Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Blueberries and hypertime

I am glad to find that fresh blueberries are available year-round now! Frozen blueberries are ok, but fresh blueberries start my day off much better! I always put them in with my oatmeal in the morning.

I will never understand why time passes so fast in the morning. It seems no matter how much time I should have in the morming, time passes faster! I have heard it described as "hypertime", which is a good description.

This morning, I could swear someone moved the clock up, time went so fast!

I think of the morning as "my time" and maybe that is why it goes so fast. I g et up about 3:30 a.m., and it is time to go to work (7:40 a.m.) before I know it!

Why I enjoy an occasional morning meeting/breakfast out (on workdays), I really enjoy the time to get things done.

I especially like my morning walk. I think that is when I process thoughts and events and try to make some sense out of what is going on and life!

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