64 degrees this morning 67% humidity
Wonderful day yesterday, sunny, low humidity (for this area). Looks like the next week is going to be great weather.
Walk this morning, 23:41 minutes, 20 seconds slower than my goal. Strange I didn’t really notice much difference (while I am walking) between the 1 minute 19 seconds slower than my goal yesterday and the 20 seconds slower than my goal today! Such is life.
Another “quarantine” day. Breakfast at “curbside” and then took it hone to eat. Went through the Starbucks take out window and we “starbucks” on our back patio in the wonderful weather!
Picked up our Library books “curbside” with all parties wearing masks!
Listening to the “Great Course” on “Confucius, Buddha, Jesus and Mohammad” during my walk. Based on my very limited knowledge, I was thinking Confucius philosophy was living life to the fullest on earth, while Buddha’s philosophy was ignoring life on earth. An oversimplification I am sure, just my take-away on what I listened too.
When the last day of the month is on the weekend, it is always easy to psychologically think of yourself as being in the next month. This entire weekend, I am thinking it is already June, since June 1 is Monday.
Our experience Friday night have stopped any thoughts of going to a restaurant to eat inside for the near future anyway.
We ordered some cloth masks, they are n’there yet. Fortunately back in December when I had bronchitis, we bought some masks, so we had some available. We have gotten to the point we wear a mask even when we pick up food on the curb or at Starbucks. No use risking it now.
One of the strange results of this period, I read that they couldn’t sell new cars, so they are giving substantial “deals” to people with good credit , etc. Then I read where new cars are scarce since they aren’t manufacturing any new cars right now! I haven’t reconciled the two stories yet. I assume it is that certain cars aren’t available even if overall they are plentiful.
Still debating the “regular” alarm system vs. the “Nest” alarm system. No doubt really that the Nest alarm system is probably the best assuming we can get someone to keep working on it. Just hard to pull the trigger on the decision.
I hate the open ended “contracts” of most security companies that is usually a one-sided contract. Some of them have “renewal” clauses as early as a year before the contract expires, that if you don’t cancel it automatically renews for 1 year or 3 years. That ought to be required to be in huge bright read letters!
It seems fairer to sell you the products and charge only for the “alarm service," as the Nest does, and not basically charge you again and again for the equipment they sold you at the very first, if you keep the service for more than 3 years.
In Memphis, we had outstanding monitoring for around $119 a year, so most security companies are grossly overcharging, in my opinion. Of course they are welcome to charge what they want, it is up to me to “buyer beware”.
Really, it is just what equipment I need for the Nest security system which I need to decide, unless the “regular” alarm company will reduce their rates after 3 years.
That’s it for now, Sunday, May 31, 2020.