Saturday, August 11, 2007

Living it and loving it, Day 2-Summer 2007

85 degrees again this morning. Yesterday it reached 102 degrees. I went biking for about 45 minutes. It’s not as bad as it seems since by the time I went biking (around 5:30 p.m.) it was actually shady in many areas on my ride route. I’ll probably ride earlier today. I have been riding in “the neighborhood” so I can stop if I start to feel overheated.

Just saw a couple from Tennessee on the “ Rest of Everest” podcasts. It is a long slow group of podcasts. I don’t think I could just sit and watch it, but I do enjoy watching it while I working on the computer or reading and picking up the highlights.

During my walk this morning I was thinking how my job is somewhat like a Conductor of a symphony and just now I am reading an article which says that is what a Manager’s job is like.

Crews are pouring the foundation for a nearby house this morning. It is interesting to watch. They seem to pour a lot of foundations on Saturday when the Inspectors aren't around! (The County inspects houses in Lakeland, not the City.)

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