Friday, December 21, 2007
Shortest Day of the Year
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Blueberries and hypertime
I will never understand why time passes so fast in the morning. It seems no matter how much time I should have in the morming, time passes faster! I have heard it described as "hypertime", which is a good description.
This morning, I could swear someone moved the clock up, time went so fast!
I think of the morning as "my time" and maybe that is why it goes so fast. I g et up about 3:30 a.m., and it is time to go to work (7:40 a.m.) before I know it!
Why I enjoy an occasional morning meeting/breakfast out (on workdays), I really enjoy the time to get things done.
I especially like my morning walk. I think that is when I process thoughts and events and try to make some sense out of what is going on and life!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Comments from my sister about Christmas reminded me of growing up on a farm when Christmas was waking up early and waiting for my Dad to complete the chores. He always seemed to deliberately take his time, to the frustration of all of us.
Actually, I expect he really did take his time to entend his enjoyment. He grew up in an orphanage (from about the age of 4 or 5) and his Christmas literally was an orange and a chance to visit his sister. (I don't know how much is creative memories and how much is truth, but from what I have read, I expect he was close to the truth and it even might have been more stark than that!
One of my most memorable Christmas memories is walking over to a neighbor's house (it was actually about 3/4 mile, but I remember it as about 1 1/2 miles) and watch a show on tv about Scoorge and the ghosts etc. I left in the dark and ran all of the way home! I vividly remember the show even now.
We would never really start Christmas until my Dad completed the school Christmas program, so our "Christmas" always started late.
Perhaps one of my most enjoyable Christmas experiences was when I was "drafted" as a Santa Claus to deliver presents and food to needly families. I drove around in my Santa constume waving at people and REALLY enjoyed giving the gifts and food and seeing the reaction of the children and adults. Then I came back home and acted as "Santa" to 3 year old daughter-she never recognized me!
Another Christmas-I always look forward to it, but I enjoy the interaction and visiting-pershaps also I still feel a secret little thrill when I open a gift or give a gift I know will be enjoyed! There is nothing better than knowing you have found and given the "perfect gift".
Sunday, December 09, 2007
December 9 2007 Thoughts
76 degrees here today! I have starting my biking again, although I am gradually getting back into it after my skin cancer surgery. I have been back on my walking schedule for some time.
I always expect this time of year (between Thanksgiving and Christmas) to be “slow” and am always surprised when it isn’t! Besides the usual work and personal activities, I am busy with Christmas preparations etc.
I am in a program with the International City Managers Association where I try to keep up to date on municipal management matters. It has been really valuable to me, but it takes a lot of time and I have to send it in by December 31, so it is one more thing!
I am trying to keep up with all of my reading etc. as well as work. I keep planning on learning more about setting and structuring my web page, itunes and iphoto, but …. I do make progress, but I need to use the techniques to keep them fresh.
I haven’t started on my Christmas cards yet, so I’ll get on it, probably next weekend. I have a meeting every day this week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday), so it promises to be a busy week!
Since it gets dark out here so early (around 4:30 p.m.), I am thinking about riding my bike early in the morning, but I don’t know if I can squeeze it in.
Aliene is doing about the same. She is getting back into her exercise routine and has been busy making stuff for Christmas.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
December 2, 2007
64 degrees at 4:00 a.m. this morning. A little windy, but I had a nice walk. I am glad to get back into my exercise program after a short break due to my skin cancer surgery. (The surgery itself was very minor and not any big deal, but keeping the area dry and trying to make sure I didn’t pull apart the stitches was a major hassle! Still haven’t started riding the bike or lifting weights. (I do the stationary bike and situps, but it’s not the same.)
Work remains busy, even though frequently it slows down this time of year (maybe I say that every year!) It seems like there are two or three projects arise to make up for the one I finish! Well, I would rather be too busy than bored!
Everyone is doing ok overall. Aliene is just getting over a bad cold, which I know is miserable. She is glad to get back into her exercise etc. program also. She has decorated the house for the holidays, she always does a good job. The house takes on a “seasonal” look as the year goes by and I enjoy the change.
I am about five books behind on my reading and, as usual, behind on my “thoughts” on the conferences and seminars I have attended as well as books I have read. As part of my designation with the International City Managers Association, I need to submit a report on what I have learned during the year. Although it is time consuming, I enjoy it and I know it helps me retain and use some of the stuff I learn.
I am currently waiting for the local paper (Commercial Appeal) to be delivered. As normal, it is late on Sunday.