sometimes!

Anyway Happy Birthday to Barbara and Eleanor! Enjoy your youth! You are ONLY 50 and 55!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

First Crocus!

March 15, 2010: Saw my first Crocus of 2010, actually a number of them. Spring is coming!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The First Crocus

This is the time of year I start watching for the first "Crocus" (actually any bright yellow flower that indicates Spring it near, I just call it a "Crocus").

At least it means Spring is not far behind, although sometimes it seems to take forever for Spring to come.

When I think of the "Crocus" (which probably is a Lily here), I think of my house where half of the backyard was Day Lilies. They were beautiful with a wide variety of colors. I always wish I'd taken some of each variety with me.

This has been the worst winter since we moved to Lakeland. It snowed more times, and even worse, the continual cold that was "below normal" temperatures. Overall, the winter hasn't been that bad, at least even when it is cold I don't have to contend with the wind very often!

For some reason, the birds are mobbing the bird feeder. Maybe they are feeling the weather in other places or the earthquake! Or maybe they are just hungry and just found the bird feeder!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Longer Days and Shorter Nights!

I am pleased to the daylight get longer a little each day! In spite of the weather, it provides hope that Spring is coming soon!

The "Winter" continues as snow is on the ground. Fortunately it's not a problem as the snow is just on the grass and there was never any problem with the roads this time. However, the temperature remains cold enough that the snow stays longer than I have seen before!

The birds in the back yard feed almost obsessively as they apparently feel the snow and cold weather approach. They are eating at least 3 times what they normally eat each day. The only bad part is that I feel guilty when I am out of town and can't bring the feeder out! Each morning there are birds literally waiting for the food to come out. I feel rather guilty for making them so dependent, although I'm sure in reality they have alternate sources.

I heard coyotes howl the other night, right before I take my early morning walk. While I know in theory coyotes are scared of humans ....

I recently realized (due to the illness of an employee) that my allergies may not be allergies, but rather symptoms of "GERD". I remember how the nagging cough I had for years stopped after I stopped drinking carbonated beverages. I "rewarded" myself with one after about 3 months and was "rewarded" with a hacking cough for several hours! I didn't need any more proof than that.

I have always had hoarseness after a while and I think it must be the GERD.

I am having a tougher time stopping coffee (I really don't try to be honest) and the Memphis area "sweet tea". (I don't have any problem with regular tea, even with sweetener or sugar, I really don't care for it). Both of these are not good for "GERD".

Other factors are losing weight (groan, I know, I'm trying), eating smaller meals (I'm trying) etc. I do get exercise (although the weather has hurt my bike riding).

I am listening to "1864" while I walk in the morning. It is about Lincoln in 1864 and is fascinating. I failed to mark Lincoln's actual birthday as I intended to. The more I read about Lincoln and his life, the more fascinated I am with him. Sometime soon, I want to take a "Lincoln Tour" and visit Springfield and Washington DC and the areas associated with Lincoln. Several years ago, I was fortunate to visit Gettysburg and visit the actual site of the Gettysburg Address.

Another cold morning, but I just think of it as one more day towards Spring!

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Trudging through Winter

Sometimes I wonder what processes are involved in going from living in our house "over 4 years" to "almost 4 1/2 years" to "almost 5 years" (same with length on the job, or when the "new car" suddenly becomes an "old car". Or for that matter, when Winter becomes "almost Spring"!

The cold weather continues and it is that time of the Winter when I wished I had made arrangements to go someplace warm (or rather hot) just for a weekend or something to get out of the cold weather. (Although I have to admit the Winter in Lakeland isn't all that bad. All I need is to visit family in Oklahoma City and feel the wind and I don't feel I have it so bad in Lakeland!).

This is one of the first Winters where my bicycle riding has been disrupted a lot. Normally, I am able to continue riding even in the cold, but the snow and rain has interrupted my riding more than usual. I have been able to continue walking for the most part without any problem. I used to listen to music during my walks, I have also started listening to books and podcasts while I walk.

The birds have been eating up a storm the past month, especially a day or so before the snow arrives. I had to bring them in while I was in Oklahoma City (to avoid the Possum or Raccoon that tries to eat the bird feed at night), so I'll see if they come back. I feel bad about making them dependent on me feeding them and then not be here for several days to feed them! They even gather around in the morning waiting for me to bring out the feeder!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Down the hill of winter!

I can feel the days start to get longer, even though it is still cool (although a lot warmer than a few days ago)! That means Spring is coming, although I'm sure Winter will still have a few blows.

It has been a rather unusual winter. We got caught in a 14 " snow storm/blizzard on Christmas Eve in Oklahoma City. We were caught in our motel room (with nothing to eat except some food from the vending machine). It started with frozen rain, then sleet and then snow.

David and Michelann came and got us in their 4-wheel drive Christmas Day and took us over to eat. We still didn't dare drive in the snow. We finally drove some Saturday, but even when I drove to the airport Monday there were still icy spots.

Aliene stayed to help her mother move to Assisted Living. Not a pleasant task.

The birds who had disappeared seemed to have come back to the bird feeder, although the Golden Finches haven't come back. I need to learn more about birds and what they like to eat. One of my "Tu'it"s! (Someone once sent me a round coin marked "Tuit" with an enclosed message it was time to take action since I had " a round tuit".

We have been busy with work and other activities. Aliene is still taking Physical Therapy for her foot. At least she doesn't have any pain. Work has kept me busy and I am still working on learning computer programs and reading when I get a chance!

Angela is going back to school (working on a degree in Theater). She decided to quit at Walgreens, since she felt she needed to concentrate on school. Kali and Katherine are both enjoying school. Kali is learning to play the violin.

I have continued my early morning walk, but the weather and cold have limited my bicycle rides and I can feel not riding the bicycle! Since Aliene is able to go back to the gym now, I do have a chance to ride the stationary bicycle, but it's not the same.

Speaking of "its not the same", the Commercial Appeal (the Memphis daily paper) has a "digital edition" (exact replica of the paper) that I can read on-line. It is nice when I am out of town. Sometimes my "real" paper runs late and I try to read the 'digital edition" here to keep up with my time, but it really just isn't the same. I doubt if I will get a digital book reader in the near future, since it just isn't the same as reading a book. Maybe the Apple "iSlate" or "iPad" or whatever they decide to call it will change my mind. I have read books on my iPhone and it actually isn't too bad.

Hope the good weather continues and Spring weather comes soon!