Sunday, March 19, 2006

Where is Spring?

I wait, and wait for the "true" Spring to arrive! Actually, the weather isn't bad, I am just waiting for Spring weather, flowers, greenry etc. to arrive! Sometimes I think March and early April are the worst months, since we normally have some very nice weather, but good (read "warm" or even "hot") weather is not really here yet! At least I know it's coming!

There is great joy in Memphis, as the University of Memphis advanced in the NCAA tournament! I had a conflict when Wichita State University and Tennessee played in the NCAA tournament. (I got my M.A. and Wichita State and I like to see Tennessee win.) I resolved it by being glad for the winner (Wichita State) and sad for Tennessee when it lost.

I am working "on-line" computer courses and discovering stuff I never knew the programs could do! Thus far, I have completed a "Microsoft Outlook" course and am currently working on "Word" and "Excel". Excel has been especially enlightening for what I didn't know!

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