Sunday, November 20, 2005

Sunday, November 20, 2005

The change is weather is confirming that winter is coming! The leaves on the trees are falling off, and the bare limbs are starting to show.

I get a chill when I think that Spring is some time away and even the "shortest day of the year" is over a month away, so it will get dark earlier and earlier for at least a month. Out here, it gets dark earlier than Oklahoma City, about an hour earlier. I get used to it, but it doesn't mean I have to like it! I do like the fact that it gets light an hour earlier.

I am now starting to yearn for Spring and the new leaves, grass and flowers. At least the holiday season is always nice. I like the holiday music, the gathering with family and friends etc. I still don't like buying gifts (well, I LOVE buying the right gift, but the right gift is hard to find and I get too worried about buying the right gift. Fortuately, Aliene understands, and my family is resigned to it.)

The season is still a novelty. I get really tired of it around February and usually want to take a vacation somewhere warm and sunny. One of these years I will do that!

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