Saturday, November 30, 2019

2019 Fall November 30 Saturday


48 degrees this morning, 97% humidity.  

Yesterday was a continuation of miserable wind and cold.  Since my cold was still somewhat present that didn’t really affect me too much, since I stayed inside most of the day.  

Had a nice brief visit with a relative who was coming through.

Sun is supposed to return today, although along with high winds.  Supposed to get into the 70’s, I can take the wind.  

Been reading about “tips” lately and how the request for “tips” has exploded.  It does seem strange to see “tip jars” in retail stores that don’t provide any services other than handing you something and owners asking  for tips instead of just charging fair prices, when the only “service” is the normal sales transaction.  

I have read both sides from a writer who argued you should always tip at least 20% or more, as nothing else as a “transfer of resources” (not quite sure if I understand that) and that tips no longer relate to service (obvious), to the concept that the tipping system is a rip-off, extortion and just an added tax that is unannounced.  

Of course, I don’t mind helping the workers, but I wander why the millionaire owners of a business can’t pay their employees enough that they need to get tips.  I see a “merger” where billions of dollars are paid and then the workers can’t be paid decently.  

Apparently there is a trend to view the subtle and unsubtle demands for tips as basically extortion or an unannounced fee or tax that is added.  

I continue to tip, I normally don’t resent it, as long as it is related in some way to a service. 

I think I just consider it be a system that has developed that probably should be changed (owners should pay reasonable wages and not expect customers to support their wages, the tips should be additional)

I know the current law allows servers who “normally” receive tips to receive actual salaries of as low as  $2.00 or so as long as it is supplemented by tips to at least the minimum wage.  Of course, in my experience I know some businesses neglect to pay the difference if tips don’t bring the “salaries” up to the minimum wage.  

I deeply resent any business that “keeps” any tips received by workers and try to never shop or eat there if it is proven that they keep “excess” tips.  That is sheer robbery.  

That is one reason I hate to put tips on my credit card, but I have to assume the tips do go to the workers. 

I assume such a system will always be unfair to someone.

Aliene is going though the seasonal change to decorating for Christmas in the house.  Depending on the weather, we will put out some outside decorations.  Not much, just enough to recognize and celebrate the season.  

That’s it for now, Saturday, November 30, 2019.  


Friday, November 29, 2019

2019 November 29 Friday


  42 Degrees this morning, 98% humidity, showers

Yesterday cold and rainy all day, weather-wise a miserable day.  

However it was good day as far a day goes as we had a family Thanksgiving Dinner with good food, good people and good conversation!  Overall an excellent day in that sense.  

I continue to feel much better, although I’m probably at about 75%.  I woke with a “frog in my throat from coughing, but I felt so much better and don’t have any of the other symptoms.  

Anyway, I am ready for my normal life to resume, I am tired of feeling sick. I realize it’s not always my decision, but I’ll do my best.

Great feeling to have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day and new 3 more days of Holiday/weekends.  I never have a problem filling the time, although sometimes there are so many possibilities it is hard to make a decision!  Other times the decisions just happen.

I did note the numerous “Black Friday deals," mainly the ones dealing with devices , etc. It made the new 10.9” iPad that I had already decided was best for me very tempting, except that if I really don’t need it, it really isn’t a savings. 

Probably I won’t get one before the next upgrade anyway, although of course my iPad could go out tomorrow.

Waiting on the MacBook Air cost me about $70 (the difference in trade in values), but it was good insurance against  buying a computer that was obsolete in 3 months.  

Actually, my old MacBook Air, according to an after market Apple repair place would have cost almost $700 to repair, which I kind of question, but it definitely made the decision.  (the “o” key had stuck).

It was excellent as far as the body and screen , etc., which I assume was all they cared about since they gut them and rebuild them.  (Or it may have just been a discount and they recycle it.  The new MacBook Air is recycled aluminum).  

I really debated buying an “iPad Pro” with a keyboard that would have given me the best of both worlds (basically the power I need with  touch screen), but I was a little concerned I wasn’t quite ready to go that route.  

I also considered the MacBook Pro, but that seemed a lot more than I needed, plus I really like the MacBook Pro, but I liked the size of the Air and I don’t really need the power of the Pro.  

I was a little disappointed in the number of connections, but I couldn’t remember the last time I used them!  

As far as other “Black Friday” items, I really don’t need anything that I could save enough to really make it worth while to get out in the crowds.  

I am trying to avoid buying anything I may not need, think I might need but know I won’t use immediately or that is a hassle to own due to size or maintenance!  (other than electronic devices of course)!

I do desperately need an office chair, but Black Friday isn’t probably the best time to look for them!  Or this weekend for that matter.  

Today is my Granddaughter Kali’s 20th Birthday.  How time does fly! 

Hope all had a nice Thanksgiving, Christmas is only 3 weeks away and 2020 is only 4 weeks away!

That’s it for now, Friday, November 29, 2019.  


Thursday, November 28, 2019

2019 Fall November 28 Thursday


38 Degrees this morning 86% humidity, raining 

Weather yesterday was a little uneven, cold and then warmed up.  Supposedly today is is supposed to rain and be in the side 30’s today.  
I started the medicine for the cold and it seemed to start working about 3:00 p.m.  I don’t know if it was only the medicine, but it doesn’t matter.   I need to remember I’m the future to go get medical help as soon as possible.  

I could really tell the difference from when I was feeling bad to when I started feeling better.  There is nothing better than feeling good after feeling bad for a while!

I realize now how bad I felt since Sunday morning through  mid-afternoon yesterday. 

We are actually very lucky regarding the medical care in this area.  There are actually choices and most of the choices are good.  

Probably the alternatives to the “emergency room” visits are the best.  The one we went to is called “convenient care”  (mostly you can see a Medical person who can treat minor colds , etc., without an appointment), “minor emergency," which I assume means just that and then some other alternatives.

Overall, the convenient care facilities have been excellent, which is good since we feel comfortable going in if we have too.

Also, the Doctors , etc., in the hospital we use have been very good overall.  

Thanksgiving Day is here, so of course it is cold and rainy.  Just the ticket for energized children who have to stay inside due to the weather!  Snow would actually probably be better in this case, except then no-one could come!

Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays for a number of reasons. (However, ALL holidays are good!)  I have good memories about Thanksgiving and I always look forward to it.

I think the fact It is always a 4-day Holiday is nice, and also the weather is normally fairly good.  

Also, quite frankly, there is no pressure regarding presents , etc., it is just a day of visiting and thanks and enjoyment.   Having a pass on eating too much is also nice!

I am glad I am probably going to be feeling fairly well over the Holiday.  Nothing worse than being sick on a holiday!

Not sure when I can resume exercise.  I started thinking about it yesterday afternoon, although I will need to wait until my coughing reduces.  

Other than that, I intend on enjoying the Thanksgiving Holiday, starting with the family gathering today.  I don’t get involved in “Black Friday” shopping, except in limited circumstances. 

That’s it for now, Thursday, November 28, 2019.


Wednesday, November 27, 2019

2019 Fall November 27 Wednesday


34 degrees this morning, feels like 24, 70% humidity 

Weather yesterday started out to be beautiful, but suddenly changed about 5 p.m. as the wind came up and the temperature dropped. Not pleasant at all, the wind just make the cold pierce though.  

Spent yesterday as an “office day” so I wouldn’t infect anyone or make my cold worse.

Went to what they call a “Convenient Care” medical facility last night for my cold.  Basically  you can see a medical person who can handle minor colds , etc.  We have found it to indeed be “convenient” and very helpful.  

Hopefully some of the medicine will assist in recovering from my cold.  

I will be ready!  I am very tired of being sick, of sleeping all the time, coughing , etc.  

Got another scam call purporting to be from “Apple Support”.  I understand there are some e-mails also  that if you closely look you could find it wasn’t from Apple Support.  

I have started assuming every e-mail or phone call I get is a scam, until it is proved different.   

The calls from the persons purporting to be from the FBI (or whatever) are so bad they are almost funny, but unfortunately  they have scammed persons out of a lot of money.  

Today is the last day before a four day holiday.  Sometimes today feels like Friday, other times it just seems like a fast work week!

Signing off early today, get some extra sleep to help me get over this cold!

That’s it for now, Wednesday, November 27


Tuesday, November 26, 2019

2019 Fall November 26 Tuesday


42 degrees this morning 82% humidity 

Generally nice day yesterday, a little cool.  I didn’t notice it because I was feeling the results of a cold and stayed in as much as possible. Fortunately starting to feel better. 

Not sure if it is good or bad I caught the cold on a weekend.  I really hate “calling in sick," but have decided I need to do that, certainly anytime I may spread a germ to someone else.  

One thing about feeling even slightly sick is that you realize how good you felt when are feeling well, which fortunately is most of the time.  

I started reading a good novel, not sure if I would have read it if I had been feeling better, since I probably would have decided to use my time in another way.  Anyway, I am hooked now and will finish it.  

I really never know anymore what type of novel or non-fiction I will enjoy.  I used to hate stopping a book, now I probably tend to give up too soon.  

The one I am reading now is kind of a mystery, although it is more than that.  

Thanksgiving this week, which means I have Thursday and Friday off.  Hopefully I will be well so I can enjoy the Holiday end not have to use the time to recover!  Actually I feel fairly well right now, with occasional coughing.  

I think one thought I always have when I get sick, have to spend time calling about health insurance or a problem , etc., is I hate to use the time on this.  

We have learned that many medical supply companies are literally thieves and we will certainly never (and strongly recommend no one) allow a company to talk you into “automatic ordering” or giving a credit card “just for deductibles”.  

You may as well open your house to a thief and invite them to come in and rip you off, because they will do it.  It is a scam with the insurance companies participating in it. 

We have learned to never authorize “automatic payments” to a credit card (the credit card will refuse to back you for a fraudulent charge, no matter what they tell you about “no liability for fraudulent charges”.  

That’s it for now, Tuesday, November 26, 2019. 


Monday, November 25, 2019

2018 Fall November 25 Monday


 39 degrees this  morning, 85% Humidity 

Yesterday was actually fairly nice.  However, I didn’t even go outside (except to get the papers) since I had a lot of congestion and coughing , etc., all day.

Basically set around all day, slept, read , etc.     Tried to avoid coughing etc, drank hot tea , etc. 

I’m sure I won’t be in the Field for work tomorrow as I had planned but I should be able to do an Office Day.  

The series “Press had a segment about how they handled the government having the capacity to monitor ANY cell phone, smart tv , etc..  The intent was to monitor for terrorist threats , etc.  

In the series  they decide that is ok and they don’t print about the program.  Certainly what I have seen the past few years, obviously it would be abused and used for personal gain.  

Ditto with “mind reading," by chance on 60 minutes.  It is scary to think how it would be abused.  Perhaps they should be concentrating on how individuals could block it rather than how they can “read” minds.  

Watched a documentary about how “undocumented” children (and adults) are treated.  It is shameful. Especially when you read about how “for profit” companies are ripping off tax $ big time for poor care.  

I certainly don’t have the answers to the problem, but it seems like they could show some dignity and respect.

Read where there are going to be a lot of “dark money” attack ads spewing the hate and lies of the lying coward lunatic.  (One in this area.)

Hopefully the “dark money” ads will backfire and bring out more people to vote against the lies and hate of who it is that has too much money.  Probably “laundered” money from illegal activities or ripping off taxpayers.  

What is especially galling is that these organizations are “tax exempt” organizations, which is insane, 

As an example of the corruption, a “Senator” in this state has a million dollar vacation house on a  taxpayer (federal/state) funded lake and has a boat and airplane that he likes to drive and fly around the lake.  

Anyway, without regard to how he got money like that on a salary of $150,000 a year or whatever, he attempted to pass a law that will flood out the surrounding residents so he can come to his vacation home and have “high water” to use his boat and airplane!  

Of course, this Senator is one of those clowns that are always complaining about “government regulation” government welfare and of course that is the first thing he tries to do, slipping a section in a bill where he can keep the water high so he can use his boat and plane while flooding out nearby residents.  

He has also taken to spewing out the same type of garbage on Facebook as the lying coward lunatic including outright lies and nasty playground taunts. 

He has definitely been in office too long and needs to retire or “be retired”!

That’s it for now, Monday, November 25, 2019.  


Sunday, November 24, 2019

2019 Fall November 24 Sunday


 33 degrees this morning, (feels like 28) 90 %humidity 

Yesterday was cool first part of the day, a rather unpleasant cold. Today it is supposed to get up to 70 degrees.  Since it is 33 degrees now, it will have to change quite a bit.  

Strange event, I happened to check my e-mail to see exactly what time the “Skills” seminar for the MacBook Air.  I found an e-mail dated 11-20-19 saying the seminar had been cancelled.  I though it was rather strange so I called up and they advised me it was still on.

Anyway I got there and the Seminar had been canceled, no instructors around that could teach , etc.  

Rather strange, especially since I had called and talked with a person and was advised it was own!

I was disappointed since I need to learn a lot bout the settings , etc., but I rescheduled.  When I got back I realized they had scheduled me for “Mac, part II," not part I which I need to do first. 

Didn’t feel great this morning, not really sick, just feel like I’m a little tired and congested.   Felt that way most of the day, 

Feel ok this morning, except again that borderline feeling of I may have, or am developing a “cold” and cough.  

Whenever I get a cold, I always feel this sense of dread that for at least 7 days I won’t feel good and will not feel good no matter what I do.  It also means I have to be careful about exercising outside, especially in 33 degree weather. 

Yesterday I sat in the sauna for a while, hoping that would help.  Actually that (the sauna) has helped the past, I get hot and then jump into the swimming pool, which actually does seem to help.  (I didn’t jump into the swimming pool yesterday.) 

Otherwise I just drink lots of water and gatorade and try to rest as much as possible and hope I don’t feel worse.

I was thinking it was a lot colder this year than past years.  I checked 11-23-18 and found the morning temperature had been 53 degrees and I thought “point made, it is a colder Fall”.  But then I checked 11-15-18 and found I had been 28 degrees in the morning.  

I guess Winter is Winter and I just have to deal with the cold weather, colds, coughing and congestion!  It could be worse, at least I don’t have a lot of snow to deal with , etc., or extremely cold weather.  I may consider it extreme, but it really isn’t!

That’s it for now, Sunday, November 24, 2019.


Saturday, November 23, 2019

2019 Fall Novembrer 23 Saturday


36 degrees this morning, feels like 30 degrees, 82% humidity 

Weather yesterday was cold, some rain. Although it was cold (around 38 degrees) there wasn’t any wind later on in the day, so it wasn’t really that bad.  I had a “field day” but it really wasn’t that bad.

Weekend is here, then 3 short days and a 4 day weekend!  Work week went fast and I’m sure the holidays will also.  Soon, 2020 will be here.

Going to the Apple store for the “MacBook Skill” tomorrow.  I have a lot to ask them!  I will hopefully clear up some of the basic items, and probably have to go again to really pick up on more items after I have used it some more.

Today I used the “Google Maps” and the “Apple Maps” and found the “Apple Maps” were much better, at least for this specific building.  

If I had used the Google Maps, it would have taken me longer to find the building.  While the Google maps provided a picture of the building, the actual map and address were very confusing.

Apple Maps showed me a much clearer picture of the building and where it was and the location.  

Google Maps have always been pretty good, but in this case Apple Maps was much better.  

While I learned a lot about the “apps” (calendar, Notes and Apple Maps , etc.), I want to take the seminar skills again so I can pick up on the items I have questions on.  Eventually I may learn everything I need to know to use them effectively!

If nothing else, I will prepare a list of questions and use a “personal project” period to get answers to them and learn how to effectively use them!

I wish they had a class in “Evernote," so I could use that more effectively.  

Watching the series “Press” about two newspapers.  It was interesting to watch it (more of the rational newspaper with all of its faults and positive activities of 20 years ago) and realize how things have changed.  

Actually the show is set more or less in the present (they both have on-line editions and the print edition is losing readership , etc.).

Changes have been not just “social media," but the way the “news media” is no longer a “neutral” reporter, but a part of the story and an active voice for a policy, person or concept instead of just neutral reporting of the news.

When I took journalism in college that that was the main standard.  

One quote caught my attention, when a reporter tells an Editor the staff “is just telling you want you want to hear," not the actual situation.  

Where have I heard that before!  

That’s it for now, Saturday, November 23, 2019.


Friday, November 22, 2019

2019 Fall November 22 Friday


38 degrees this morning, 94% humidity.  

Yesterday it was around 64 degrees when I got up.  By 9:00 a.m. the temperature had dropped to 48 degrees.  Continued to be  miserable day, cold wind, misting , etc.

Exercise this morning (before the really nasty weather), Walk 28:24 minutes, pace 28 seconds slower than goal.

When I am driving sometimes I start to wonder “where are all of these people [coming or going)  There are literally hundreds of cars at almost any time of the day or night.  

It would be interesting to survey a sample of motorists to document where they are going and whether it Is for personal or work.

I also ponder whether they are happy, sad or mad.  Or all three!

Weather is supposed to be cold and rainy over the next couple of days.  Sometimes I say I would almost prefer it snow rather to rain hard, but I don’t really think so.  Wednesday I started back in a modest rain.  It wasn’t all that bad, but I still drive watchfully.  

So far today it has just been a light sprinkle most of the afternoon.  

Have to comment on the lying coward lunatic calling his “political enemies” 
“human scum”.  At least he knows what “scum”is since he is definitely scum. How can anyone believe anything this lying coward lunatic says, and how can they support his juvenile crass behavior?  It is sickening.

Also read how he is stealing millions of tax $ by using expensive jets and helicopters to promote his bankrupt insect ridden “resorts” and then  extort millions in tax $ for “rooms and meals” for the secret service , etc.  He ought to be jailed for theft for that.  How his coward toadies , etc., can defend him and cover  for that is difficult if not impossible. 

Listening to Spanish tapes during my walk and practicing my pronunciation while I walk.  I am actually doing ok until I try it in real life.  Actually I haven’t tried to speak it in real life yet, but I listen to Spanish being spoken and obviously don’t hardly understand anything but an occasional word.  

I figure if I get to a place where I have to use it, at least I will be able to make the basics understandable. 

Strange dream this morning, Thursday, November 20, 2019,:

Dreamed going to Washing DC for some reason.  In a small van. On the way we  had to lay down crossways and rode  in the small van or station wagon. 

We got to Washington DC and the driver was a very bad driver.  He kept making wrong turns and knocking sign posts down.  The streets were very narrow and crowded.

We stopped someplace and I went to make a phone call and got left behind when I couldn’t find my way back.  I couldn’t find my group.

Then I tried to remember the hotel we were going to and couldn’t remember what hotel we were going too.  

I couldn’t  find a phone book and for some reason didn’t ask since I was in a very luxurious hotel and didn’t want to admit I couldn’t remember the name of the other hotel

For some reason I was carrying around a kind of cloth box with several items in it and it ripped on one corner.

Seemed like a very long dream. 

I woke up before finding out anything.  One of those dreams it took a while to realize it was only a dream.

That’s it for now, Friday, November 22, 2019.


Thursday, November 21, 2019

2i019 Fall November 21 Thursday


65 degrees this morning, 90% humidity

Yesterday was relatively warm for this time of year, but relatively high wind, rain.  Rain but not near as much rain as I expected anyway. 

Exercise yesterday, Swim, 17:50 minutes

Doctor appointment yesterday morning.  One reason I didn’t walk (plus the wind and possible rain).

Seeing my weight yesterday made me decide to start watching my food intake again!  I don’t like to go on “diets” as such.  I have found the best way for me to lost/maintain weight is to watch my carbs.   

I don’t get carried away with it, I just trying to avoid carbs, or at least the “fast carbs” like bread and potatoes, or at least minimize them.  I will need to limit pancakes!  

I have found it is best not to necessarily “eliminate” anything, but rather to minimize carbs and “fat” food, or rather food with fat in it.

Time to bring up “My Fittness Pal” and start keeping track of everything I eat again!  It is more difficult than it sounds.  

I may simply start a file in “notes” and keep track.  It’s not the calories as much as what I eat, if that makes any sense.  I can pretty well guess at the calories (unfortunately).

The Apple Watch is somewhat of a surprise in the number of health apps/functions it has.  Heart rate, quality of sleep , etc.  The “falling” function (it automatically calls 9-1-1 if it detects a fall and you don’t cancel the call). I believe it has some specialized heart analysis functions that I’m not familiar with.  

I have been following up on the seminar on “skills” for the iPhone , etc.  As always, not as much as I expected I would, but I at least have a much better knowledge of what the iPhone (specifically the Note, Reminder and Calendar apps) is capable of.  

Researching the vacation we will be going on in the near future.  As always, the more I learn, the more I find there is to learn and the more I realize what I don’t know

The same is true of almost anything, including computer programs, apps , etc. 

It is a little like the game of Bridge, it is easy to learn the basics, but very hard to get good at it. 

Today is exactly one month from the first day of Winter.   I am sure the time will go fast and it will suddenly be 2020.  

That’s it for now, Thursday, November 21, 2019.


Wednesday, November 20, 2019

2019 Fall November 20 Wednesday


 63 degrees this morning, 63% humidity

Yesterday started off cool (44 degrees), but warmed to 76 degrees, really a beautiful day.  Hopefully there will be many more like it!

Walk yesterday, 27:44 minutes, 2 seconds slower than goal.

Supposed to start raining this afternoon and continue tomorrow.  Some bad weather (snow, sleet), but not in this area at least hopefully.

Winter in 2019 will start on 10:19 p.m., Saturday, December 21, so it is still over a month until Winter starts.  Then there is still another three months until Spring!

Reading about how the internet, smart phones , etc., affect people and society. I expect in more ways than we expect. 

I was just thinking what it would have been like for me to grow up with the internet, 24 hour tv, smart phones, terrorists , etc.  I expect a little overwhelming, except that that would have been my life as I knew it.  

One article  I read was rather intriguing, it was an article that (predictive) algorithms aren’t always really that correct, so many people change their behavior , etc., to comply with the prediction of the algorithm, so it is basically a self fulfilling prophecy.  

I don’t have anything against algorithms as such, I think they can be very helpful. When they start predicting the behavior or people, the future trend of stocks or who will win in a sports event, I expect they have gone beyond their capacity to really predict. Or at least I hope they have.  

Of course, I did also read yesterday that soon “they” (who knows who “they” are) will be actually able to “read” hour thoughts, or at least what they think your thoughts are.  As usual, sometimes it just doesn’t work like predicted, and what they are think they are “reading” is not correct.  

I don’t personally like the idea of “reading minds," I’m sure someone will find a way to abuse it and misuse it.

“1984” seems closer and closer with GPS, television, and now the actual “election”  of a rigid, blatant criminal as President who will abuse anything for his personal gain and even abuses children of migrants etc   The disaster in Puerto Rico where he held disaster aid because his childish feelings were hurt is a case in point.  

Anyway, it is scary to think of the lying coward lunatic having such tools at his disposal and the lack of ethics by his incompetent staff.  

I was surprised (will not really) his Press Secretary even told a blatant lie about how Obama staff left nasty notes , etc.,  which even the lunatic didn’t support.  How does an incompetent blatant liar keep a job like that?   Of course, she works for one.  

I really don’t like to even think about those clowns, but not saying anything when they are  display such blatant criminal behavior, gross lies anyone knows are lies and abuses the power of the federal government I have to say something about my reaction to it. 

It is very scary to even think of the lunatic actually even has any chance at all of being not be impeached and convicted, and jailed, much less actually get re-elected. 

Trying to read some novels, my problem is if I read a good one, I can’t recheck it from the library so I don’t have time to read it.  Actually I did read Stephen King’s latest book in the allotted 3 weeks, but that included vacation time and some time on a plane when I could read a lot.  Technically I could keep it and pay the fine (a maximum of $3.00), but I don’t quite feel right doing that.  

That’s it for now, Wednesday, November 20, 2019.  
